And yes, it is a gaming machine. I didn't realise it had 2 ethernet ports - I'm really not sure what I'm going to do with the other one. Especially as it's apparently 2.5Mb rather than 1Mb so it's not like the router would like having it plugged in. I'm pretty sure it was overpriced as it was the only range on the shops that hadn't sold out...
So the network things I have got are:
1st Interface - 2.5Mb ethernet
2nd Interface - 1Mb ethernet <=== which is the one that is connected
3rd Interface - wireless
So I had to go to the configuration and type in the 2nd ethernet adapter name.
I went and looked at the log and it contains this error:
Code: Select all
ActiveNet.dll: Name=Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (2) I225-V invalid; adapter not found (Gadgets\Network Meter\Network Meter.ini - [MeasureEthernetStatus])
After a long hard look, that wasn't (quite) the same name as the name that task manager had for the interface (it said 'Connector') and I changed it to match and now it's working fine sorry. I did think I'd put it in correctly because it started showing the receive and transmit rates graphs (which were 0 for the default interface)