tjhrulz wrote: ↑September 8th, 2017, 9:03 pm
Do you want the mp3 or the page? Because returning the URL the page is currently on is easy and I would be willing to add but returning the URL of the song itself for several of these is not possible with the current implementation because they have safeties to prevent getting that easily.
Hello! A huge thanks to you and Keifufu for all your work. I know that this discussion is quite old, but I was curious if you were still planning to add the URL of the page (like the youtube page it is on, not the song itself) that it is on. We can still webparse it from the other Webnowplaying info and set the URL to empty when a desktop player is used, though it doesn't retrieve the right URL all the time if it is not precise enough or if they contain some special characters that make the search parsing fail.
The other problem with parsing is that URL is updated at a different time compared to Webnowplaying. As we use other Webnowplaying info to parse it, the URL is updated once Webnowplaying measures are updated, and when it has webparsed again, so there is a slight delay. This, combined with the fact that WebParser uses UpdateRate and Webnowplaying uses UpdateDivider, makes it very difficult to update all pieces of information at the exact same time when we need to use them together or in a complex way in a skin, especially with OnUpdateActions, ActionTimer or InputText from what I have tested.
This is why I am curious about this, I think it could solve those problems, and as I saw someone who wanted to parse info like view counts or other stuff from specific sites, it could also simplify this, as we could directly use the URL from Webnowplaying to webparse those pieces of information. This could open a wider scale of possibilities.
Again, a huge thanks for making this plugin it is such a life savior.