jsmorley wrote: ↑July 10th, 2021, 12:37 pm
While I'm not by default one of those who instantly says "How do I get the old behavior? New is BAD!", and many things you will actually find make a lot of sense once you get used to them, not always...
True enough. Like the unsymmetrical centered taskbar. And no refresh in context menu(only on desktop).
But apart from a few shortcomings, I would say it's a rather good change.
death.crafter wrote: ↑July 10th, 2021, 1:16 pm
True enough. Like the unsymmetrical centered taskbar. And no refresh in context menu(only on desktop).
But apart from a few shortcomings, I would say it's a rather good change.
Before it's all over, there will be hacks and tweaks out there for almost everything that you don't like. There is an army of sleepless pencil-necked geeks out there right now digging into all this.
I'm all for Windows 11. It's really about time they did a deep dive into making things more secure, reliable, faster, and more device independent. Microsoft doesn't have any kind of track-record on really doing cosmetics well, they are the anti-Apple on that, but I'm not hating the new look. In my view, Windows 11 is really about "under the covers" for the most part. The user-facing interface changes are kinda secondary for me, and as long as they don't screw it up completely, I'll get along with it.
death.crafter wrote: ↑July 11th, 2021, 6:19 pm
I don't have a single idea about what happened but Rainmeter context menus are always rounded now in my pc.
Maybe the language bar was preventing the rounded context menus in Rainmeter? Better make a backup now, before they get sharp again...
Joking aside, good thing you got it working now.
Yincognito wrote: ↑July 11th, 2021, 8:27 pm
Maybe the language bar was preventing the rounded context menus in Rainmeter? Better make a backup now, before they get sharp again...
Joking aside, good thing you got it working now.
Lol may be. That's last thing I did before restarting.
death.crafter wrote: ↑July 11th, 2021, 11:07 pm
Lol may be. That's last thing I did before restarting.
Yeah, you know, that might just be about restarting. I've been in this situation too, trying all sorts of things to make something work, and then "out of the blue" those started to work after a while. In those situations, apart from all the attempts I made, the only thing being different when stuff began to work were that a couple of restarts happened in the meantime.