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Change the Color / Picture in the Backgrounds of Folders

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Change the Color / Picture in the Backgrounds of Folders

Post by iUnify »

I would like to take a step back to Windows 98... remember how you could change the color of a background or add a picture to the background of a Window in Windows?

Well- I have seen other things... IESHWIZ.exe was used in win98 and I guess you can download that and use it in Vista... it works but not right.

I have heard about other programs... and I think it can be done in a visual style. :?:

BUT i have no idea how to do this. My main task is to change the background of my windows to something neutral. maybe slanted lines in dark blue... maybe creme... very neutral but something that makes looking at all the BLANK WHITE SPACE easier on the eyes. I would like to also be able to put pictures as backgrounds if I so choose on certain folders. It's be nice for things like Music folders to put the picture of the band as the background to the folder.

Anyways.... who knows what I can do? If it is a visual style I'd like it to be blue and creme so that's gonna be hard to find something so exact unless it's custom made... I don't know how to do that. And, can I edit a style easily?

It has been suggested to me to use a visual style that suites my Rainmeter setup... well, I don't know any good ones for vista.

:idea: Thanks for the suggestions! :idea:
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Re: Change the Color / Picture in the Backgrounds of Folders

Post by shiraz07 »

This program is free & a cinch to use.Use a wallpaper as background to any folder or a colour you specify...
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Re: Change the Color / Picture in the Backgrounds of Folders

Post by Alex2539 »

It looks like that one only supports XP. Vista users would have to use something like this program. I don't have Vista so I can't test it out for you, but it was the first result in a Google search for "change vista folder background" ;).
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Re: Change the Color / Picture in the Backgrounds of Folders

Post by iUnify »

OK Guys... thanks a bunch for replying. Here is what I got. I have tried Ave's Desktop Tools before. ( This one, as well as using ESHWIZ.exe from win98 both just screwed everything up. They both look like they are going to be great, but no go. I also found one more thing to accomplish this. It was a registry change. I found it somewhere. I wonder if there is another that would work and this one just didn't .

All 3 programs bring up an option in your context menu "Customize this Folder" or the Registry entry allowed you to name it however you want and that as well would appear in the context menu. Than the last put an option in Tools > Folder Options. All of these options actually allowed me to put pictures and one or two to use solid colors (and change text color) but they screwed up the folder. Other parts of the folder never looked the same or couldn't be read or not open properly.

I have even see a file you place in the folder that you want to change and change it to a ' hidden file' but this one didn't work right either.

Doesn't this seem like a simple task? I just don't get it- why is it so difficult to so something so straight forward- something that was done in Win98 - 12 years ago for gods sake.

Well fellas, I dunno. I have seen some themes that changed the folder backgrounds but 1. I cannot edit these files, I don't know how. 2. I saw a theme one time (or vista style, whatever they are called) that was so close to what I wanted I couldn't complain a word- but I forget what happened- I couldn't get the theme to work or something- it was long ago.

Well- :idea: SOMEONE FIGURE THIS OUT :idea: , WILL YA!?!??! Ha- I bet the answer is ridiculously easy- all I know is the first 10 pages of Google don't seem to give me anything usable on a few different ways of phrasing a search on it.

Thanks again guys for helping out.
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Re: Change the Color / Picture in the Backgrounds of Folders

Post by bhadkow »

i can b done simply making an ini file in the folder ., it has the location to your picture n 3 lines of code....

i once found it in this forum...

searchin.... will reply wen i find it....
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Re: Change the Color / Picture in the Backgrounds of Folders

Post by Alex2539 »

If you're thinking of the dektop.ini file, then you should know that it only works in Windows XP. Again, Vista is left out.
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Re: Change the Color / Picture in the Backgrounds of Folders

Post by bhadkow »

Alex2539 wrote:If you're thinking of the dektop.ini file, then you should know that it only works in Windows XP. Again, Vista is left out.
didn't know dat.... anyways am not much fond of it.....
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Re: Change the Color / Picture in the Backgrounds of Folders

Post by iUnify »

Yea, that was another I was once used but it wasn't that great as you said Bhadkow. But thanks for trying.

And Alex, I appreciate you keeping up on the OS info! ;)

Well - bed time for me - it's toooo late, once again. But first, SNACK... wait... no food. Damnit. :x ........... :cry: ......... :| ............ :roll: ....... :oops: ........ :shock: ............. :ugeek: = 8-)
