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Dutch (Netherlands)

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Re: Dutch (Netherlands)

Post by BudsieBuds »

Yeah, change it to "Plug-ins".

To be consistent, also change:
(inclusief weergaven, thema's, invoegtoepassingen, registerinstellingen en menu Start items)
to this:
(inclusief weergaven, thema's, plug-ins, registerinstellingen en menu Start items)
You might want to change the Dutch status in the "Translation Status and Updates" topic.
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Re: Dutch (Netherlands)

Post by suigeneris »

Just installed Rainmeter and saw that you guys needed a translation so here you go, a Dutch translation for this post .

Send information about computer (checkbox)
Dutch: Verzend informatie over de computer.

Your computer's Windows version, language, and hardware capabilities will be reported once during installation to improve Rainmeter. No personal information will be sent. (label)
Dutch: Uw computers window versie, taal en hardware capaciteiten worden eenmalig gerapporteerd tijdens de installatie om Rainmeter te verbeteren. Geen enkele persoonlijke informatie wordt verzonden.

Install 64-bit version (checkbox)
Dutch: Installeer de 64-bit versie

Welcome to Rainmeter (notification title)
Dutch: Welkom bij Rainmeter.

Click on the Rainmeter icon to manage skins and settings. (notification text)
Dutch: Klik op het Rainmeter icoon om "huiden"(can remain skins for consistency) en instellingen te beheren.

Click here to download Rainmeter 2.3. (notification text)
Dutch: Hier klikken om Rainmeter 2.3. te downloaden.

Thank you for a great program.
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Re: Dutch (Netherlands)

Post by BudsieBuds »

Already translated those, the post that says those translations are needed, is dated.
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Re: Dutch (Netherlands)

Post by Brian »

Hi dvo!

Thank you for the new translations, however, since the release of Rainmeter 4.0, there are a few more translations needed before we can add the dutch language back.

New Skin dialog strings:

Once Dutch is 100% complete, it will be included with Rainmeter, and we will update the languages for the 4.0 build as well.

dvo wrote:ps why change skin to ''weergaven'' just keep skin and not many diffrent translations once it's ''weergaven'' or ''huiden''.
I am not sure if this was directed to the previous translators, or the Rainmeter developers.
According to the link at the bottom of this post, it suggests the dutch word for skin is: weergave

Here is the direct link:
Obviously the translations from Microsoft are not always correct, and we will use whatever you think is the best translation.

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Re: Dutch (Netherlands)

Post by Brian »

Hi dvo.

I apologize for not being very clear about what I need from you. The .dll file you posted here seems to have all the strings translated, however, that .dll is a compiled library and I cannot extract all the strings that need to be updated. When we build the Rainmeter installer, it takes the 'raw' strings translations and builds the .dll file. If we do not have the 'raw' translations, future versions of Rainmeter will not have the Dutch language available.

So, I need to following translations (also linked here) :

Code: Select all

// NewSkin dialog
#define STR_CREATENEWSKIN         "Create new skin"
#define STR_NEWSKIN               "New skin"
#define STR_TEMPLATE              "Template"
#define STR_TEMPLATEE             "Template..."
#define STR_ADDFOLDER             "Add folder"
#define STR_ADDSKIN               "Add skin"
#define STR_RENAME                "Rename"
#define STR_SAVENEWTEMPLATE       "Save new template"
#define STR_SAVEDTEMPLATES        "Saved templates"
#define STR_USEDEFAULTTEMPLATE    "Use default template"

#define STR_CREATEFOLDERFAIL      "Could not create folder: %1"
#define STR_CREATEFILEFAIL        "Could not create file: %1"
#define STR_FOLDEREXISTS          "The folder ""%1"" already exists."
#define STR_FILEEXISTS            "The file ""%1"" already exists."
#define STR_RENAMEFOLDERFAIL      "The folder ""%1"" could not be renamed.\nError code: %2"
#define STR_RENAMEFILEFAIL        "The file ""%1"" could not be renamed.\nError code: %2"
#define STR_FOLDERDELETE          "Are you sure you want to delete this folder?\n%1"
#define STR_FILEDELETE            "Are you sure you want to delete this file?\n%1"
#define STR_FOLDERDELETEFAIL      "Unable to delete the folder:\n%1"
#define STR_FILEDELETEFAIL        "Unable to delete the file:\n%1"
#define STR_TEMPLATEDOESNOTEXIST  "The template ""%1"" does not exist.\nDo you want to use the default template instead?"
#define STR_TEMPLATEEXISTS        "Template ""%1"" already exists."
#define STR_TEMPLATEFOLDERFAIL    "Unable to create template folder."
#define STR_TEMPLATEFILEFAIL      "Unable to create template file: %1"
#define STR_TEMPLATEDELETE        "Are you sure you want to delete the template ""%1""?"
Note 1: The percent-encoded parts will be replaced by the name of the folder/file or error code that is in error. Please ignore these percent encoded parts and any newline characters (\n) and quotes when translating.
Note 2: The Dutch.h file does not contain these strings yet since we removed the Dutch language a while ago. Once I get these translations, Dutch will be available again.

Also, I will make the changes the following strings as you suggested previously here:

Code: Select all

#define STR_FAVORITES             "Favorieten"
#define STR_NOFAVORITES           "Geen favorieten gedefinieerd"
#define STR_XASPERCENTAGE         "X as percentage"
#define STR_YASPERCENTAGE         "Y as percentage"
#define STR_TRANSPARENCY          "Transparantie"
#define STR_CUSTOMSKINACTIONS     "Standaard skin akties"
#define STR_FAVORITE              "Favorieten"
#define STR_MEASURES              "Maten"
#define STR_SOURCE                "Bron"
#define STR_CREATERMSKIN          "Maak een .rmskin bestand..."
#define STR_SHOWNOTIFAREAICON     "Laat het notificatie gebieds-icoon zien"
#define STR_SETTINGSNOTWRITABLE   "Kan Rainmeter.ini niet weg schrijven . Instellingen worden niet opgeslagen."
Could you please look over Dutch.h and Dutch.nsh and post any specific changes in the same format at the codebox above (like with "skin" or "plug-ins")?

Thank you, and sorry for all the hassle in getting the Dutch language up to date.

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Re: Dutch (Netherlands)

Post by Brian »

Thank you! I updated the files and added Dutch back into our build process.

Here is a link to the updated languages files:

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Re: Dutch (Netherlands)

Post by Brian »

dvo, thank you.

I only have 1 question. You changed STR_MEASURES from Maten to Meters.

Is this correct? I just want to be sure since "Measures" and "Meters" are two different objects in Rainmeter. I don't want to confuse other users.

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Re: Dutch (Netherlands)

Post by Brian »


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Re: Dutch (Netherlands)

Post by JelleDekkers »

I've improved some stuff. Mainly weird translations or things that are simply wrong and confusing. Things like "skin(s)" being translated to "weergave(n)", which means "display". AFAIK, this should be pretty much perfect.
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Re: Dutch (Netherlands)

Post by Brian »

