Please contact us before starting to work on the translation.
One of the main features of the upcoming Rainmeter 2.2 release will be localization support. If you want to help translate Rainmeter, save the following files (right-click on the English.h and English.nsh links -> Save as. Then, open the files with Notepad):
When you're done, simply upload the two files (e.g. to and post the links here. Be sure to check the Translation Status thread before starting to work.
Use Windows style language (i.e. translate in the same way Windows is translated). Use language applicable to the latest version of Windows.
Only translate text that is in between quotes (e.g. "Translate me"). You can skip any % encoded numbers, internal quotes within the string, and newline characters \n.
(Language).h files must be UTF-16LE or UCS-2 LE BOM encoded.*
(Language).nsh files must be UTF-8 encoded.*
* Contact us if you need help with encoding issues.
Do NOT use a translation service. Translation services result in poorly translated strings and we want to keep Rainmeter a high quality product
some windows terms such as user, service pack, and many more should not be translated. period. im now currently discuss with my group and will upload the finished translation in short time
I will probably be able to make a Swedish translation in the following week.
Can't promise anyhing tough. But I think I got some free time so I could do it.