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Cobolt 2.7

A package of skins with a "theme" or by a single author
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Cobolt 2.7

Post by Seahorse »

A full revision of my Cobolt theme featuring smaller, modular skins for ease of updating, new font, graphics, tool-tips and other flourishes. Some of the best parts are under the hood, and as always a big thank you to the people here who make this kind of stuff possible for the coding-challenged people like myself, and yes, I did, more than once:
Last edited by Seahorse on February 3rd, 2013, 10:54 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Cobolt 2.1

Post by Seahorse »

2.1 brings new bars, smaller meters, 3 new skins, marquee scrolling and more variants.
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Re: Cobolt 2.2

Post by Seahorse »

2.2 changes the behaviour of temperature meters with a persistent read peak meter bar 'behind' the main green bar for easy visual reference. The Temp graphs have been replaced with load meters for the CPU cores. 4 Desktop search engine skins and 1 that toggle through them using middle mouse button. The usual amount of fixes & tweaks as well as the new style metatags added in 2.1r918.
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Re: Cobolt 2.2

Post by Shadyfoo »

Looks very cool. Considering using it.
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Re: Cobolt 2.2

Post by Mordasius »

You might like to use the following LUA script so that the BBC News and Guardian World News feeds are sorted to show the most recent entry at the top of the list in your FeedReader skin. I've cut out the 'bulleting' of new items so that you won't have to make any changes to the FeedReader.ini file.

Code: Select all

   FeedMeasureName = '';
   MultipleFeeds = 0;
   VariablePrefix = '';
   MinItems = 0;
   FinishAction = '';

-- When Rainmeter supports escape characters for bangs, use this function to escape quotes.
function ParseSpecialCharacters(sString)
   sString = string.gsub(sString, ' ', ' ')
   sString = string.gsub(sString, '\"', '')
   return sString

function Initialize()
   sFeedMeasureName = PROPERTIES.FeedMeasureName
   iMultipleFeeds = tonumber(PROPERTIES.MultipleFeeds)
   sVariablePrefix = PROPERTIES.VariablePrefix
   iMinItems = tonumber(PROPERTIES.MinItems)
   sFinishAction = PROPERTIES.FinishAction
   tFeeds = {}
   tTitles = {}
   tLinks = {}
   tDates = {}
   tmText = {"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"}
   tmNum = {"01", "02", "03", "04", "05", "06", "07", "08", "09", "10", "11", "12"}

function Update()
   if iMultipleFeeds == 1 then
      iNumberOfFeeds = tonumber(SKIN:GetVariable(sVariablePrefix..'NumberOfFeeds'))
      for i = 1, iNumberOfFeeds do
         tFeeds[i] = SKIN:GetVariable(sVariablePrefix..'FeedMeasureName'..i)
      iCurrentFeed = tonumber(SKIN:GetVariable(sVariablePrefix..'CurrentFeed'))
      msRaw = SKIN:GetMeasure(tFeeds[iCurrentFeed])
      msRaw = SKIN:GetMeasure(sFeedMeasureName)
   sRaw = msRaw:GetStringValue()

   sPatternFeedTitle = '.-<title.->(.-)</title>'
   sPatternItemTitle = '.-<title.->(.-)</title>'
   if string.match(sRaw, 'xmlns:gCal') then
      sRawCounted, iNumberOfItems = string.gsub(sRaw, '<entry', "")
      sPatternFeedLink = '.-<link.-rel=.-alternate.-href=\'(.-)\''
      sPatternItem = '<entry.-</entry>'
      sPatternItemLink = '.-<link.-href=\'(.-)\''
      sPatternItemDate = '.-When: (.-)<'
   elseif string.match(sRaw, '<subtitle></subtitle>') then
      sRawCounted, iNumberOfItems = string.gsub(sRaw, '<entry', "")
      sPatternFeedLink = '.-<link.-rel=.-alternate.-href="(.-)"'
      sPatternItem = '<entry.-</entry>'
      sPatternItemLink = '.-<link.-href="(.-)"'
      sPatternItemDate = '<span class="rtm_due_value">(.-)</span>'
   elseif string.match(sRaw, '<rss.-version=".-".->') then
      sRawCounted, iNumberOfItems = string.gsub(sRaw, '<item', "")
      sPatternFeedLink = '.-<link.->(.-)</link>'
      sPatternItem = '<item.-</item>'
      sPatternItemLink = '.-<link.->(.-)</link>'
      sPatternItemDesc = '.-<description.->(.-)</description>'
      sPatternItemDate = '.-<pubDate.->(.-)</pubDate>'	
      sRawCounted, iNumberOfItems = string.gsub(sRaw, '<entry', "")
      sPatternFeedLink = '.-<link.-href="(.-)"'
      sPatternItem = '<entry.-</entry>'
      sPatternItemLink = '.-<link.-href="(.-)"'
      sPatternItemDesc = '.-<summary.->(.-)</summary>'
      sPatternItemDate = '.-<updated.->(.-)</updated>'
   -- ERRORS
   sFeedTitle, sFeedLink = string.match(sRaw, sPatternFeedTitle..sPatternFeedLink)
   if not sFeedTitle then
      FeedError('Error', '', 'Connection or matching error.')
      return 'Error: matching.'
   sFeedTitle = ParseSpecialCharacters(sFeedTitle)
   sFeedLink = ParseSpecialCharacters(sFeedLink)
   if iNumberOfItems == 0 then
      SKIN:Bang('!SetVariable "'..sVariablePrefix..'NumberOfItems" "0"')
      SKIN:Bang('!SetVariable "'..sVariablePrefix..'FeedTitle" "'..sFeedTitle..'"')
      SKIN:Bang('!SetVariable "'..sVariablePrefix..'FeedLink" "'..sFeedLink..'"')
      FeedError(sFeedTitle, '', 'Empty.')
      return 'Error: empty feed.'
   local tItems = {}
   iInit = 0
   for i = 1, iNumberOfItems do
      iItemStart, iItemEnd = string.find(sRaw, sPatternItem, iInit)
      sItem = string.sub(sRaw, iItemStart, iItemEnd)
      tTitles[i] = string.match(sItem, sPatternItemTitle)
      tTitles[i] = ParseSpecialCharacters(tTitles[i])
      tLinks[i] = string.match(sItem, sPatternItemLink)
      tLinks[i] = ParseSpecialCharacters(tLinks[i])
      tDates[i] = string.match(sItem, sPatternItemDate)
      tDates[i] = ParseSpecialCharacters(tDates[i])	  
      for j = 1, 12 do tDates[i]  =  string.gsub(tDates[i], tmText[j] , tmNum[j] ) end     
      tDates[i]  =  string.sub(tDates[i],  12, 15)..string.sub(tDates[i],  9, 10)..string.sub(tDates[i],6, 7)..string.sub(tDates[i],17, 18)..string.sub(tDates[i],20,21)..string.sub(tDates[i],23,24)	 
      iInit = iItemEnd + 1	  
      table.insert(tItems, { iTitle = tTitles[i], iLinks = tLinks[i], iPub = tDates[i] } )
   -- SORT DATABASE BY PUB DATE -- needed for BBC and Guardian feeds
   tPubDate_idx = {}
   for k, v in pairs(tItems) do
      tPubDate_idx[ v.iPub ] = k
   tPubDate_Array = {}     
   for k, v in pairs(tPubDate_idx) do
      table.insert(tPubDate_Array, k)
   table.sort(tPubDate_Array, function(a,b) return a > b end)
   -- OUTPUT

   SKIN:Bang('!SetVariable "'..sVariablePrefix..'NumberOfItems" "'..iNumberOfItems..'"')
	SKIN:Bang('!SetOption "'..sVariablePrefix..'FeedTitle" "Text" "'..sFeedTitle..'"')
	SKIN:Bang('!SetOption "'..sVariablePrefix..'FeedTitle" "LeftMouseUpAction" "'..sFeedLink..'"')
	SKIN:Bang('!SetOption "'..sVariablePrefix..'FeedTitle" "ToolTipText" "'..sFeedLink..'"')
	for i, v in ipairs(tPubDate_Array) do
		iRecnum = tPubDate_idx[v]
		Record = tItems[iRecnum]       
    SKIN:Bang('!SetOption "'..sVariablePrefix..'FeedItem'..i..'" "Text" "'..Record.iTitle..'"')
	SKIN:Bang('!SetOption "'..sVariablePrefix..'FeedItem'..i..'" "LeftMouseUpAction" "'..Record.iLinks..'"')
	SKIN:Bang('!SetOption "'..sVariablePrefix..'FeedItem'..i..'" "ToolTipText" "'..Record.iLinks..'"')

   if sFinishAction ~= '' then
   return 'Success'


function TimedUpdate(a)
   tPastUpdate[a] = tPresentUpdate[a]

function SwitchToNext()
   iCurrentFeed = iCurrentFeed % iNumberOfFeeds + 1
   SKIN:Bang('!SetVariable "'..sVariablePrefix..'CurrentFeed" "'..iCurrentFeed..'"')

function SwitchToPrevious()
   iCurrentFeed = iCurrentFeed - 1 + (iCurrentFeed == 1 and iNumberOfFeeds or 0)
   SKIN:Bang('!SetVariable "'..sVariablePrefix..'CurrentFeed" "'..iCurrentFeed..'"')

function FeedError(sErrorName, sErrorLink, sErrorDesc)
	SKIN:Bang('!SetOption "'..sVariablePrefix..'FeedTitle" "Text" "'..sErrorName..'"')
	SKIN:Bang('!SetOption "'..sVariablePrefix..'FeedTitle" "LeftMouseUpAction" "'..sErrorLink..'"')
	SKIN:Bang('!SetOption "'..sVariablePrefix..'FeedTitle" "ToolTipText" "'..sErrorLink..'"')
	SKIN:Bang('!SetOption "'..sVariablePrefix..'FeedItem1" "Text" "'..sErrorDesc..'"')
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Re: Cobolt 2.2

Post by Seahorse »

Shadyfoo wrote:Looks very cool. Considering using it.
Thank you, the look has been harder to achieve by someone as bad at image editing as myself :sly:
Mordasius wrote:You might like to use the following LUA script so that the BBC News and Guardian World News feeds are sorted to show the most recent entry at the top of the list in your FeedReader skin. I've cut out the 'bulleting' of new items so that you won't have to make any changes to the FeedReader.ini file.
Thank you, I will test over the weekend, I'm on another business trip today, so just doing a sneaky read of the forums :twisted:
I did initially use the BBC Feed reader for that reason, however the ease of use of the Universal option meant losing that choice... :thumbup:
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Re: Cobolt 2.2

Post by Kaelri »

I'll likely add the sorting option to the next version of the universal script.
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Re: Cobolt 2.2

Post by Seahorse »

Result! :D
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Re: Cobolt 2.2

Post by Mordasius »

Kaelri wrote:I'll likely add the sorting option to the next version of the universal script.
Good idea, but do watch out for odd feeds like the Rainmeter Forums which have dates in a different format ( 2011-09-02T09:10:45+08:00 ) to the BBC and Guardian News feeds ( Fri, 02 Sep 2011 19:11:39 GMT ). This is really annoying because the Rainmeter Forums are already sorted chronologicaly but the LUA script spews out errors unless you use a separate set of string.subs before sorting the <published> dates. I only do it so that the script can put the '•' bullet marks to show which topics are new as per the method you suggested over on [Proof of Concept] Universal Feed Reader (here)
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Re: Cobolt 2.2

Post by BraytonBuddy »

curious, Is there a way to make the lyrics skin into a scroll box? Instead of getting longer for more lyrics?
