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Hi! New here, but using Rainmeter since January...

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Hi! New here, but using Rainmeter since January...

Post by qfunk »


I've been using rainmeter since Dec '10 / Jan 11 ... and just joined this forum.

I needed to ask something regarding certain skins which don't stay permanent in my rainmeter and I have to manually switch them on.

Corner Calendar v2.2 [ ]
Winamp fb2k circle. [ ]

Here's a Screenshot of my Desktop...

I don't know how to keep these 2 skins permanent. I tried deleting the elasped.ini in winamp skin directory.

I also have a countdown click digital (ini Only Skin) and it stays permanent and I don't have to manualy open it everytime my system starts...

Link: [ ]

Please can someone guide me??

Also, could someone suggest some good skins??

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Re: Hi! New here, but using Rainmeter since January...

Post by Shark1502 »

Tbh the solution most likely depends on why (and when) the skins are disappearing in the first place. If it's a start-up problem (i.e. the skins are present until rainmeter is restarted) it's worth editing the Rainmeter.ini [right click on rainmeter icon in taskbar, go to edit settings]. Make sure that the skins you want active are set to Active=1.

If it's a problem at any other point (and you're not having problems with any other skins) it might very well be the skins themselves. Try look through the .ini files and see if any action is linked with a HideMeter bang.
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Re: Hi! New here, but using Rainmeter since January...

Post by Shark1502 »

Also your desktop set up is sweet. I've never seen corner calendar before. I might try it out myself....
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Re: Hi! New here, but using Rainmeter since January...

Post by qfunk »


Thanks for the reply. Both the skins are set to active=1 in rainmeter settings. I checked their ini files, but couldn't find anything similar to the hide code you told me about... I've attached the ini files with this reply, please could you check and suggest a solution??

Thanks for the compliment of desktop. :D
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Re: Hi! New here, but using Rainmeter since January...

Post by Shark1502 »

I've had a look through the skin files. There certainly doesn't seem to be anything in there hiding any skins. The elapsed.ini seems to be connected with a part of the skin called [Remaining Time]. Clicking on this part of the skin activates the elapsed.ini config. It's possible in this case (depending on how the skins are set up) that activating one skin deactivates another.

The key issue here is in identifying whether the source of the problems is in the individual skins or in your Rainmeter set-up. You mentioned that one of your other skins is working well on start-up. Have you had any other problems with any other skins? If you install a new skin, does the same problem occur?

There are two things I would definitely recommend trying out before searching for more complex solutions (make sure to backup any skin files and/or directories if you want to retain any settings):

1. Delete both skin package folders and reinstall entirely - it's possible that a change in directories or settings of the individual skins is causing the problem. This should nearly always be your first test.

2. If this doesn't solve it, a good work around is to simply set up a theme with all the relevant skins that can be changed very easily

Let me know the result. Good luck
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Re: Hi! New here, but using Rainmeter since January...

Post by qfunk »

Thanks alot for the reply...

I cannot try what you said today, but I'll surely try it out on monday. Thanks again.