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General Performance Questions

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General Performance Questions

Post by Sunspot2 »

Two questions about performance (I red about this before, but cannot remember where):

In a config what is better performance wise:
1) To place all measures before the meters or to place each measure right before the corresponding meter?

2) If I have a config with, say, 20 diferent measures, is it better to split it in two configs with 10 measures each or to keep 1 config?

Thanks in advance
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Re: General Performance Questions

Post by Chewtoy »

1. The difference is insignificant, if any. I can't see any difference what so ever. It's just a matter of what you feel is better organization-wise.

2. Depends on what the skins do I guess. Intuitively, I'd say that it would be better to keep them in the same skin as rainmeter won't need to create two windows and it should by that need to use less resources. But then again, it comes to how you split it. If you got some heavy parts, like weather, and you got an app-launcher in the same skin. You might want to separate them.
But really, as long as you don't use histograms or any other beef, you will probably not notice any difference.
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Re: General Performance Questions

Post by Sunspot2 »

Good to know.
Thanks a lot!
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Re: General Performance Questions

Post by JpsCrazy »

I forget the exact example, but the order in which you post your measures may make a difference.

The biggest thing we've been able to determine is depending on the order, the update cycle may be a step behind.
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Re: General Performance Questions

Post by Alex2539 »

Yes, but that's not really the sort of performance he was talking about. That only has to do with Calc measures or Dynamic Variables and is solely a matter of timing, not resource usage.