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Need Help Using Dexpot with Rainmeter 1.3 Beta

Get help with creating, editing & fixing problems with skins
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Need Help Using Dexpot with Rainmeter 1.3 Beta

Post by Rainfellow »

Hello all. I am fairly new to the whole Rainmeter world, and the endless array of skins and possibilities has blown my mind. I want to take it to the next level though. I am currently using the newest build of Dexpot (1.5) and have 4 Virtual Desktop running. I am using Windows 7 64 bit, 4 G ram, dual core, geforce gtx 260m.

Here's my question... using the "Plugin Virtual Desktop" feature, how can I have a different rainmeter skin on each different desktop? I know I'm asking a lot with this, but I want to push the limits on what can currently be done. I've toyed around with different line codes, but whenever I move the skin on Desktop 1, it still moves on Desktops 2-4. I know there's a way to do this, just need a little help with the code I guess. Any ideas?
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Re: Need Help Using Dexpot with Rainmeter 1.3 Beta

Post by Rainfellow »

Anyone have any ideas?
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Re: Need Help Using Dexpot with Rainmeter 1.3 Beta

Post by JpsCrazy »

The only thing I can think of would be:
(Assuming you're using 4 desktops)
You would need Rainmeter 1.3 Beta and to use Config Groups

Code: Select all


IfAboveAction=!RainmeterEnableMeasure measureCalcDesktop3and4
IfBelowAction=!RainmeterEnableMeasure measureCalcDesktop1and2

IfAboveAction=!RainmeterShowGroup Desktop2
IfBelowAction=!RainmeterShowGroup Desktop1

IfAboveAction=!RainmeterShowGroup Desktop4
IfBelowAction=!RainmeterShowGroup Desktop3
You'll need to do some tweaking of showing/hiding/disabling/enabling to make sure everything is there at the right time, but this is the basic code.
You could get six pretty easily by changing a few values. The first calc IfAbove/BelowValue would both be 3. Then the next calcs would be IfAbove/Below/EqualValue=2 and the next one IfAbove/Below/EqualValue=5.

Re: Need Help Using Dexpot with Rainmeter 1.3 Beta

Post by sgtevmckay »

My apologies that I missed you initial entry :Embarrassed:

It does work, but also requires some work, as we are also still in a Beta phase from both Rainmeter and Dexpot.
The following is a fast run down of what we can do so far, in regards to this very dilemma ;)
Patrick and Sebastian have been so patient and forgiving in this request. A lot of praise for them is well deserved.

How to place Skins per Virtual Desktop

There are actually two plugins to work with here.
  • 1.) The Plugin that is installed with Rainmeter will actually help you create a Dexpot Controller skin (More information here:
    2.) Actually goes with Dexpot and helps identify to Rainmeter what skin goes where
The second one is the one we will deal with to place skins to various selected Virtual Desktops

I may be jumping around a bit, but bare with me as I am following the very directions that I followed to get this working

Ok, first we need to create a new ini file called " VDMConfig.ini "
this file needs to be placed in the Rainmeter AppData file.
I am unsure of the location in XP as I have forgotten :Embarrassed:
But in Windows Vista and 7 it can be located at:

Code: Select all

C:\Users\{User Name}\AppData\Roaming\Rainmeter
Use Notepad, Notepad++, or any available "Editor" to create the above named ini file in this location.

Next, make certain that you have the " Raindexer.exe " plugin installed to your Dexpot.
RainDexer.exe and the adjoining documentation can be found in this Public thread at Dexpot Forums.

Download and install RainDexer.exe to the Dexpot Plugins folder.
Typically located here:
64bit OS

Code: Select all

C:\Program Files (x86)\Dexpot\plugins
32bit OS

Code: Select all

C:\Program Files\Dexpot\plugins
Once RainDexer.exe is installed, you will want to Exit and then Start Dexpot.
Once this is done. Go to Dexpot Systems Tray Icon and open "Settings"
Once Settings is open, go to "Plugins and Extras"
Place a check in the box next to RainDexer.
Screenshot - 8_23_2010 , 9_58_38 AM.png
Once the check mark is placed. Click Apply and then OK.

Now we go back and open the VDMConfig.ini in our editor and start making entries.

There are a number of choices, and I have not as yet been able to explore them all, but as outlined from Patrick at Dexpot here:
There are the current set of choices:

Code: Select all




[Gnometer\Recycle Bin]

Here is what I do know.
If you define a skin to a Virtual Desktop (VD), that is where the skin will appear.
You will have to define the path and the name of the skin (I will show below in another example).
If you restart or refresh Rainmeter, you will need to restart Dexpot, as all skins will be reset too all VD or whichever VD is visible at the time.
You will not notice the VD assignment taking place, until after you have restarted Dexpot. So do not panic if it appears that nothing is happening.
Any skin that is not defined or clearly defined in the VDMConfig.ini will appear on all screens.
Wherever the skin is placed, visible in any given VD or not, is in that position on all VD.
In Order to have the same skin appear on different VD in different positions, you would then be required to create a new skin folder and copy over the skin materials (There are actually several ways to do this).
This is still in Beta for both Dexpot and Rainmeter, but is stable ;)

What do I not Know:
A lot. Still experimenting ;)

On with the tutorial.
Entries in the VDMConfig.ini are very specific.
You must Enter the path of the skin, with correct spelling, starting from the Rainmeter skin sub-folder, also identifying any additional sub-folders ( Now that is a mouthful ;) )
Ultimately the entry should look something like this:

Code: Select all

The first Bracketed Line is the path to the skin I want to have shown on a particular VD. This path must be defined properly (ie. correct spelling, correct path, correct letter case, etc), and must be bracketed as shown above.
The second line defines which VD the skin will appear on. This can be a single VD or many, as defined by you (Refer to the Gnometer example(s) above from Patrick). In My code snippet I have defined VD 2. This defines that this skin will only appear on VD 2 ;)

The following is my current VDMConfig.ini Set up:

Code: Select all
















Now I posted a screen capture of this a few weeks ago, in an attempt to get folks to figure out what happened here: It is amazing to me how many folks have missed this. The entire exercise of the image ;)
I have now officially given it away :p
As you can see; the code above that I have entered defines that all of my HUD identified Skins are on VD 2 !!!
Also; skins that I have not identified, appears on all screens ;)
All in the same position.

You can do this with any skin ;)
So long as the path is properly identified in the VDMConfig.ini
Just remember that you will not see the effect of the change until after you have restarted Dexpot.

I hope this has answered your initial questions and has been of help to you.
If you have any further questions, let me know. I will be monitoring this thread post ;)
Apparently the folks at Dexpot are also watching this thread very closely ;)

We would also like to have you share your documentation as you go, if you are willing, and to document any issues you may have along the way.

Have fun ;)

The Sarge
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Re: Need Help Using Dexpot with Rainmeter 1.3 Beta

Post by JpsCrazy »

Okay, so you can choose my method or do The Sarge's way.
You may want to post all that information in another location so other people curious in using this can do it right, maybe have a sticky thread somewhere with it? (You said it wasn't completely organized, and the plugin's and such are still beta, so Tips and Tricks may not be the place for this yet.)
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Re: Need Help Using Dexpot with Rainmeter 1.3 Beta

Post by Rainfellow »

Wow I'm blown away by all the helpful suggestions! ~Special thanks to you, sgtev. You guys helped WAY more then I ever expected.

Now then, let me apologize for not responding more quickly. We just moved to a new apt, and our internet is still not set up! (Life is rough without Xbox live, Netflix, and/or random Web surfing) Anyway, I will try to figure out some way to access this info and give it all a try. It looks EXTREMELY promising. I'll keep you informed of what is and isn't working. You guys rock.
