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General question on rainmeter

General topics related to Rainmeter.
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Joined: July 30th, 2010, 1:44 am

General question on rainmeter

Post by echopraXia »

Hi, I'm considering downloading rainmeter. My only concern is that it will install / modify system files and will end up slowing my computer down. I just got a new computer, and my old computer was slow from installing stuff like this. Does rainmeter install stuff, and then if I were to uninstall it would it uninstall and delete everything? So basically what I want to know is if I were to uninstall the program would it leave my computer like it was before I installed it? Thanks. I hope I posted this in the right section.
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Re: General question on rainmeter

Post by Alex2539 »

Rainmeter has very little impact on your system. There are certain skins (though not many) which can be somewhat CPU-heavy, but if that's an issue, all you need to do is close those skins. If in the end you decide against Rainmeter, uninstalling it will remove everything it came with. However if you add any skins or themes yourself (and why wouldn't you?) they will need to be removed manually. The reason for this is that there are certain occasions where you might feel you need to uninstall and re-install Rainmeter, such as when you are upgrading to a newer version (it's not necessary, but some people do it) and in these cases people would not appreciate losing their setups. To get rid of those files, all you just need to delete them manually, like any other file. Their locations are specified in the documentation. There is nothing hidden and there are no files lingering about that you won't know about.

Finally, if this really is a major concern for you, you can download the .zip version of Rainmeter and follow the instructions for a portable installation. If you take this route all of Rainmeter's files will be in the same folder. Uninstalling Rainmeter in this case is as simple as deleting the folder it's in.

NOTE: If you choose to use a portable installation, you may need to manually install the Visual C Runtime package. This is a package that Rainmeter, as well as a lot of other software, requires in order to run. If you have a completely fresh installation of Windows, you may not have this package yet. If that's the case you will need to download it from Microsoft.
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Joined: July 30th, 2010, 1:44 am

Re: General question on rainmeter

Post by echopraXia »

Alright thanks for the reply, Ill be giving it a try!