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Scrolling text ?

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Scrolling text ?

Post by Yalishy »


Wouldn't it be a nice addition to rainmeter ?
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Re: Scrolling text ?

Post by Chewtoy »

Yepp. It would.
I would be nice if one could use it in a way to have a rolling text.
I don't think, therefore I'm not.
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Re: Scrolling text ?

Post by dragonmage »

I've requested this myself. The devs seem to be in agreement that it would use a lot of resources.

Re: Scrolling text ?

Post by sgtevmckay »

I have posted a request to have this possibility looked at, even if it slits the customers throat, sometimes you have to give them what they want.

We shall see :geek:
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Re: Scrolling text ?

Post by nvme »

anything animated currently takes up a lot of resources, because Rainmeter is just not designed to handle that. It would be great if someone could take a look at adding some more graphical / animating power through a new type of meter perhaps.

The shorter approach however would be to just modify MeterImage to use a Measure's output as it's X / Y value.
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Re: Scrolling text ?

Post by jsmorley »

nvme wrote:anything animated currently takes up a lot of resources, because Rainmeter is just not designed to handle that. It would be great if someone could take a look at adding some more graphical / animating power through a new type of meter perhaps.

The shorter approach however would be to just modify MeterImage to use a Measure's output as it's X / Y value.
Part of the problem is that to get a decently smooth animation you need a really small Update= amount and that causes the whole skin to thrash...
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Re: Scrolling text ?

Post by nvme »

hmm, thats no good :P. is there no animation support in the graphics library being used currently ?
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Re: Scrolling text ?

Post by RedRock »

That would be a cool thing but I agree with the resources use problem. Rainmeter is one of the best because it's also very light (speaking for myself). I wish there is a solution that won't require more power :?:
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Re: Scrolling text ?

Post by dragonmage »

@nvme there's no real animation support, but you can fake it by using a Counter in the CALC measure as a measure for a BITMAP meter.
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Re: Scrolling text ?

Post by jsmorley »

dragonmage wrote:@nvme there's no real animation support, but you can fake it by using a Counter in the CALC measure as a measure for a BITMAP meter.
I wrote a little program last night just for fun when I was looking at this topic

It is a little .exe which sits in the background and takes any number of images named pic001.png through pic999.png and once a second renames each one to pic.png. So pic001.png becomes pic.png for one second, then pic002.png becomes pic.png for one second. Then I set a skin with an Update rate of one second which did only one thing. Display pic.png.

So I tore apart an animated .gif (below) into 30 .jpg images and set it to displaying...

Works, but it's stupid to have to have a background process, small as it is (it's like 4 lines of code) running all the time while Rainmeter is running. It would also occasionally skip a frame or look a bit jerky since Rainmeter and the external app were not programatically "synced up".

Still it was interesting... Maybe I will look at changing it to a plugin, so it can just be called once a second from Rainmeter and not be such a kluge...
