It is currently July 27th, 2024, 8:23 am

Chameleon Calendar

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Re: Chameleon Calendar

Post by Alex2539 »

jsmorley wrote:I have this set to "Click Through" and "On Desktop" and it works nice as a dynamic background. Maybe a "tad" CPU heavy this big...

Edit: Changed the Update to 10000 (every 2 minutes more or less) since I am not "interacting" with the skin, and that brought the CPU usage down to almost nothing.
That's why I changed the update to 1000 from 500 in the recent version. There's a lot going on in there to make everything show properly and I needed to find a balance where it loads relatively quickly, but won't destroy older PC's
poiru wrote: Alex, you could add the following to Rainstaller.cfg to keep settings on upgrade and make life easy for us (it basically reads entries from new, and replaces it with values from old if corresponding entry is available):

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Really? Awesome. I'll do that from now on.
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Re: Chameleon Calendar

Post by Chewtoy »

When setting MondayIsfirst=1 the whole calendar is off.
That's the only change I made.
It would be nice if you could have a leading zero for the values <10 as well.
I don't think, therefore I'm not.
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Re: Chameleon Calendar

Post by Alex2539 »

Whoops! Thanks for pointing that out. There's a new version up on DevArt that fixes that and a couple other of small issues. As for the leading zeroes, I'm pretty sure it's doable so I think I'll throw it in with the next release. I don't know when that will be, but once I have a more concrete idea of the features I want in it I'll get started on it.

While we're here, is there anything else you can think of that would improve the calendar?
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Re: Chameleon Calendar

Post by Chewtoy »

How about not highllighting what day it is when moving forward and backwards in months? So it doesn't say that it is friday when your looking at the next month? At least make it an option.
Add option to have stringeffects?
Hard to think of any more at the moment...
I don't think, therefore I'm not.
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Re: Chameleon Calendar

Post by Alex2539 »

StringEffects is already on my to-do list ;). It's not hard to implement, just long and tedious. And the weekday-highlighting actually should be turned off when cycling months like it is for the current day, I just forgot to do the proper check. It's fixed and on DevArt and I'm going to pretend like I never missed it.... (:)
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Re: Chameleon Calendar

Post by Klexur »

i am absolutely loving how easy it is to customize this calendar! the only problem i am having is that the previous month days aren't getting colored properly, or at all for that matter when i change the highlight options for the current day.
um, any idea how to fix this? maybe have a separate measure do a recursive check to make sure the days are colored properly?
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Re: Chameleon Calendar

Post by Alex2539 »

Klexur wrote:maybe have a separate measure do a recursive check to make sure the days are colored properly?
Yeah... Rainmeter doesn't work that way at all, so that probably won't work.

Could you post your file here? The setting to change the previous month's days' colour is "PrevMonthFontColor" at the top of the settings file. Make sure that it is set to the colour you want.
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Re: Chameleon Calendar

Post by Klexur »

here are my settings the only other thing i did besides change the values is add a variable for AntiAliasing since i prefer it off for the font i used

Code: Select all

; Change these variables to customize the calendar as you see fit.
; All colors are in the Red, Green, Blue, Alpha format, where each value
; ranges from 0 to 255. A value for Alpha is optional. 
; Settings.default contains the original settings file. To restore the default 
; settings, just delete, then make a copy of settings.default and
; rename it to

; Calendar Display settings
; The following variables determine how the calendar is shown.
; - If MondayIsFirst is set to 1, Monday will be the first day of the week.
;   Otherwise, Sunday will be the first day of the week.
; - If ShowMonthName is set to 1, the name of the month will appear at the top
;   of the calendar. 
; - If ShowExtraDays is set to 1, the calendar will be filled out with the last
;   days of the previous month and the first days of the next month
; - If ShowExtraWeek is set to 1, the sixth week will always be shown, even if 
;   the current month does not use it.
; - If ShowYear is set to 1, the year will be shown after the month
; - If ShowArrows is set to 1, arrows will be shown to change the current month
MondayIsFirst		=0
AlwaysTwoDigits		=0
ShowMonthName		=1
ShowExtraDays		=1
ShowExtraWeek		=1
ShowYear			=1
ShowArrows			=1

; Miscellaneous Color settings
; The following variables set some of the colors used by the calendar.
; - PrevMonthFontColor determines the font color used on days that belong to the
;   previous month.
; - NextMonthFontColor determines the font color used on days that belong to the
;   next month.
; - BackgroundColor determines the color that appears behind everything in the 
;   calendar within the margins.
; - HGapColor determines the color that appears between the horizontal
;   spaces between days.
; - HGapColorL determines the color that appears between the horizontal
;   spaces between the labels for the days of the week.
; - VGapColor determines the color that appears between the vertical 
;   spaces between days.
; - LabelGapColor determines the color that appears in the space between the 
;   labels for the days of the week and the days.
; - MonthGapColor determines the color that appears in the space between the
;   labels for the month and days of the week.
; - MarginColor determines the color of the margins that border the entire skin.
PrevMonthFontColor	=63,103,123, 180
NextMonthFontColor	=144,8,8, 180
BackgroundColor		=0,0,0, 1
HGapColor			=0,0,0, 1
HGapColorL 			=0,0,0, 1
VGapColor			=0,0,0, 1
LabelGapColor		=0,0,0, 1
MonthGapColor		=0,0,0, 1
MarginColor			=0,0,0,1

; Image settings
; The following settings allow you to specify images to be used in certain
; areas of the calendar. If you do not wish to use an image, leave the value
; blank. 
; - BackgroundImage determines the image to be shown behind the entire calendar
;   within the margins.
; - MonthImage determines the image that appears behind label for the month.
; - HighlightImage determines the image to use behind the current day when
;   HighlightStyle is set to 1, or include 1.
; - HGapImage determines the image shown in the horizontal space between days.
; - VGapImage determines the image shown in the vertical space between days.
; - LabelGapImage determines the image shown in the space between the days and
;   the labels for the days of the week.
; - MonthGapImage determines the image shown in the space between the labels for
;   the month and the days of the week.
; - MarginImage determines the image shown behind the entire calendar, including
;   the margins.
; - LabelHImage determines the image shown when LabelHighlightStyle is set to or
;   includes 1.
; - The KeepRatio variables accept the following values:
;		0 - Stretch the image to fill the space completely.
;		1 - Resize the image to fit the space without distortion.
BackgroundImage			=
BackgroundImageKeepRatio	=1
MonthImage				=
MonthImageKeepRatio		=1
HighlightImage			=
HighlightImageKeepRatio	=1
HGapImage				=
HGapImageKeepRatio		=1
VGapImage				=
VGapImageKeepRatio		=1
LabelGapImage				=
LabelGapImageKeepRatio		=1
MonthGapImage				=
MonthGapImageKeepRatio		=1
MarginImage				=
MarginImageMode			=1
LabelHImage				=
LabelHImageKeepRatio		=1

; Label settings
; These variables control the labels for the days of the week and the names of
; the month at the top of the calendar.
Sunday		=S
Monday		=M
Tuesday		=T
Wednesday	=W
Thursday	=T
Friday		=F
Saturday	=S

January		=Jan
February	=Feb
March		=Mar
April		=Apr
May			=May
June		=Jun
July		=Jul
August		=Aug
September	=Sep
October		=Oct
November	=Nov
December	=Dec

; Highlight settings
; The following determine the way that the calendar displays the current day.
; - HighlightStyle determines how the current day is shown values are:
;		 0 - No highlight
;		 1 - Change Font attributes
;		 2 - Highlight
;		 4 - Highlight Column
;		 8 - Highlight Row
;		16 - Underline
;		32 - Box
; - If multiple values are added together, the effects are combined.
; 	Example: Highlight (2) + Box (32) = Highlight and Box (34)
; - HighlightColor determines the color days are highlighted in 
;   for Highlight, Highlight Row and Highlight Column.
; - TodayFontColor determines the color of the text if the font attributes
;   are changed.
; - TodayFontSize determines the size of the font if the attributes are changed.
; - TodayFontStyle determines the style of the font if the attributes are
;   changed. TodayFontStyle takes the following values:
;		0 - Normal
;		1 - Bold
;		2 - Italic
;		3 - BoldItalic
; - TodayFontEffect determines the effect used on the font if the attributes are
;   changed. TodayFontEffect takes the following values:
;		0 - None
;		1 - Border
;		2 - Shadow
; - TodayFontEffectColor determines the color of the effect if one was set.
; - UnderlineColor determines the color of the underline.
; - UnderlineThickness is the thickness of the underline in pixels.
; - UnderlineLength determines the length of the underline in pixels.
; - BoxColor determines the color of the underline.
; - BoxThickness is the thickness of the underline in pixels.
HighlightStyle		=2
TodayFontColor		=0,127,255, 255
TodayFontSize		=6
TodayFontStyle		=1
TodayFontEffect		=0
TodayFontEffectColor	=0,0,0,255
HighlightColor		=0,127,255, 255
UnderlineColor		=128,192,255,160
UnderlineThickness	=1
UnderlineLength		=5
BoxColor			=0,127,255, 255
BoxThickness		=1

; Label Highlight settings
; The following determine the way that the calendar displays the current day.
; - HighlightStyle determines how the current day is shown values are:
;		 0 - No highlight
;		 1 - Change Font attributes
;		 2 - Highlight
;		 4 - Underline
;		 8 - Box
; - If multiple values are added together, the effects are combined.
; 	Example: Highlight (2) + Box (8) = Highlight and Box (10)
; - HighlightColor determines the color days are highlighted in 
;   for Highlight
; - LabelHFontColor determines the color of the text if the font attributes
;   are changed.
; - LabelHFontSize determines the size of the font if the attributes are changed.
; - LabelHFontStyle determines the style of the font if the attributes are
;   changed. TodayFontStyle takes the following values:
;		0 - Normal
;		1 - Bold
;		2 - Italic
;		3 - BoldItalic
; - LabelHFontEffect determines the effect used on the font if the attributes are
;   changed. LabelHFontEffect takes the following values:
;		0 - None
;		1 - Border
;		2 - Shadow
; - LabelHEffectColor determines the color of the effect if one was set.
; - LabelUnderlineColor determines the color of the underline.
; - LabelUnderlineThickness is the thickness of the underline in pixels.
; - LabelUnderlineLength determines the length of the underline in pixels.
; - LabelBoxColor determines the color of the underline.
; - LabelBoxThickness is the thickness of the underline in pixels.
LabelHighlightStyle		=0
LabelHFontColor			=255,64,64,255
LabelHFontSize			=10
LabelHFontStyle			=1
LabelHFontEffect		=0
LabelHFontEffectColor	=0,0,0,255
LabelHighlightColor		=128,128,128,128
LabelUnderlineColor		=0,0,255,255
LabelUnderlineThickness	=4
LabelUnderlineLength	=30
LabelBoxColor			=0,255,0,255
LabelBoxThickness		=2

; Day settings
; The following determine the appearance of the numbers. You may change the
; font color, the background color, the font size, the font face, the 
; horizontal alignment and the style. Additionally, a border or shadow may be
; added with DayFontEffect. The color of this effect is determined by 
; DayFontEffectColor.
; DayAlign takes the following values:
;		0 - Left
;		1 - Center
;		2 - Right
; DayStyle takes the following values:
;		0 - Normal
;		1 - Bold
;		2 - Italic
;		3 - BoldItalic
; DayFontEffect takes the following values:
;		0 - None
;		1 - Border
;		2 - Shadow
DayFontColor		=200,200,200,255
DayBGColor			=0,0,0,1
DayFontSize			=6
DayFontFace			=kroeger 05_55 caps
DayAlign			=1
DayStyle			=0
DayAntiAlias		=0
DayFontEffect		=0
DayFontEffectColor	=0,0,0,255

; Weekday label settings
; The following determine the appearance of the labels of the days of the week. 
; You may change the font color, the background color, the font size, the font 
; face, the horizontal alignment, the style and the height of the labels. 
; Additionally, a border or shadow may be added with LabelFontEffect. The color 
; of this effect is determined by LabelFontEffectColor
; LabelAlign takes the following values:
;		0 - Left
;		1 - Center
;		2 - Right
; LabelStyle takes the following values:
;		0 - Normal
;		1 - Bold
;		2 - Italic
;		3 - BoldItalic
; LabelFontEffect takes the following values:
;		0 - None
;		1 - Border
;		2 - Shadow
LabelColor			=0,127,255, 255
LabelBGColor		=255,255,255, 25
LabelFontSize		=6
LabelFontFace		=hooge 05_53
LabelAlign			=1
LabelStyle			=0
LabelAntiAlias		=0
LabelHeight			=12
LabelFontEffect		=0
LabelFontEffectColor	=0,0,255,255

; Month label settings
; The following determine the appearance of the labels of the month. 
; You may change the font color, the background color, the font size, the font 
; face, the horizontal alignment, the style and the height of the label. 
; Additionally, a border or shadow may be added with MonthFontEffect. The color 
; of this effect is determined by MonthFontEffectColor
; Day align takes the following values:
;		0 - Left
;		1 - Center
;		2 - Right
; MonthStyle takes the following values:
;		0 - Normal
;		1 - Bold
;		2 - Italic
;		3 - BoldItalic
; MonthFontEffect takes the following values:
;		0 - None
;		1 - Border
;		2 - Shadow
MonthColor			=200,200,200, 255
MonthBGColor		=0,0,0, 1
MonthFontSize		=12
MonthFontFace		=hooge 05_53
MonthAlign			=1
MonthStyle			=0
MonthAntiAlias		=0
MonthHeight			=22
MonthFontEffect		=0
MonthFontEffectColor	=0,0,0,255

; Gap and margin settings
; These variables determine the size and positions of the individual cells
; of the calendar. 
; - CellWidth and CellHeight determine the size of the days in the month and the 
;   labels of the days of the week. 
; - CellHGap determines the horizontal space between cells and CellVGap 
;   determines the vertical space between cells.
; - LabelGap determines the space between the labels of the days of the week and
;   the days in the month.
; - MonthGap determines the space between the label of the month and the labels
;   of the days of the week
; - TopMargin, BottomMargin, LeftMargin and RightMargin set a certain distance
;   on each side in pixels that the calendar does not enter. 
CellWidth		=14
CellHeight		=10
CellHGap		=4
CellVGap		=2
LabelGap		=4
MonthGap		=0
TopMargin		=0
BottomMargin	=0
LeftMargin		=0
RightMargin		=0

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Re: Chameleon Calendar

Post by Alex2539 »

It still works perfectly for me. Maybe you accidentally changed something else? I am using exactly your settings and have added the three AA variables to calendar.ini and everything works perfectly. Replace your calendar.ini with this one:
Unless I have my directories all screwed up (which is possible), it should be the latest version. Regardless, it's the one I used with your settings file, so it should work. I added in the AA variables though, since that's actually a good idea that I totally meant to implement and forgot to.
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Re: Chameleon Calendar

Post by Klexur »

huh, that's funny, i tried checking the code before, myself, and couldnt find what the prob was. no telling what i messed up =/ but its fixed now, thanks.

need any help testing or working out the math stuff, let me know and i can try =]
The quiet and inquisitive one.