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Rainmeter in the desktop layer

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Rainmeter in the desktop layer

Post by Jeff »

Can you put Rainmeter in the desktop layer, behind the desktop icons?
The answer is yes. Should you? No. Warning: Loud (Good) Music

The problems
  • Mouse Actions obviously no longer get registered
  • If you disable desktop icons, moving the mouse freezes/stops the drawing
  • Probability it will crash (esoteric knowledge that was revealed to me in a dream)
  • The reason why there aren't a lot of apps doing this is because the command that adds windows to the wallpaper is undocumented and a Windows XP leftover, the Active Desktop Recovery feature just spawned an Internet Explorer window and set that as the wallpaper
How to
  1. Get WeebP
  2. Open up CMD inside the folder where you unzipped WeebP (either type cmd in the address bar of that folder or cd to the folder)
  3. (Type wp to familiarize yourself with the commends)
  4. Type wp info and click on a Skin
  5. It should print out something like
    [00090858] RainmeterMeterWindow | 0, 0, 213, 1608 | G:\Rainmeter\Skins\blahington\blah.ini
    while we can use every single value for this, we'll use the last one, which is the skin name
  6. Type wp add -n G:\Rainmeter\Skins\blahington\blah.ini and then refresh the skin
  7. Congrats! You now have a skin behind the desktop icons
Extra Info, you can stop reading if you're not curious
If for some reason this has blown your mind and you always wanna use it and need a dashboard for it, you should open up cmd in the WeebP folder, type set PATH=%PATH%;%CD%, then get my RM-in-OBS skin and inside GenerateFile.lua change line 74 to be 'LeftMouseUpAction=["wp add -n #SkinsPath#'..'[&Config%d]\\[&Skin%d]"][!SetOption String%d SolidColor "#ColorSet#"][!Refresh "'..[&Config%d]..'"][!UpdateMeter String%d][!Redraw]\n'}, i, t)
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Re: Rainmeter in the desktop layer

Post by reisir »

People asking for Rainmeter "wallpapers" might actually be possible now ;-)
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Re: Rainmeter in the desktop layer

Post by Yincognito »

Well, this is interesting indeed, thanks! I might just try it one day, for a control-less skin. Stuff you can add to the post, if you like:
- how to remove a skin from behind the desktop icons (if by any chance it's another method than just simply doing wp remove ...)
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