The answer is yes. Should you? No. Warning: Loud (Good) Music
The problems
- Mouse Actions obviously no longer get registered
- If you disable desktop icons, moving the mouse freezes/stops the drawing
- Probability it will crash (esoteric knowledge that was revealed to me in a dream)
- The reason why there aren't a lot of apps doing this is because the command that adds windows to the wallpaper is undocumented and a Windows XP leftover, the Active Desktop Recovery feature just spawned an Internet Explorer window and set that as the wallpaper
- Get WeebP
- Open up CMD inside the folder where you unzipped WeebP (either type cmd in the address bar of that folder or cd to the folder)
- (Type wp to familiarize yourself with the commends)
- Type wp info and click on a Skin
- It should print out something like
[00090858] RainmeterMeterWindow | 0, 0, 213, 1608 | G:\Rainmeter\Skins\blahington\blah.ini
while we can use every single value for this, we'll use the last one, which is the skin name - Type wp add -n G:\Rainmeter\Skins\blahington\blah.ini and then refresh the skin
- Congrats! You now have a skin behind the desktop icons
If for some reason this has blown your mind and you always wanna use it and need a dashboard for it, you should open up cmd in the WeebP folder, type set PATH=%PATH%;%CD%, then get my RM-in-OBS skin and inside GenerateFile.lua change line 74 to be 'LeftMouseUpAction=["wp add -n #SkinsPath#'..'[&Config%d]\\[&Skin%d]"][!SetOption String%d SolidColor "#ColorSet#"][!Refresh "'..[&Config%d]..'"][!UpdateMeter String%d][!Redraw]\n'}, i, t)