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Nice to be here. I am from Tenerife

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Joined: August 12th, 2023, 5:22 pm
Location: Tenerife

Nice to be here. I am from Tenerife

Post by JPRTenerife »

Hello everyone.
I am from Canary Islands, the affortunated islands.
Lately not so affortunated with my software.
I need rainmeter.
i am using for about 10 years and I need a solution similar to Donation Coders Progress of Life to maintain in view with no effort.
So I need an skin configurable for a list of countdown target by days , recurrible or not. About 10 targets and the rest hidden it's useful for me.
Reminders to pay or renew certain tasks.
I will put the post for this.
Thank you.
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Re: Nice to be here. I am from Tenerife

Post by balala »

Hello and welcome to this great community. You're living into a wonderful place.
However there is a small problem: your request sounds more or less as a skin request, which is not allowed. However if you used Rainmeter about ten years, you should have to be able to at least start your project. We definitely will help you to finish and fix it, if needed, but no one out there will write it for you. We don't have enough time for this and sorry, but in fact no one does want either, I think.
Sorry, but you have to start working with it.