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Proxy support

Report bugs with the Rainmeter application and suggest features.
Posts: 8
Joined: June 1st, 2010, 1:02 am

Proxy support

Post by mrbaggins »

Would be awesome if there was more support for network proxies. There already is (I think) for non-authenticated ones, but unfortunately this only partly solves problems.

Support for authenticated network proxies would open this program up to enterprise use. This increases the total usercount, which in turn increases the chances of people learning to program/designing new themes/generally adding to the community.

This link: details how to use the WinINet libraries to authenticate against a server. It is simply then a case of creating a dialog to ask for the input (Or having it set in the rainmeter.ini).
Posts: 1270
Joined: April 3rd, 2009, 4:31 am
Location: NC, US

Re: Proxy support

Post by dragonmage »

We have discussed many enhancements to Webparser, we just don't have the manpower with C++ talent at the moment. We are currently looking for Rainmeter users with the appropriate skill set.