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HWiNFO | Resizable Gauges 4.0 [Light Mode Update]

Skins that monitor system information
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HWiNFO | Resizable Gauges 4.0 [Light Mode Update]

Post by RicardoTM »

Resizable Gauges 4.0
Light Mode and Restructure Update!
image (3).jpg
4 Gauge Designs (6).gif
Static and 3 Gradients to choose from.

A set of 4 totally Customizable and Resizable Gauges with 4 different designs to monitor PC sensors using HWiNFO64 software, every gauge has a list that displays 6 additional sensors. With the option to have as many gauges as you need using the included Gauge Creator skin. Each Gauge is totally independent, which means you can move them to wherever you need on your desktop or additional screens and change the designs and colors to fit on your desktop.

image (7).jpg
Nice looking system monitoring

Latest HWiNFO version

Installation Process
After installing the skin in rainmeter, a welcome tutorial will load, follow the steps and you will be ready in a couple minutes. If you already have the HWiNFO index values set up, then it will be even faster. You don't need to look at the code at all.

Light Mode and Restructure Update
While I personally don't like light themes, I understand that some people actually like white stuff and happy lighted colors. After spending a lot of time hand picking colors in an intent of creating a light theme that didn't look bad compared to the dark mode, I ended up creating and implementing raincolors.lua, a color manipulation lua library to easily generate colors, which allowed me to improve the existing dark mode and create a light counterpart. Obviously I had to create a set of white gauges as well. Black gauges were also redesigned and while changes are subtle, they're noticeable. HSLiders now uses raincolors.lua instead of measures as well.

The file restructure is now complete. Future updates won't delete user created gauges anymore. Now all Gauges, HSLiders and Settings skins share the same files, this way I can update those files without affecting user created gauges and their variable files, it also helped reducing the package size to 2MB with the white gauges included.

Inside @Resources folder there is a new "User" folder. This folder can be used to add custom include files or other stuff . The user folder won't be affected by updates.

Turn the lights on
To switch to light mode, open settings and click on the new Toggle Mode Button. (5).gif
image (5).jpg

Special thanks to @Balala,@Eclectic-Tech and @Yincognito, this wouldn't exist without their help.
List's animation was made using Easing Functions Simulator by @nek
Also thanks to @endpoint101 for the feature on his DIY video!

Make sure you check this thread eventually to see if there is any update available.
Finally, here's the Package, enjoy it.

In DeviantArt:
If you find any bug or want to request a feature please report it here.
This project is still a WIP and critical changes might be done in future updates.

Old Releases

Version 4.0 - Sixth Update
  • Full file restructure.
  • Now all skins share the same files.
  • Implemented raincolors.lua.
  • New safe color function, text color won't turn unreadable.
  • Added Mode toggle button to Settings and Tutorial skins.
  • Complete redesign.
  • Added white gauges.
  • Some variables and folders changed name.
  • HSLiders code optimization.
  • Small custom menu changes.
  • Minor bug fixes.
Version 3.5 - Fifth Update
  • Full code optimization.
  • Now the list and the gauge are merged into one.
  • Added list animation
  • Fixed an issue with the fonts.
  • Now the list's font changes with the design.
  • Improved dynamic font size.
  • Now the gauge can display decimals.
  • Improved custom context actions.
  • Now the gauges are synced.
  • Changed "Refresh Rate" to "Update Rate".
  • Now the sensors' measures enable and disable when needed.
  • Much more code optimization to increase performance.
  • 3.5.1 Fixed a typo on the state measure
Version 3.0 - Fourth Update
  • Complete file structure and code rework.
  • Added new HSLiders customization panel.
  • Added Mouse plugin
  • Now the list can be contracted and expanded.
  • Added dynamic Gauge's text size.
  • Now the gauge can display units.
  • Added custom context actions to the gauges.
  • Now the Refresh Rate can be changed by the user through the Settings panel.
  • Added Gauge Creator skin.
  • Code Optimization.
  • Increased CPU performance.
Version 2.0 - Third Update
  • Added 3 new gauge designs.
  • Added 3 new gradient styles.
  • Added customization panel to RGBColor skin.
  • Now it is possible to hide the gauge's background and foreground.
  • Now the colors change with the measured value.
  • Added 2 new fonts.
  • Now there's only one variant.
  • Welcome Tutorial Remade.
  • Code cleaning.
  • Minor bug fixes.
  • New Video Tutorial.
Version 1.2 - Second Update
  • Added new tricolor RGB variant.
  • Added 2 new versions of RGB Code by HiTBiT-PA modified by me.
  • Deleted 4 old variants and added the new one to the variant selector.
  • Increased the maximum number of digits on the config skins from 3 to 4.
  • Some variables were changed.
  • Code cleaning.
  • Minor bug fixes.
  • Fixed some alignment issues on the lists and config skins
  • Fixed a typo that prevented the correct font to load
  • Now the lists unload when the gauge unload
Version 1.0 - First Update
  • Added new RGB variant.
  • Added RGB Code by HiTBiT-PA.
  • Added new variant to the variant selector.
  • Increased the minimum size.
  • Fixed a typo in the code.
  • Fixed a bug that would make the list stay wherever it was before the gauge was last refreshed instead of where the gauge is.
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Last edited by RicardoTM on March 23rd, 2024, 4:22 am, edited 41 times in total.
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Update | HWiNFO | Resizable Gauges

Post by RicardoTM »

UPDATE Version 1.0
  • Added new RGB variant
  • Added RGB Code by HiTBiT-PA
  • Added new variant to the variant selector.
  • Increased the minimum size.
  • Fixed a typo in the code
  • Fixed a bug that would make the list stay wherever it was before the gauge was last refreshed instead of where the gauge is.
New Package added to the main post.
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Joined: January 15th, 2023, 3:41 am

Re: HWiNFO | Resizable Gauges [New 1.0 Version]

Post by TheScourge »

I cannot get the GPU gauge to list the temp on my GPU, it automatically shows the temp associated to my CPU, no matter what sensor I choose. Thoughts?

Full disclosure: I'm a total n00b at watercooling and gauge displays/Rainmeter.

Many thanks.
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Re: HWiNFO | Resizable Gauges [New 1.0 Version]

Post by RicardoTM »

TheScourge wrote: January 15th, 2023, 3:46 am I cannot get the GPU gauge to list the temp on my GPU, it automatically shows the temp associated to my CPU, no matter what sensor I choose. Thoughts?

Full disclosure: I'm a total n00b at watercooling and gauge displays/Rainmeter.

Many thanks.
Hey, sorry for the late answer.
You gotta input the correct index value for the gpu temp sensor. Double click on the gauge to open the list, click on the right side circle to open the configuration, now click on "Show HWiNFO Index Values", a tab in your browser will open with the current sensors you are tracking. There you have to check what Index Value corresponds to the GPU Temperature Sensor and then Input that number in the "Gauge Sensor" line in the configurator.

If you are not sure how to track sensors from HWiNFO, please follow the "Setting up HWiNFO" section in this guide.

The configuration has 3 columns: Title, Index and Value.
Title is for you to type the sensor name (Temperature, gpu clock, fan speed, etc.), Index is for you to input the index values that correspond to those sensors, and Value displays the sensor values, like the temperature for example.

You gotta change all the "0"s in the Index Column for the Index Values that correspond to the Sensors you want to display. The one that says "Gauge Sensor" is the one that is displayed in the Gauge, so make sure you input the Temperature Sensor Index Value there. To input index values you have to click the value in the Index column, type the new value and then hit enter. The Gauge should refresh and display the new temperature value, you should also see the same temperature value in the "Value" column. I recommend to put the same index value in "Component Name" and, if you want the value to also be displayed in the list, then input the same index value in the Sensor 1 line too. Just don't forget to change the title to "Temperature".

You gotta repeat the same process to configure the 4 gauges.

If you still have problems please share a screenshot of both the configuration and the HWiNFO index value tab in your browser.
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Re: HWiNFO | Resizable Gauges [New 1.0 Version]

Post by TheScourge »

Many thanks, sir! I realized that the component name Index value corresponded to what the index value was of the sensor that I had previously selected, and that changed the name of what I was looking at. Also, putting a value of '1' in the gauge sensor made the value display correctly.

I'm a bit slow, I guess.

Everything displays as it is supposed to, now.

Thank you, sir!
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Re: HWiNFO | Resizable Gauges [New 1.0 Version]

Post by RandomDesign »

One thing I noticed - you can't input an index value higher than 100. My system shows sensor index values up to 600 and, for example my CPU package temps are index number 233. I can go into the config file and manually add it there but it limits the usability of the menu system IMO.
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Re: HWiNFO | Resizable Gauges [New 1.0 Version]

Post by RicardoTM »

RandomDesign wrote: January 26th, 2023, 7:56 pm One thing I noticed - you can't input an index value higher than 100. My system shows sensor index values up to 600 and, for example my CPU package temps are index number 233. I can go into the config file and manually add it there but it limits the usability of the menu system IMO.

Thank you for letting me know, I'll fix it for the next update. It won't arrive soon since I've been busy with work.

If you don't want to wait, you can fix it by going into every gauge settings skin code (e.g. GPUSettings.ini) and change the next lines in every InputText plugin measure that is related to index values. Those have a "me" before the name. e.g. [meGaugeSensor], [meComponentName], [meSensor], [meSensor1], etc.

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

That will let you input a maximum of 4 digits.

You may want as well change

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

So they should change from e.g.

Code: Select all

Command1=[!WriteKeyValue Variables sIndex "$UserInput$" "#@#Settings\"][!Refresh "#GaugeConfig#"]
Command2=!Refresh #CURRENTCONFIG#

Code: Select all

Command1=[!WriteKeyValue Variables sIndex "$UserInput$" "#@#Settings\"][!Refresh "#GaugeConfig#"]
Command2=!Refresh #CURRENTCONFIG#
Those measures start in the line 490.

Sorry for the inconvenience, greetings.
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Re: HWiNFO | Resizable Gauges [New 1.0 Version]

Post by RandomDesign »

Thanks! Those changes definitely did the trick.
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Re: HWiNFO | Resizable Gauges [New 1.0 Version]

Post by RicardoTM »

Just a quick update about this skin's state. Sadly I can't work in the next update for now due to the amount of work I have right now.

Since I implemented the RGB variant, the older variants are now obsolete and are only occupying storage space, so for the next update I'm planning to replace the older variants for new gauge desings. If you guys have any idea on a good desing or a functionality you would like the skin to have please share, also if you are having any problem with the recent 1.0 update please don't hesitate to ask me and I'll do my best to help you resolve the problem.

Thanks to all who have tried the skin, I hope you like it and more importantly, I hope you find it helpful.
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Re: HWiNFO | Resizable Gauges [New 1.0 Version]

Post by endpoint101 »

Great job on this RicardoTM! In fact, I've featured them in a DIY video I've recently created which shows how to set these gauges up on a 5" secondary display 8-)