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[Solved] second taskbar or launcher menu bar

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[Solved] second taskbar or launcher menu bar

Post by strangedenial »

Hi there,

it there a way to add a second taskbar or a second launcher menu bar ?
Second sidebar can be added but I could not find a way to add the second taskbar...
Now way for it ?

Last edited by strangedenial on May 30th, 2010, 8:30 am, edited 2 times in total.
Posts: 3
Joined: May 30th, 2010, 7:15 am

Re: second taskbar or launcher menu bar

Post by strangedenial »

Solved !

I figured it out myself...
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Re: [Solved] second taskbar or launcher menu bar

Post by dragonmage »

Glad you figured it out. Could you post what you did so the next person will have a head start?
Posts: 3
Joined: May 30th, 2010, 7:15 am

Re: [Solved] second taskbar or launcher menu bar

Post by strangedenial »

Oh yes, I totally forgot about it. I am sorry...

Well first of all, I'm using windows 7 Ultimate and the skin is Enigma.

I assume that who will read this have a basic knowledge of editing skins of Rainmeter....

I copied the folder 'Taskbar' to the exact same folder where the original 'Taskbar' is. Basicly copied and renamed it to 'Taskbar_two'. Changed nothing inside.
Loaded taskbar_two, and then you just need to load the 'Launcer' under thje taskbar_two. Just as you do load the usual Launcer.
There it appears the new launcher. Since it is exactly copied from the original Taskbar, Launcher, and launcher menu, you will need to Open Enigma.ini and go to Skin properties.

Select Taskbar_two/laucner/menu . and then click to 'Edit Skin'

well then it will open a notepad...

I will try to explain how I edited the codes and what they mean...

App1Name=Word / * this will be the name of your application. The name does not. However you must edit some codes in order to match the name you will use here... (below)
App1Location=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\WINWORD.exe / watch out where you save your files. If it is not in the original enigma folder then you should again remover the ' # ' and write the exact folder ...
App1Icon=#SKINSPATH#Enigma\Resources\Images\Launcher\msn.png / watch out where you save your icons. If it is not in the original enigma folder then you should again remover the ' # ' and write the exact folder ...
App1IconActive=#SKINSPATH#Enigma\Resources\Images\Launcher\msn.png / watch out where you save your icons. If it is not in the original enigma folder then you should again remover the ' # ' and write the exact folder ...

* you might add as much as you want but if you will add more then 5, which is the original number, then you shoud edit some more codes....

In the original code it is like this :

MediaName=#App1# / The '#' refer to the setting originally comes from the enigma skin. In order to make your own launcher you shloud remover them...
Media]Location=#App1Path# / watch out where you save your files. If it is not in the original enigma folder then you should again remover the ' # ' and write the exact folder ...
MediaIcon=#SKINSPATH#Enigma\Resources\Images\Launcher\chrome.png / watch out where you save your files. If it is not in the original enigma folder then you should again remover the ' # ' and write the exact folder ...
MediaIconActive=#SKINSPATH#Enigma\Resources\Images\Launcher\chrome.png / watch out where you save your icons. If it is not in the original enigma folder then you should again remover the ' # ' and write the exact folder ...

Since we have changed the original name we must go below and change this code as well for each of the luancher we will use...

Code :

LeftMouseDownAction=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter App1Active][!RainmeterHideMeter Media][!RainmeterRedraw]

LeftMouseUpAction=!Execute ["#App1Location#"][!RainmeterShowMeter Media][!RainmeterHideMeter App1Active][!RainmeterHide "Enigma\Taskbar\Launcher\AppsMenu"][!RainmeterHideMeter Grabber Enigma\Taskbar\Launcher\Apps][!RainmeterShowMeter Apps Enigma\Taskbar\Launcher\Apps][!RainmeterHideMeter AppsActive Enigma\Taskbar\Launcher\Apps][!RainmeterRedraw]

; -------------------------

The original Code is :

LeftMouseDownAction=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter MediaActive][!RainmeterHideMeter Media][!RainmeterRedraw]

LeftMouseUpAction=!Execute ["#MediaLocation#"][!RainmeterShowMeter Media][!RainmeterHideMeter MediaActive][!RainmeterHide "Enigma\Taskbar\Launcher\AppsMenu"][!RainmeterHideMeter Grabber Enigma\Taskbar\Launcher\Apps][!RainmeterShowMeter Apps Enigma\Taskbar\Launcher\Apps][!RainmeterHideMeter AppsActive Enigma\Taskbar\Launcher\Apps][!RainmeterRedraw]

; -------------------------

I hope that is clear enough. I tried to explain it for the ones who have a bit of knowledge of editing. For the ones who do not, you should reply and ask what you have not understood...
Last edited by dragonmage on May 31st, 2010, 3:37 am, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: Changed [code] to [spoiler] because it was easier than cleaning all the color tags.