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[Bug] Skins randomly switching from Draggable 0 to Draggable 1

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[Bug] Skins randomly switching from Draggable 0 to Draggable 1

Post by Cariboudjan »

In the latest update, skins may randomly switch from Draggable 0 to Draggable 1. Other settings may also be affected. I'm still investigating this.

StartHidden and FadeDuration lines from Rainmeter.ini seem to disappear entirely.

Some DefaultSettings seem to either not set or cause those lines to disappear and not re-set after skin load.

Deleting content of Rainmeter.ini and refreshing Rainmeter does not cause the DefaultSettings for the loaded skins to reset.

Only deleting the Rainmeter.ini entirely causes the DefaultSettings to reset.

Deleting a section's keys in Rainmeter.ini, all except Active=1, then refreshing Rainmeter, doesn't cause its DefaultSettings to reset. Instead that config is given default Rainmeter-given values. In the absence of a setting in Rainmeter.ini, regardless of if that config has already been run, should set those keys to their DefaultSetting values determined by the skin, shouldn't it?
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Re: [Bug] Skins randomly switching from Draggable 0 to Draggable 1

Post by Brian »

"Default Settings" are only parsed if the entire section in Rainmeter.ini does not exist.
3rd and 4th paragraph....
