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[Bug] NowPlaying "ClosePlayer" not working with iTunes

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baleens spider
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[Bug] NowPlaying "ClosePlayer" not working with iTunes

Post by baleens spider »

I have a button that is supposed to close iTunes when pressed [!CommandMeasure "PlayerMeasure" "ClosePlayer"], and when it is pressed iTunes closes and the reopens after a few seconds. This does not happen every time, but seems to happen most times. I cannot find any links between this happening and whether or not iTunes is minimized. "TogglePlayer" has the same behavior when used to close iTunes. "OpenPlayer" and every other feature from NowPlaying i have tried works perfectly.
I am on iTunes version, (which is far beyond the stated tested version) and am on the most recent version of Rainmeter as of April 14 2021.
Relevant part of skin:

Code: Select all

ButtonCommand=[!CommandMeasure "PlayerMeasure" "OpenPlayer"]

ButtonCommand=[!CommandMeasure "PlayerMeasure" "ClosePlayer"]
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Re: [Bug] NowPlaying "ClosePlayer" not working with iTunes

Post by Yincognito »

A bit late, but although I can't test this since I use good ol' Winamp as a player, I can still mention some things:
- if it does close but then reopens, maybe there is some iTunes resident app that's respawning the main process
- if all else fails, you can still use taskkill.exe in a RunCommand measure to achieve the same thing
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