I could be missing something but I can't get Repeat="Month" to work. I've tried different alterations where I remove the year and month but the outcome's always the same. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
Code: Select all
<Event Repeat="Month" Month="1" Day="8" Year="2022" color="230, 48, 115">Monthly Meeting</Event>
I tried this but the days shift since there aren't always 30 days in a month. I need it to be on the 8th of every month.
Code: Select all
<Event Repeat="Custom" Multiplier="86400*30" Month="1" Day="8" Year="2022" color="230, 48, 115">Monthly Meeting</Event>
Help would be greatly appreciated. I've been at this for a while now and I'm absolutely deflated T^T
Does anyone know of a work around?
---------------------------------------------------------------[ EDIT ]---------------------------------------------------------------
If ever you have this problem, edit CScript.lua and find this bulk of code:
Code: Select all
elseif event.erepeat == 'month' then
if not event.day then
Error.Create('Day must be specified in %s when using Month repeat.', event.description)
elseif not tstamp(event.day, event.month, event.year) <= event.finish then
-- Do Nothing
elseif not event.month and event.year then
elseif Time.show.year >= event.year then
local ydiff = Time.show.year - event.year - 1
local mdiff
if ydiff == -1 then
mdiff = Time.show.month - event.month
mdiff = (12 - event.month) + Time.show.month + ydiff * 12
if (mdiff % event.multip) == 0 and Time.stats.cmonth >= tstamp(1, event.month, event.year) then
AddEvent(event.day, mdiff / event.multip + 1)
Code: Select all
elseif event.erepeat == 'month' then
local Results = TestRequirements{
{event.day, 'Day must be specified in %s when using Month repeat.', event.description},
if Results then
if tstamp(event.day, event.month, Time.show.year) <= event.finish then
The Finish and Skip event options still work with the edit but they have to be in the DD/MM/YYYY format.
Ex. Skipping on Sep 8, 2022 and Apr 8, 2022 + finishing on Dec 8, 2022: Skip="8/9/2022|8/4/2022" Finish="8/12/2022"
If you catch anything wrong with it, please let me know but this does what I need it to so far.
I hope it helps someone else! C: Until it gets officially patched at least!