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Calendar problem...

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Posts: 16
Joined: February 18th, 2010, 10:32 am

Calendar problem...

Post by SpeedChaser »

As you can see, there is a small problem with my caldendar. This happens only on the first paragraph on the second row.

Anyone knows what the problem is?

Posts: 16
Joined: February 18th, 2010, 10:32 am

Re: Calendar problem...

Post by SpeedChaser »


Just noticed that it seems to do it every time when there's greyed-out (last month) dates in the top line and the current line is second from top.
Posts: 1270
Joined: April 3rd, 2009, 4:31 am
Location: NC, US

Re: Calendar problem...

Post by dragonmage »

What config is that? Enigma? Please post the contents of the ini here between code tags.
Posts: 16
Joined: February 18th, 2010, 10:32 am

Re: Calendar problem...

Post by SpeedChaser »

Nope, it's drkminml reloaded. I did just change the colours, removed the background and changed day names to my own language. Here is the code in two parts (too long to fit one message).

Code: Select all

; drkminiml Reloaded by mTRAX DWS
; Based on drkminiml by Folter

;==================== Background =====================
;Metadata added by RainBrowser


;End of added Metadata



Update			=500	;Update the calendar every .5 seconds
;Disable when done	;Set BackgroundMode=2 for solid light grey bg color. Really only used during debugging.
SolidColor		=255, 255, 255, 255
BevelType		=0

;General config settings
;Show part of the surrounding months? 1=Yes / 0 (or anything else)=no

;Month display text properties
Month.font		=Calibri
Month.color		=ffffff
Month.size		=10
Month.align		=left		=bold
Month.hidden		=1		;0 for no, 1 for yes

;Day of the week label text properties
DayLabel.font	=Calibri
DayLabel.color	=255, 255, 255, 200
DayLabel.size	=10	=255, 255, 255, 0	=16	=16
DayLabel.xstart	=8	;Changes the X of the first day label. The rest is adjusted automaticaly by pxS

;Day text properties
DayText.font	=Calibri
DayText.color	=255, 255, 255, 100
DayText.hilight	=255, 255, 255, 100
DayText.size	=10
DayText.align	=right	=bold

;Day of the week label text
;Numbered 0-6 with 0 being the first day of the week and 6 being the last
;Changing these values does not affect the calculation of the dates and is purely cosmetic
DayLabel0.text	="Ma"
DayLabel1.text	="Ti"
DayLabel2.text	="Ke"
DayLabel3.text	="To"
DayLabel4.text	="Pe"
DayLabel5.text	="La"
DayLabel6.text	="Su"

;Previous month day properties
PrevMonth.font	=Calibri
PrevMonth.color	=255, 255, 255, 70
PrevMonth.size	=10	=bold
PrevMonth.align	=right

;Next month day properties
NextMonth.font	=Calibri
NextMonth.color	=255, 255, 255, 70
NextMonth.size	=10	=bold
NextMonth.align	=right

;Current day's properties. Bolded by default
BoldDay.font	=Calibri
BoldDay.color	=255, 255, 255, 200
BoldDay.size	=10	=bold

;Calendar icon settings
Icon			=cal-silk.png
cal.x			=45
cal.y			=30
W                       =30
H                       =20

;General text formatting
;Used mainly for day labels
sAlign			=center
sStyle			=normal
AA			=0

;Spacing between each label
;Can also be used to change overall width. Manually adjust date alignments if done, though.
pxS			=27

;Align weekday x
;Aligns the days vertically along each column that makes up the days of the week
pD1.x			=58
pD2.x			=85
pD3.x			=112
pD4.x			=139
pD5.x			=165
pD6.x			=192
pD7.x			=218

;Align week y
;Aligns the days horizontally along each row
;If the month label is hidden subtract 20 from the values. If the month label is visible pW1.y sould be 40. 20 is the default spacing		=52		;x is always assumed 0
DayLabel.y		=54

pW1.y			=80
pW2.y			=100
pW3.y			=120
pW4.y			=140
pW5.y			=160
pW6.y			=180

;Day definition shortcuts
;Used in first week calculations
_sun			=1
_mon			=2
_tue			=3
_wed			=4
_thu			=5
_fri			=6
_sat			=7

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(#ShowOtherMonths# = 1) ? 1 : 0

[cCentury]		;mod(century , 4) century assumed 20 for 2000. If this is ever used in the 2100s then change to 21. That's a big if.
Measure			=calc
Formula			=(20%4)

[mYear]			;Gets current year in ## format. ex: 09
Measure			=time
Format			=%y

[mMonth]		;Gets current month without leading zero. ex: 9
Measure			=time
Format			=%#m

Measure			=calc
Formula			=mMonth - 1

[mDay]			;Gets current day without leading zero. ex 9
Measure			=time
Format			=%#d

[cLeapYear]		;Returns 1 if leap year or 0 if not
Measure			=calc
Formula			=((mYear%4 = 0) && (mYear%100 <> 0) || (mYear%400 = 0)) ? 1 : 0

[cMonthCode]	;Returns month "code" according to notes
Measure			=calc
Formula			=((mMonth = 3) || (mMonth = 11)) ? 3 : (((mMonth = 4) || (mMonth = 7)) ? 6 : ((mMonth = 5) ? 1 : ((mMonth = 6) ? 4 : ((mMonth = 8) ? 2 : (((mMonth = 9) || (mMonth = 12)) ? 5 : ((mMonth = 10) ? 0 : ((cLeapYear = 1) ? ((mMonth = 1) ? 6 : 2) : ((mMonth = 1) ? 0 : 3))))))))

[cPrevMonthCode];Returns previous month's "code" according to notes. Oh how I wish Rainmeter has functions.
Measure			=calc
Formula			=((cPrevMonth = 3) || (cPrevMonth = 11)) ? 3 : (((cPrevMonth = 4) || (cPrevMonth = 7)) ? 6 : ((cPrevMonth = 5) ? 1 : ((cPrevMonth = 6) ? 4 : ((cPrevMonth = 8) ? 2 : (((cPrevMonth = 9) || (cPrevMonth = 12)) ? 5 : ((cPrevMonth = 10) ? 0 : ((cLeapYear = 1) ? ((cPrevMonth = 1) ? 6 : 2) : ((cPrevMonth = 1) ? 0 : 3))))))))

[cMonthStartDay];Determines which day of the week a month starts. Used in week one to turn off days not in the current month
Measure			=calc
Formula			=(FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)+cMonthCode+1-(2*cCentury))%7

[cMonthStart]	;Used to help determine day a month starts. If the day of the week is 0 or Saturday then return 7 (for day 7 in a traditional sense) otherwise return the other "coded" day of the week.
Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cMonthStartDay = 0) ? 7 : cMonthStartDay

[cDayCount]		;Redundant use to determine total count of days in a month. Used to calculate when to stop displaying days in week 5 or 6. Credit to Jiri Mahel of HUD.Vision.
Measure			=calc
Formula			=((mMonth = 4) || (mMonth = 6) || (mMonth = 9) || (mMonth = 11)) ? 30 : ((mMonth = 2) ? ((((mYear % 4) = 0) && ((mYear % 100) > 0)) ? 29 : (((mYear % 400) = 0) ? 29 : 28)) : 31)

[cPrevDayCount]	;Similar to DayCount but used to calculate the number of days for the previous month.
Measure			=calc
Formula			=((cPrevMonth = 4) || (cPrevMonth = 6) || (cPrevMonth = 9) || (cPrevMonth = 11)) ? 30 : ((cPrevMonth = 2) ? ((((mYear % 4) = 0) && ((mYear % 100) > 0)) ? 29 : (((mYear % 400) = 0) ? 29 : 28)) : 31)

[cPrevMonthEndDay]	;Find the day of the week the previous month ends.
Measure			=calc
Formula			=(FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)+cPrevMonthCode+cPrevDayCount-(2*cCentury))%7

[cPrevMonthEnd]	;Find the day of the week the previous month ends.
Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cPrevMonthEndDay = 0) ? 7 : cPrevMonthEndDay

[cMonthName]	;Shows the name of the month (%B for long name: January, %b for appreviated name: Jan) and the current year (%Y for long year: 2009, %y for short year: 09)
				;Could also be modified to include the numerical day (%d for day with leading zero: 05, %#d for day without leading zero: 5)
Measure			=time
Format			="%B, %Y"
;Uncomment to include day
;Format			="%B %#d, %Y"

;Calculate the first week of days
;This assumes Monday is the first day of the week

[cWD0]			;Calc weekday 1 (start)
Measure			=calc
Formula			=#_mon#-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury)-7*FLOOR((#_mon#-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury))/7)

[cWD1]			;Calc weekday 2
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=#_tue#-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury)-7*FLOOR((#_tue#-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury))/7)

[cWD2]			;Calc weekday 3
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=#_wed#-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury)-7*FLOOR((#_wed#-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury))/7)

[cWD3]			;Calc weekday 4
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=#_thu#-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury)-7*FLOOR((#_thu#-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury))/7)

[cWD4]			;Calc weekday 5
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=#_fri#-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury)-7*FLOOR((#_fri#-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury))/7)

[cWD5]			;Calc weekday 6
Measure			=calc
Formula			=#_sat#-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury)-7*FLOOR((#_sat#-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury))/7)

[cWD6]			;Calc weekday 7 (end)
Measure			=calc
Formula			=(#_sun#-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury)-7*FLOOR((#_sun#-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury))/7)) = 0 ? 7 : (#_sun#-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury)-7*FLOOR((#_sun#-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury))/7))

[cDay00]		;Week 1 Begin-----------------------------------------------
;Day 1 in week 1
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=cWD0

;Combine drawing the current date or previous month's date.
Measure			=calc
Formula			=(#_mon# = cMonthStart) ? 1 : ((cShowOtherMonths = 1) && (mMonth <> 1) ? -1 : 0)
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter mDay00][!RainmeterHideMeter mPrevDay00]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay00][!RainmeterShowMeter mPrevDay00]
IfEqualValue	=0
IfEqualAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay00][!RainmeterHideMeter mPrevDay00]

Measure			=calc
Formula			=cPrevDayCount - cPrevMonthEnd + #_mon#

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(mDay = cDay00) && (cDay00Draw = 1) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL00][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay00]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL00][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay00]

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay00
X				=#pD1.x#
Y				=#pW1.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay00
X				=#pD1.x#
Y				=#pW1.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cPrevMonthDay00
X				=#pD1.x#
Y				=#pW1.y#
FontColor		=#PrevMonth.color#
FontFace		=#PrevMonth.font#
FontSize		=#PrevMonth.size#
stringAlign		=#PrevMonth.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 2 in week 1
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=cWD1

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay00Draw = 1) || (#_tue# = cMonthStart) ? 1 : ((cShowOtherMonths = 1) && (mMonth <> 1) ? -1 : 0)
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter mDay01][!RainmeterHideMeter mPrevDay01]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay01][!RainmeterShowMeter mPrevDay01]
IfEqualValue	=0
IfEqualAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay01][!RainmeterHideMeter mPrevDay01]

Measure			=calc
Formula			=cPrevDayCount - cPrevMonthEnd + #_tue#

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(mDay = cDay01) && (cDay01Draw = 1) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL01][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay01]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL01][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay01]

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay01
X				=#pD2.x#
Y				=#pW1.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay01
X				=#pD2.x#
Y				=#pW1.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cPrevMonthDay01
X				=#pD2.x#
Y				=#pW1.y#
FontColor		=#PrevMonth.color#
FontFace		=#PrevMonth.font#
FontSize		=#PrevMonth.size#
stringAlign		=#PrevMonth.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 3 in week 1
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=cWD2

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay01Draw = 1) || (#_wed# = cMonthStart) ? 1 : ((cShowOtherMonths = 1) && (mMonth <> 1) ? -1 : 0)
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter mDay02][!RainmeterHideMeter mPrevDay02]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay02][!RainmeterShowMeter mPrevDay02]
IfEqualValue	=0
IfEqualAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay02][!RainmeterHideMeter mPrevDay02]

Measure			=calc
Formula			=cPrevDayCount - cPrevMonthEnd + #_wed#

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(mDay = cDay02) && (cDay02Draw = 1) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL02][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay02]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL02][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay02]

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay02
X				=#pD3.x#
Y				=#pW1.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay02
X				=#pD3.x#
Y				=#pW1.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cPrevMonthDay02
X				=#pD3.x#
Y				=#pW1.y#
FontColor		=#PrevMonth.color#
FontFace		=#PrevMonth.font#
FontSize		=#PrevMonth.size#
stringAlign		=#PrevMonth.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 4 in week 1
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=cWD3

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay02Draw = 1) || (#_thu# = cMonthStart) ? 1 : ((cShowOtherMonths = 1) && (mMonth <> 1) ? -1 : 0)
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter mDay03][!RainmeterHideMeter mPrevDay03]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay03][!RainmeterShowMeter mPrevDay03]
IfEqualValue	=0
IfEqualAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay03][!RainmeterHideMeter mPrevDay03]

Measure			=calc
Formula			=cPrevDayCount - cPrevMonthEnd + #_thu#

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(mDay = cDay03) && (cDay03Draw = 1) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL03][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay03]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL03][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay03]

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay03
X				=#pD4.x#
Y				=#pW1.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay03
X				=#pD4.x#
Y				=#pW1.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cPrevMonthDay03
X				=#pD4.x#
Y				=#pW1.y#
FontColor		=#PrevMonth.color#
FontFace		=#PrevMonth.font#
FontSize		=#PrevMonth.size#
stringAlign		=#PrevMonth.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 5 in week 1
Measure			=calc
Formula			=cWD4

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay03Draw = 1) || (#_fri# = cMonthStart) ? 1 : ((cShowOtherMonths = 1) && (mMonth <> 1) ? -1 : 0)
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter mDay04][!RainmeterHideMeter mPrevDay04]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay04][!RainmeterShowMeter mPrevDay04]
IfEqualValue	=0
IfEqualAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay04][!RainmeterHideMeter mPrevDay04]

Measure			=calc
Formula			=cPrevDayCount - cPrevMonthEnd + #_fri#

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(mDay = cDay04) && (cDay04Draw = 1) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL04][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay04]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL04][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay04]

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay04
X				=#pD5.x#
Y				=#pW1.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay04
X				=#pD5.x#
Y				=#pW1.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cPrevMonthDay04
X				=#pD5.x#
Y				=#pW1.y#
FontColor		=#PrevMonth.color#
FontFace		=#PrevMonth.font#
FontSize		=#PrevMonth.size#
stringAlign		=#PrevMonth.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 6 in week 1
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=cWD5

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay04Draw = 1) || (#_sat# = cMonthStart) ? 1 : ((cShowOtherMonths = 1) && (mMonth <> 1) ? -1 : 0)
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter mDay05][!RainmeterHideMeter mPrevDay05]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay05][!RainmeterShowMeter mPrevDay05]
IfEqualValue	=0
IfEqualAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay05][!RainmeterHideMeter mPrevDay05]

Measure			=calc
Formula			=cPrevDayCount - cPrevMonthEnd + #_sat#

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(mDay = cDay05) && (cDay05Draw = 1) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL05][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay05]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL05][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay05]

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay05
X				=#pD6.x#
Y				=#pW1.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay05
X				=#pD6.x#
Y				=#pW1.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cPrevMonthDay05
X				=#pD6.x#
Y				=#pW1.y#
FontColor		=#PrevMonth.color#
FontFace		=#PrevMonth.font#
FontSize		=#PrevMonth.size#
stringAlign		=#PrevMonth.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 7 in week 1
;If the month hasn't started already then something is really wrong.
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=cWD6

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay05Draw = 1) || (#_sun# = cMonthStart) ? 1 : ((cShowOtherMonths = 1) && (mMonth <> 1) ? -1 : 0)
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter mDay06][!RainmeterHideMeter mPrevDay06]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay06][!RainmeterShowMeter mPrevDay06]
IfEqualValue	=0
IfEqualAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay06][!RainmeterHideMeter mPrevDay06]

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(mDay = cDay06) && (cDay06Draw = 1) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL06][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay06]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL06][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay06]

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay06
X				=#pD7.x#
Y				=#pW1.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay06
X				=#pD7.x#
Y				=#pW1.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

[cDay10]		;Week 2 Begin-----------------------------------------------
;Day 1 in week 2
Measure			=calc
Formula			=cDay06 + 1

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(mDay = cDay10) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL10][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay10]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL10][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay10]

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay10
X				=#pD1.x#
Y				=#pW2.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay10
X				=#pD1.x#
Y				=#pW2.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 2 in week 2
Measure			=calc
Formula			=cDay10 + 1

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(mDay = cDay11) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL11][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay11]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL11][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay11]

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay11
X				=#pD2.x#
Y				=#pW2.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay11
X				=#pD2.x#
Y				=#pW2.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 3 in week 2
Measure			=calc
Formula			=cDay11 + 1

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(mDay = cDay12) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL12][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay12]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL12][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay12]

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay12
X				=#pD3.x#
Y				=#pW2.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay12
X				=#pD3.x#
Y				=#pW2.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 4 in week 2
Measure			=calc
Formula			=cDay12 + 1

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(mDay = cDay13) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL13][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay13]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL13][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay13]

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay13
X				=#pD4.x#
Y				=#pW2.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay13
X				=#pD4.x#
Y				=#pW2.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 5 in week 2
Measure			=calc
Formula			=cDay13 + 1

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(mDay = cDay14) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL14][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay14]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL14][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay14]

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay14
X				=#pD5.x#
Y				=#pW2.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay14
X				=#pD5.x#
Y				=#pW2.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 6 in week 2
Measure			=calc
Formula			=cDay14 + 1

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(mDay = cDay15) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL15][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay15]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL15][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay15]

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay15
X				=#pD6.x#
Y				=#pW2.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay15
X				=#pD6.x#
Y				=#pW2.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 7 in week 2
Measure			=calc
Formula			=cWD6 + 7

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(mDay = cDay16) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL16][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay16]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL16][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay16]

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay16
X				=#pD7.x#
Y				=#pW2.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay16
X				=#pD7.x#
Y				=#pW2.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

[cDay20]		;Week 3 Begin-----------------------------------------------
;Day 1 in week 3
;Keep adding one
;No need to worry about calculating if day exists until 28th
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=cDay16 + 1

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(mDay = cDay20) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL20][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay20]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL20][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay20]

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay20
X				=#pD1.x#
Y				=#pW3.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay20
X				=#pD1.x#
Y				=#pW3.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 2 in week 3
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=cDay20 + 1

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(mDay = cDay21) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL21][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay21]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL21][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay21]

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay21
X				=#pD2.x#
Y				=#pW3.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay21
X				=#pD2.x#
Y				=#pW3.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 3 in week 3
Measure			=calc
Formula			=cDay21 + 1

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(mDay = cDay22) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL22][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay22]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL22][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay22]

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay22
X				=#pD3.x#
Y				=#pW3.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay22
X				=#pD3.x#
Y				=#pW3.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 4 in week 3
Measure			=calc
Formula			=cDay22 + 1

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(mDay = cDay23) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL23][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay23]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL23][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay23]

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay23
X				=#pD4.x#
Y				=#pW3.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay23
X				=#pD4.x#
Y				=#pW3.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 5 in week 3
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=cDay23 + 1

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(mDay = cDay24) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL24][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay24]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL24][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay24]

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay24
X				=#pD5.x#
Y				=#pW3.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay24
X				=#pD5.x#
Y				=#pW3.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 6 in week 3
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=cDay24 + 1

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(mDay = cDay25) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL25][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay25]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL25][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay25]

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay25
X				=#pD6.x#
Y				=#pW3.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay25
X				=#pD6.x#
Y				=#pW3.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 7 in week 3
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=cWD6 + 14

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(mDay = cDay26) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL26][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay26]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL26][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay26]

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay26
X				=#pD7.x#
Y				=#pW3.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay26
X				=#pD7.x#
Y				=#pW3.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

[cDay30]		;Week 4 Begin-----------------------------------------------
;Day 1 in Week 4
;No need to worry about calculating if day exists until 28th
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=cDay26 + 1

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(mDay = cDay30) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL30][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay30]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL30][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay30]

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay30
X				=#pD1.x#
Y				=#pW4.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay30
X				=#pD1.x#
Y				=#pW4.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 2 in Week 4
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=cDay30 + 1

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(mDay = cDay31) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL31][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay31]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL31][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay31]
Posts: 16
Joined: February 18th, 2010, 10:32 am

Re: Calendar problem...

Post by SpeedChaser »

Code: Select all

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay31
X				=#pD2.x#
Y				=#pW4.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay31
X				=#pD2.x#
Y				=#pW4.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 3 in Week 4
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=cDay31 + 1

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(mDay = cDay32) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL32][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay32]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL32][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay32]

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay32
X				=#pD3.x#
Y				=#pW4.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay32
X				=#pD3.x#
Y				=#pW4.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 4 in Week 4
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=cDay32 + 1

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(mDay = cDay33) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL33][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay33]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL33][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay33]

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay33
X				=#pD4.x#
Y				=#pW4.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay33
X				=#pD4.x#
Y				=#pW4.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 5 in Week 4
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=cDay33 + 1

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(mDay = cDay34) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL34][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay34]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL34][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay34]

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay34
X				=#pD5.x#
Y				=#pW4.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay34
X				=#pD5.x#
Y				=#pW4.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 6 in Week 4
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=cDay34 + 1

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(mDay = cDay35) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL35][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay35]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL35][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay35]

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay35
X				=#pD6.x#
Y				=#pW4.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay35
X				=#pD6.x#
Y				=#pW4.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 7 in Week 4
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=cWD6 + 21

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(mDay = cDay36) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL36][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay36]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL36][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay36]

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay36
X				=#pD7.x#
Y				=#pW4.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay36
X				=#pD7.x#
Y				=#pW4.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

[cDay40]		;Week 5 Begin-----------------------------------------------
;Day 1 in Week 5
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=cDay36 + 1

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay40 > cDayCount) ? 1 : 0

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay40 > cDayCount) ? ((cShowOtherMonths = 1) && (mMonth <> 12) ? 1 : -1) : 0

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay40Sort = 0) && (mDay <> cDay40) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL40][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay40]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL40][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay40]

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay40Sort = 1) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay40][!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL40][!RainmeterShowMeter mNextDay40]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!RainmeterHideMeter mNextDay40

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay40
X				=#pD1.x#
Y				=#pW5.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay40
X				=#pD1.x#
Y				=#pW5.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cNextMonthDay40
X				=#pD1.x#
Y				=#pW5.y#
FontColor		=#NextMonth.color#
FontFace		=#NextMonth.font#
FontSize		=#NextMonth.size#
stringAlign		=#NextMonth.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 2 in Week 5
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=cDay40 + 1

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay41 > cDayCount) ? (cNextMonthDay40 + 1) : 0

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay41 > cDayCount) ? ((cShowOtherMonths = 1) && (mMonth <> 12) ? 1 : -1) : 0

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay41Sort = 0) && (mDay <> cDay41) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL41][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay41]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL41][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay41]

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay41Sort = 1) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay41][!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL41][!RainmeterShowMeter mNextDay41]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!RainmeterHideMeter mNextDay41

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay41
X				=#pD2.x#
Y				=#pW5.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay41
X				=#pD2.x#
Y				=#pW5.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cNextMonthDay41
X				=#pD2.x#
Y				=#pW5.y#
FontColor		=#NextMonth.color#
FontFace		=#NextMonth.font#
FontSize		=#NextMonth.size#
stringAlign		=#NextMonth.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 3 in Week 5
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=cDay41 + 1

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay42 > cDayCount) ? (cNextMonthDay41 + 1) : 0

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay42 > cDayCount) ? ((cShowOtherMonths = 1) && (mMonth <> 12) ? 1 : -1) : 0

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay42Sort = 0) && (mDay <> cDay42) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL42][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay42]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL42][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay42]

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay42Sort = 1) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay42][!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL42][!RainmeterShowMeter mNextDay42]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!RainmeterHideMeter mNextDay42

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay42
X				=#pD3.x#
Y				=#pW5.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay42
X				=#pD3.x#
Y				=#pW5.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cNextMonthDay42
X				=#pD3.x#
Y				=#pW5.y#
FontColor		=#NextMonth.color#
FontFace		=#NextMonth.font#
FontSize		=#NextMonth.size#
stringAlign		=#NextMonth.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 4 in Week 5
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=cDay42 + 1

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay43 > cDayCount) ? (cNextMonthDay42 + 1) : 0

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay43 > cDayCount) ? ((cShowOtherMonths = 1) && (mMonth <> 12) ? 1 : -1) : 0

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay43Sort = 0) && (mDay <> cDay43) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL43][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay43]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL43][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay43]

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay43Sort = 1) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay43][!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL43][!RainmeterShowMeter mNextDay43]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!RainmeterHideMeter mNextDay43

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay43
X				=#pD4.x#
Y				=#pW5.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay43
X				=#pD4.x#
Y				=#pW5.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cNextMonthDay43
X				=#pD4.x#
Y				=#pW5.y#
FontColor		=#NextMonth.color#
FontFace		=#NextMonth.font#
FontSize		=#NextMonth.size#
stringAlign		=#NextMonth.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 5 in Week 5
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=cDay43 + 1

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay44 > cDayCount) ? (cNextMonthDay43 + 1) : 0

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay44 > cDayCount) ? ((cShowOtherMonths = 1) && (mMonth <> 12) ? 1 : -1) : 0

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay44Sort = 0) && (mDay <> cDay44) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL44][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay44]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL44][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay44]

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay44Sort = 1) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay44][!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL44][!RainmeterShowMeter mNextDay44]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!RainmeterHideMeter mNextDay44

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay44
X				=#pD5.x#
Y				=#pW5.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay44
X				=#pD5.x#
Y				=#pW5.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cNextMonthDay44
X				=#pD5.x#
Y				=#pW5.y#
FontColor		=#NextMonth.color#
FontFace		=#NextMonth.font#
FontSize		=#NextMonth.size#
stringAlign		=#NextMonth.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 6 in Week 5
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=cDay44 + 1

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay45 > cDayCount) ? (cNextMonthDay44 + 1) : 0

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay45 > cDayCount) ? ((cShowOtherMonths = 1) && (mMonth <> 12) ? 1 : -1) : 0

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay45Sort = 0) && (mDay <> cDay45) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL45][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay45]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL45][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay45]

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay45Sort = 1) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay45][!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL45][!RainmeterShowMeter mNextDay45]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!RainmeterHideMeter mNextDay45

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay45
X				=#pD6.x#
Y				=#pW5.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay45
X				=#pD6.x#
Y				=#pW5.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cNextMonthDay45
X				=#pD6.x#
Y				=#pW5.y#
FontColor		=#NextMonth.color#
FontFace		=#NextMonth.font#
FontSize		=#NextMonth.size#
stringAlign		=#NextMonth.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 7 in Week 5
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=cWD6 + 28

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay46 > cDayCount) ? (cNextMonthDay45 + 1) : 0

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay46 > cDayCount) ? ((cShowOtherMonths = 1) && (mMonth <> 12) ? 1 : -1) : 0

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay46Sort = 0) && (mDay <> cDay46) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL46][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay46]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL46][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay46]

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay46Sort = 1) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay46][!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL46][!RainmeterShowMeter mNextDay46]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!RainmeterHideMeter mNextDay46

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay46
X				=#pD7.x#
Y				=#pW5.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay46
X				=#pD7.x#
Y				=#pW5.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cNextMonthDay46
X				=#pD7.x#
Y				=#pW5.y#
FontColor		=#NextMonth.color#
FontFace		=#NextMonth.font#
FontSize		=#NextMonth.size#
stringAlign		=#NextMonth.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

[cDay50]		;Week 6 Begin-----------------------------------------------
;Day 1 in Week 6
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=cDay46 + 1

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay50 > cDayCount) ? (cNextMonthDay46 + 1) : 0

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay50 > cDayCount) ? ((cShowOtherMonths = 1) && (mMonth <> 12) ? 1 : -1) : 0

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay50Sort = 0) && (mDay <> cDay50) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL50][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay50]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL50][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay50]

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay50Sort = 1) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay50][!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL50][!RainmeterShowMeter mNextDay50]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!RainmeterHideMeter mNextDay50

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay50
X				=#pD1.x#
Y				=#pW6.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay50
X				=#pD1.x#
Y				=#pW6.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cNextMonthDay50
X				=#pD1.x#
Y				=#pW6.y#
FontColor		=#NextMonth.color#
FontFace		=#NextMonth.font#
FontSize		=#NextMonth.size#
stringAlign		=#NextMonth.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 2 in Week 6
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=cDay50 + 1

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay51 > cDayCount) ? (cNextMonthDay50 + 1) : 0

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay51 > cDayCount) ? ((cShowOtherMonths = 1) && (mMonth <> 12) ? 1 : -1) : 0

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay51Sort = 0) && (mDay <> cDay51) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL51][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay51]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL51][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay51]

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay51Sort = 1) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay51][!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL51][!RainmeterShowMeter mNextDay51]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!RainmeterHideMeter mNextDay51

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay51
X				=#pD2.x#
Y				=#pW6.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay51
X				=#pD2.x#
Y				=#pW6.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cNextMonthDay51
X				=#pD2.x#
Y				=#pW6.y#
FontColor		=#NextMonth.color#
FontFace		=#NextMonth.font#
FontSize		=#NextMonth.size#
stringAlign		=#NextMonth.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 3 in Week 6
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=cDay51 + 1

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay52 > cDayCount) ? (cNextMonthDay51 + 1) : 0

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay52 > cDayCount) ? ((cShowOtherMonths = 1) && (mMonth <> 12) ? 1 : -1) : 0

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay52Sort = 0) && (mDay <> cDay52) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL52][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay52]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL52][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay52]

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay52Sort = 1) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay52][!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL52][!RainmeterShowMeter mNextDay52]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!RainmeterHideMeter mNextDay52

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay52
X				=#pD3.x#
Y				=#pW6.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay52
X				=#pD3.x#
Y				=#pW6.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cNextMonthDay52
X				=#pD3.x#
Y				=#pW6.y#
FontColor		=#NextMonth.color#
FontFace		=#NextMonth.font#
FontSize		=#NextMonth.size#
stringAlign		=#NextMonth.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 4 in Week 6
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=cDay52 + 1

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay53 > cDayCount) ? (cNextMonthDay52 + 1) : 0

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay53 > cDayCount) ? ((cShowOtherMonths = 1) && (mMonth <> 12) ? 1 : -1) : 0

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay53Sort = 0) && (mDay <> cDay53) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL53][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay53]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL53][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay53]

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay53Sort = 1) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay53][!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL53][!RainmeterShowMeter mNextDay53]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!RainmeterHideMeter mNextDay53

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay53
X				=#pD4.x#
Y				=#pW6.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay53
X				=#pD4.x#
Y				=#pW6.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cNextMonthDay53
X				=#pD4.x#
Y				=#pW6.y#
FontColor		=#NextMonth.color#
FontFace		=#NextMonth.font#
FontSize		=#NextMonth.size#
stringAlign		=#NextMonth.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 5 in Week 6
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=cDay53 + 1

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay54 > cDayCount) ? (cNextMonthDay53 + 1) : 0

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay54 > cDayCount) ? ((cShowOtherMonths = 1) && (mMonth <> 12) ? 1 : -1) : 0

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay54Sort = 0) && (mDay <> cDay54) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL54][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay54]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL54][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay54]

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay54Sort = 1) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay54][!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL54][!RainmeterShowMeter mNextDay54]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!RainmeterHideMeter mNextDay54

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay54
X				=#pD5.x#
Y				=#pW6.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay54
X				=#pD5.x#
Y				=#pW6.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cNextMonthDay54
X				=#pD5.x#
Y				=#pW6.y#
FontColor		=#NextMonth.color#
FontFace		=#NextMonth.font#
FontSize		=#NextMonth.size#
stringAlign		=#NextMonth.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 6 in Week 6
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=cDay54 + 1

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay55 > cDayCount) ? (cNextMonthDay54 + 1) : 0

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay55 > cDayCount) ? ((cShowOtherMonths = 1) && (mMonth <> 12) ? 1 : -1) : 0

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay55Sort = 0) && (mDay <> cDay55) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL55][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay55]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL55][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay55]

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay55Sort = 1) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay55][!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL55][!RainmeterShowMeter mNextDay55]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!RainmeterHideMeter mNextDay55

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay55
X				=#pD6.x#
Y				=#pW6.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay55
X				=#pD6.x#
Y				=#pW6.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cNextMonthDay55
X				=#pD6.x#
Y				=#pW6.y#
FontColor		=#NextMonth.color#
FontFace		=#NextMonth.font#
FontSize		=#NextMonth.size#
stringAlign		=#NextMonth.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 7 in Week 6
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=cWD6 + 35

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay56 > cDayCount) ? (cNextMonthDay55 + 1) : 0

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay56 > cDayCount) ? ((cShowOtherMonths = 1) && (mMonth <> 12) ? 1 : -1) : 0

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay56Sort = 0) && (mDay <> cDay56) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL56][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay56]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL56][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay56]

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay56Sort = 1) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay56][!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL56][!RainmeterShowMeter mNextDay56]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!RainmeterHideMeter mNextDay56

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay56
X				=#pD7.x#
Y				=#pW6.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay56
X				=#pD7.x#
Y				=#pW6.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cNextMonthDay56
X				=#pD7.x#
Y				=#pW6.y#
FontColor		=#NextMonth.color#
FontFace		=#NextMonth.font#
FontSize		=#NextMonth.size#
stringAlign		=#NextMonth.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

[heightDummy]	;Used to keep other skins from snapping to the bottom of an unused week
Meter			=image
X				=0
Y				=#pW6.y#
W				=10
H				=18
SolidColor		=0,0,0,0

[Icon]			;The calendar icon------------------------------------------
Meter			=image
X				=#cal.x#
Y				=#cal.y#
ImageName		=#Icon#
LeftMouseUpAction=!RainmeterToggleMeasure cShowOtherMonths
RightMouseUpAction=!Execute [C:\WINDOWS\system32\RunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL timedate.cpl,@0,0]

[monthLabel]	;The displayed month----------------------------------------
Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cMonthName
X				=5R
Y				=0r
FontFace		=#Month.font#
FontColor		=#Month.color#
FontSize		=#Month.size#
stringAlign		=#Month.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#
Hidden			=#Month.hidden#

[lDay0]			;Day Labels-------------------------------------------------
Meter			=string
Text			=#DayLabel0.text#
X				=50
Y				=#DayLabel.y#
FontColor		=#DayLabel.color#
FontFace		=#DayLabel.font#
FontSize		=#DayLabel.size#
stringAlign		=#sAlign#
stringStyle		=#sStyle#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
Text			=#DayLabel1.text#
X				=#pxS#r
Y				=#DayLabel.y#
FontColor		=#DayLabel.color#
FontFace		=#DayLabel.font#
FontSize		=#DayLabel.size#
stringAlign		=#sAlign#
stringStyle		=#sStyle#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
Text			=#DayLabel2.text#
X				=#pxS#r
Y				=#DayLabel.y#
FontColor		=#DayLabel.color#
FontFace		=#DayLabel.font#
FontSize		=#DayLabel.size#
stringAlign		=#sAlign#
stringStyle		=#sStyle#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
Text			=#DayLabel3.text#
X				=#pxS#r
Y				=#DayLabel.y#
FontColor		=#DayLabel.color#
FontFace		=#DayLabel.font#
FontSize		=#DayLabel.size#
stringAlign		=#sAlign#
stringStyle		=#sStyle#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
Text			=#DayLabel4.text#
X				=#pxS#r
Y				=#DayLabel.y#
FontColor		=#DayLabel.color#
FontFace		=#DayLabel.font#
FontSize		=#DayLabel.size#
stringAlign		=#sAlign#
stringStyle		=#sStyle#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
Text			=#DayLabel5.text#
X				=#pxS#r
Y				=#DayLabel.y#
FontColor		=#DayLabel.color#
FontFace		=#DayLabel.font#
FontSize		=#DayLabel.size#
stringAlign		=#sAlign#
stringStyle		=#sStyle#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
Text			=#DayLabel6.text#
X				=#pxS#r
Y				=#DayLabel.y#
FontColor		=#DayLabel.color#
FontFace		=#DayLabel.font#
FontSize		=#DayLabel.size#
stringAlign		=#sAlign#
stringStyle		=#sStyle#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

[l0BG]		;Day Label BG-----------------------------------------------
Meter			=image
X				=42

Meter			=image
X				=#pxS#r
Y				=r

Meter			=image
X				=#pxS#r
Y				=r

Meter			=image
X				=#pxS#r
Y				=r

Meter			=image
X				=#pxS#r
Y				=r

Meter			=image
X				=#pxS#r
Y				=r

Meter			=image
X				=#pxS#r
Y				=r
Posts: 3
Joined: December 31st, 2009, 7:21 pm

Re: Calendar problem...

Post by shawnoen »

Just came here looking for a solution to the same problem (I think). Overlapping dates on the top line. The current date number stays on the top line when it refreshes even though the current date itself shows correctly below it....

I'm using this one:

Here's a pic of my problem. Have went through all the code and maybe its just a bit too complicated for me but I can figure it out!


Code: Select all


; Calendar v1.2 - Bold [Sunday - Saturday]

; Calendar for "Enigma" sidebar
; Block shape to fit 190px sidebar but only takes up 180px
; Inspired by HUD Vision and Enigma

; I tried to be helpful in providing notes in what everything does.

; Double click the calendar icon to enable/disable displaying months before
; and after current month.

; Right click the calendar icon to display the Time/Date properties.
; Note this does execute the RunDLL32.exe file and it could be possible some
; AV software may not like this. Or if you're not comfortable running it
; you can delete this action. It's on line 2392 in this file.

;/--See also----------------------------------------------------------------
; For news and updates on the calendar and other projects or if you find
; a problem or bug, let me know at:

; Changed the recommended font back to Trebuchet MS - on most Windows
; systems. I'm looking for a good sans serif monospaced font. One that
; doesn't have numbers that look like "typewriter" text. Free is good.

; Silk icon thanks to:
; Mark James at

; Grey (micons) icon thanks to:

; Calc mod with FLOOR r = a - n [a/n] where a%n

AppVersion		=1.0
Update			=500	;Update the calendar every .5 seconds
;Disable when done	;Set BackgroundMode=2 for solid light grey bg color. Really only used during debugging.
BackgroundMode	=0
SolidColor		=255, 255, 255, 25
BevelType		=0

;Metadata added by RainBrowser


;End of added Metadata

;General config settings
;Show part of the surrounding months? 1=Yes / 0 (or anything else)=no
ShowOtherMonths	=1

;Month display text properties
Month.font		=Trebuchet MS
Month.color		=255, 255, 255, 217
Month.size		=12
Month.align		=left		=normal
Month.hidden	=1		;0 for no, 1 for yes

;Day of the week label text properties
DayLabel.font	=Trebuchet MS
DayLabel.color	=255, 255, 255, 100
DayLabel.size	=8		=255, 255, 255, 25	=16	=16
DayLabel.xstart	=8		;Changes the X of the first day label. The rest is adjusted automaticaly by pxS

;Day text properties
DayText.font	=Trebuchet MS
DayText.color	=255, 255, 255, 217
DayText.hilight	=255, 255, 255, 75
DayText.size	=9
DayText.align	=right	=normal

;Day of the week label text
;Numbered 0-6 with 0 being the first day of the week and 6 being the last
;Changing these values does not affect the calculation of the dates and is purely cosmetic
DayLabel0.text	="Su"
DayLabel1.text	="M"
DayLabel2.text	="T"
DayLabel3.text	="W"
DayLabel4.text	="Th"
DayLabel5.text	="F"
DayLabel6.text	="Sa"

;Previous month day properties
PrevMonth.font	=Trebuchet MS
PrevMonth.color	=213,68,19
PrevMonth.size	=10	=normal
PrevMonth.align	=right

;Next month day properties
NextMonth.font	=Trebuchet MS
NextMonth.color	=213,68,19
NextMonth.size	=10	=normal
NextMonth.align	=right

;Current day's properties. Bolded by default
BoldDay.font	=Trebuchet MS
BoldDay.color	=79,161,211
BoldDay.size	=11	=bold

;Calendar icon settings
Icon			=../cal_silk.png
cal.x			=0
cal.y			=0

;General text formatting
;Used mainly for day labels
sAlign			=center
sStyle			=normal
AA				=1

;Spacing between each label
;Can also be used to change overall width. Manually adjust date alignments if done, though.
pxS				=27

;Align weekday x
;Aligns the days vertically along each column that makes up the days of the week
pD1.x			=18
pD2.x			=45
pD3.x			=72
pD4.x			=98
pD5.x			=126
pD6.x			=153
pD7.x			=177

;Align week y
;Aligns the days horizontally along each row
;If the month label is hidden subtract 20 from the values. If the month label is visible pW1.y sould be 40. 20 is the default spacing	=22		;x is always assumed 0
DayLabel.y		=24

pW1.y			=40
pW2.y			=60
pW3.y			=80
pW4.y			=100
pW5.y			=120
pW6.y			=140

;Day definition shortcuts
;Used in first week calculations
_sun			=1
_mon			=2
_tue			=3
_wed			=4
_thu			=5
_fri			=6
_sat			=7

;Begin a slew of helper "functions"
Measure			=calc
Formula			=(#ShowOtherMonths# = 1) ? 1 : 0

[cCentury]		;mod(century , 4) century assumed 20 for 2000. If this is ever used in the 2100s then change to 21. That's a big if.
Measure			=calc
Formula			=(20%4)

[mYear]			;Gets current year in ## format. ex: 09
Measure			=time
Format			=%y

[mMonth]		;Gets current month without leading zero. ex: 9
Measure			=time
Format			=%#m

[cPrevMonth]	;Current month minus 1. ex: 9-1
Measure			=calc
Formula			=mMonth - 1

[mDay]			;Gets current day without leading zero. ex 9
Measure			=time
Format			=%#d

[cLeapYear]		;Returns 1 if leap year or 0 if not
Measure			=calc
Formula			=((mYear%4 = 0) && (mYear%100 <> 0) || (mYear%400 = 0)) ? 1 : 0

[cMonthCode]	;Returns month "code" according to notes
Measure			=calc
Formula			=((mMonth = 3) || (mMonth = 11)) ? 3 : (((mMonth = 4) || (mMonth = 7)) ? 6 : ((mMonth = 5) ? 1 : ((mMonth = 6) ? 4 : ((mMonth = 8) ? 2 : (((mMonth = 9) || (mMonth = 12)) ? 5 : ((mMonth = 10) ? 0 : ((cLeapYear = 1) ? ((mMonth = 1) ? 6 : 2) : ((mMonth = 1) ? 0 : 3))))))))

[cPrevMonthCode];Returns previous month's "code" according to notes. Oh how I wish Rainmeter had bona fide functions.
Measure			=calc
Formula			=((cPrevMonth = 3) || (cPrevMonth = 11)) ? 3 : (((cPrevMonth = 4) || (cPrevMonth = 7)) ? 6 : ((cPrevMonth = 5) ? 1 : ((cPrevMonth = 6) ? 4 : ((cPrevMonth = 8) ? 2 : (((cPrevMonth = 9) || (cPrevMonth = 12)) ? 5 : ((cPrevMonth = 10) ? 0 : ((cLeapYear = 1) ? ((cPrevMonth = 1) ? 6 : 2) : ((cPrevMonth = 1) ? 0 : 3))))))))

[cMonthStartDay];Determines which day of the week a month starts. Used in week one to turn off days not in the current month
Measure			=calc
Formula			=(FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)+cMonthCode+1-(2*cCentury))%7

[cMonthStart]	;Used to help determine day a month starts. If the day of the week is 0 or Saturday then return 7 (for day 7 in a traditional sense) otherwise return the other "coded" day of the week.
Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cMonthStartDay = 0) ? 7 : cMonthStartDay

[cDayCount]		;Redundant use to determine total count of days in a month. Used to calculate when to stop displaying days in week 5 or 6. Credit to Jiri Mahel of HUD.Vision.
Measure			=calc
Formula			=((mMonth = 4) || (mMonth = 6) || (mMonth = 9) || (mMonth = 11)) ? 30 : ((mMonth = 2) ? ((((mYear % 4) = 0) && ((mYear % 100) > 0)) ? 29 : (((mYear % 400) = 0) ? 29 : 28)) : 31)

[cPrevDayCount]	;Similar to DayCount but used to calculate the number of days for the previous month.
Measure			=calc
Formula			=((cPrevMonth = 4) || (cPrevMonth = 6) || (cPrevMonth = 9) || (cPrevMonth = 11)) ? 30 : ((cPrevMonth = 2) ? ((((mYear % 4) = 0) && ((mYear % 100) > 0)) ? 29 : (((mYear % 400) = 0) ? 29 : 28)) : 31)

[cPrevMonthEndDay]	;Find the day of the week the previous month ends.
Measure			=calc
Formula			=(FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)+cPrevMonthCode+cPrevDayCount-(2*cCentury))%7

[cPrevMonthEnd]	;Find the day of the week the previous month ends.
Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cPrevMonthEndDay = 0) ? 7 : cPrevMonthEndDay

[cMonthName]	;Shows the name of the month (%B for long name: January, %b for appreviated name: Jan) and the current year (%Y for long year: 2009, %y for short year: 09)
				;Could also be modified to include the numerical day (%d for day with leading zero: 05, %#d for day without leading zero: 5)
Measure			=time
Format			="%B, %Y"
;Uncomment to include day
;Format			="%B %#d, %Y"

;Calculate the first week of days
;This assumes Monday is the first day of the week

[cWD0]			;Calc weekday 1 (start)
Measure			=calc
Formula			=#_sun#-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury)-7*FLOOR((#_sun#-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury))/7)

[cWD1]			;Calc weekday 2
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=#_mon#-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury)-7*FLOOR((#_mon#-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury))/7)

[cWD2]			;Calc weekday 3
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=#_tue#-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury)-7*FLOOR((#_tue#-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury))/7)

[cWD3]			;Calc weekday 4
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=#_wed#-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury)-7*FLOOR((#_wed#-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury))/7)

[cWD4]			;Calc weekday 5
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=#_thu#-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury)-7*FLOOR((#_thu#-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury))/7)

[cWD5]			;Calc weekday 6
Measure			=calc
Formula			=#_fri#-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury)-7*FLOOR((#_fri#-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury))/7)

[cWD6]			;Calc weekday 7 (end)
Measure			=calc
Formula			=(#_sat#-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury)-7*FLOOR((#_sat#-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury))/7)) = 0 ? 7 : (#_sat#-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury)-7*FLOOR((#_sat#-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury))/7))

[cDay00]		;Week 1 Begin-----------------------------------------------
;Day 1 in week 1
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=cWD0

;Combine drawing the current date or previous month's date.
Measure			=calc
Formula			=(#_sun# = cMonthStart) ? 1 : ((cShowOtherMonths = 1) && (mMonth <> 1) ? -1 : 0)
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter mDay00][!RainmeterHideMeter mPrevDay00]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay00][!RainmeterShowMeter mPrevDay00]
IfEqualValue	=0
IfEqualAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay00][!RainmeterHideMeter mPrevDay00]

Measure			=calc
Formula			=cPrevDayCount - cPrevMonthEnd + #_sun#

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(mDay = cDay00) && (cDay00Draw = 1) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL00][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay00]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL00][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay00]

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay00
X				=#pD1.x#
Y				=#pW1.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay00
X				=#pD1.x#
Y				=#pW1.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cPrevMonthDay00
X				=#pD1.x#
Y				=#pW1.y#
FontColor		=#PrevMonth.color#
FontFace		=#PrevMonth.font#
FontSize		=#PrevMonth.size#
stringAlign		=#PrevMonth.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 2 in week 1
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=cWD1

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay00Draw = 1) || (#_mon# = cMonthStart) ? 1 : ((cShowOtherMonths = 1) && (mMonth <> 1) ? -1 : 0)
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter mDay01][!RainmeterHideMeter mPrevDay01]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay01][!RainmeterShowMeter mPrevDay01]
IfEqualValue	=0
IfEqualAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay01][!RainmeterHideMeter mPrevDay01]

Measure			=calc
Formula			=cPrevDayCount - cPrevMonthEnd + #_mon#

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(mDay = cDay01) && (cDay01Draw = 1) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL01][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay01]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL01][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay01]

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay01
X				=#pD2.x#
Y				=#pW1.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay01
X				=#pD2.x#
Y				=#pW1.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cPrevMonthDay01
X				=#pD2.x#
Y				=#pW1.y#
FontColor		=#PrevMonth.color#
FontFace		=#PrevMonth.font#
FontSize		=#PrevMonth.size#
stringAlign		=#PrevMonth.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 3 in week 1
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=cWD2

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay01Draw = 1) || (#_tue# = cMonthStart) ? 1 : ((cShowOtherMonths = 1) && (mMonth <> 1) ? -1 : 0)
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter mDay02][!RainmeterHideMeter mPrevDay02]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay02][!RainmeterShowMeter mPrevDay02]
IfEqualValue	=0
IfEqualAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay02][!RainmeterHideMeter mPrevDay02]

Measure			=calc
Formula			=cPrevDayCount - cPrevMonthEnd + #_tue#

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(mDay = cDay02) && (cDay02Draw = 1) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL02][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay02]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL02][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay02]

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay02
X				=#pD3.x#
Y				=#pW1.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay02
X				=#pD3.x#
Y				=#pW1.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cPrevMonthDay02
X				=#pD3.x#
Y				=#pW1.y#
FontColor		=#PrevMonth.color#
FontFace		=#PrevMonth.font#
FontSize		=#PrevMonth.size#
stringAlign		=#PrevMonth.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 4 in week 1
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=cWD3

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay02Draw = 1) || (#_wed# = cMonthStart) ? 1 : ((cShowOtherMonths = 1) && (mMonth <> 1) ? -1 : 0)
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter mDay03][!RainmeterHideMeter mPrevDay03]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay03][!RainmeterShowMeter mPrevDay03]
IfEqualValue	=0
IfEqualAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay03][!RainmeterHideMeter mPrevDay03]

Measure			=calc
Formula			=cPrevDayCount - cPrevMonthEnd + #_wed#

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(mDay = cDay03) && (cDay03Draw = 1) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL03][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay03]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL03][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay03]

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay03
X				=#pD4.x#
Y				=#pW1.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay03
X				=#pD4.x#
Y				=#pW1.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cPrevMonthDay03
X				=#pD4.x#
Y				=#pW1.y#
FontColor		=#PrevMonth.color#
FontFace		=#PrevMonth.font#
FontSize		=#PrevMonth.size#
stringAlign		=#PrevMonth.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 5 in week 1
Measure			=calc
Formula			=cWD4

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay03Draw = 1) || (#_thu# = cMonthStart) ? 1 : ((cShowOtherMonths = 1) && (mMonth <> 1) ? -1 : 0)
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter mDay04][!RainmeterHideMeter mPrevDay04]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay04][!RainmeterShowMeter mPrevDay04]
IfEqualValue	=0
IfEqualAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay04][!RainmeterHideMeter mPrevDay04]

Measure			=calc
Formula			=cPrevDayCount - cPrevMonthEnd + #_thu#

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(mDay = cDay04) && (cDay04Draw = 1) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL04][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay04]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL04][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay04]

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay04
X				=#pD5.x#
Y				=#pW1.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay04
X				=#pD5.x#
Y				=#pW1.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cPrevMonthDay04
X				=#pD5.x#
Y				=#pW1.y#
FontColor		=#PrevMonth.color#
FontFace		=#PrevMonth.font#
FontSize		=#PrevMonth.size#
stringAlign		=#PrevMonth.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 6 in week 1
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=cWD5

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay04Draw = 1) || (#_fri# = cMonthStart) ? 1 : ((cShowOtherMonths = 1) && (mMonth <> 1) ? -1 : 0)
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter mDay05][!RainmeterHideMeter mPrevDay05]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay05][!RainmeterShowMeter mPrevDay05]
IfEqualValue	=0
IfEqualAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay05][!RainmeterHideMeter mPrevDay05]

Measure			=calc
Formula			=cPrevDayCount - cPrevMonthEnd + #_fri#

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(mDay = cDay05) && (cDay05Draw = 1) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL05][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay05]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL05][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay05]

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay05
X				=#pD6.x#
Y				=#pW1.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay05
X				=#pD6.x#
Y				=#pW1.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cPrevMonthDay05
X				=#pD6.x#
Y				=#pW1.y#
FontColor		=#PrevMonth.color#
FontFace		=#PrevMonth.font#
FontSize		=#PrevMonth.size#
stringAlign		=#PrevMonth.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 7 in week 1
;If the month hasn't started already then something is really wrong.
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=cWD6

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay05Draw = 1) || (#_sat# = cMonthStart) ? 1 : ((cShowOtherMonths = 1) && (mMonth <> 1) ? -1 : 0)
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter mDay06][!RainmeterHideMeter mPrevDay06]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay06][!RainmeterShowMeter mPrevDay06]
IfEqualValue	=0
IfEqualAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay06][!RainmeterHideMeter mPrevDay06]

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(mDay = cDay06) && (cDay06Draw = 1) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL06][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay06]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL06][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay06]

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay06
X				=#pD7.x#
Y				=#pW1.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay06
X				=#pD7.x#
Y				=#pW1.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

[cDay10]		;Week 2 Begin-----------------------------------------------
;Day 1 in week 2
Measure			=calc
Formula			=cDay06 + 1

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(mDay = cDay10) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL10][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay10]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL10][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay10]

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay10
X				=#pD1.x#
Y				=#pW2.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay10
X				=#pD1.x#
Y				=#pW2.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 2 in week 2
Measure			=calc
Formula			=cDay10 + 1

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(mDay = cDay11) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL11][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay11]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL11][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay11]

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay11
X				=#pD2.x#
Y				=#pW2.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay11
X				=#pD2.x#
Y				=#pW2.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 3 in week 2
Measure			=calc
Formula			=cDay11 + 1

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(mDay = cDay12) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL12][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay12]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL12][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay12]

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay12
X				=#pD3.x#
Y				=#pW2.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay12
X				=#pD3.x#
Y				=#pW2.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 4 in week 2
Measure			=calc
Formula			=cDay12 + 1

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(mDay = cDay13) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL13][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay13]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL13][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay13]

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay13
X				=#pD4.x#
Y				=#pW2.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay13
X				=#pD4.x#
Y				=#pW2.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 5 in week 2
Measure			=calc
Formula			=cDay13 + 1

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(mDay = cDay14) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL14][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay14]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL14][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay14]

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay14
X				=#pD5.x#
Y				=#pW2.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay14
X				=#pD5.x#
Y				=#pW2.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 6 in week 2
Measure			=calc
Formula			=cDay14 + 1

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(mDay = cDay15) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL15][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay15]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL15][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay15]

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay15
X				=#pD6.x#
Y				=#pW2.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay15
X				=#pD6.x#
Y				=#pW2.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 7 in week 2
Measure			=calc
Formula			=cWD6 + 7

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(mDay = cDay16) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL16][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay16]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL16][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay16]

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay16
X				=#pD7.x#
Y				=#pW2.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay16
X				=#pD7.x#
Y				=#pW2.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

[cDay20]		;Week 3 Begin-----------------------------------------------
;Day 1 in week 3
;Keep adding one
;No need to worry about calculating if day exists until 28th
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=cDay16 + 1

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(mDay = cDay20) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL20][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay20]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL20][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay20]

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay20
X				=#pD1.x#
Y				=#pW3.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay20
X				=#pD1.x#
Y				=#pW3.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 2 in week 3
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=cDay20 + 1

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(mDay = cDay21) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL21][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay21]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL21][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay21]

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay21
X				=#pD2.x#
Y				=#pW3.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay21
X				=#pD2.x#
Y				=#pW3.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 3 in week 3
Measure			=calc
Formula			=cDay21 + 1

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(mDay = cDay22) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL22][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay22]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL22][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay22]

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay22
X				=#pD3.x#
Y				=#pW3.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay22
X				=#pD3.x#
Y				=#pW3.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 4 in week 3
Measure			=calc
Formula			=cDay22 + 1

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(mDay = cDay23) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL23][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay23]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL23][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay23]

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay23
X				=#pD4.x#
Y				=#pW3.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay23
X				=#pD4.x#
Y				=#pW3.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 5 in week 3
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=cDay23 + 1

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(mDay = cDay24) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL24][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay24]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL24][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay24]

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay24
X				=#pD5.x#
Y				=#pW3.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay24
X				=#pD5.x#
Y				=#pW3.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 6 in week 3
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=cDay24 + 1

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(mDay = cDay25) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL25][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay25]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL25][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay25]

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay25
X				=#pD6.x#
Y				=#pW3.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay25
X				=#pD6.x#
Y				=#pW3.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 7 in week 3
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=cWD6 + 14

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(mDay = cDay26) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL26][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay26]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL26][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay26]

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay26
X				=#pD7.x#
Y				=#pW3.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay26
X				=#pD7.x#
Y				=#pW3.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

[cDay30]		;Week 4 Begin-----------------------------------------------
;Day 1 in Week 4
;No need to worry about calculating if day exists until 28th
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=cDay26 + 1

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(mDay = cDay30) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL30][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay30]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL30][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay30]

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay30
X				=#pD1.x#
Y				=#pW4.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay30
X				=#pD1.x#
Y				=#pW4.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 2 in Week 4
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=cDay30 + 1

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(mDay = cDay31) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL31][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay31]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL31][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay31]

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay31
X				=#pD2.x#
Y				=#pW4.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay31
X				=#pD2.x#
Y				=#pW4.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 3 in Week 4
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=cDay31 + 1

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(mDay = cDay32) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL32][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay32]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL32][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay32]

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay32
X				=#pD3.x#
Y				=#pW4.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay32
X				=#pD3.x#
Y				=#pW4.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 4 in Week 4
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=cDay32 + 1

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(mDay = cDay33) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL33][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay33]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL33][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay33]

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay33
X				=#pD4.x#
Y				=#pW4.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay33
X				=#pD4.x#
Y				=#pW4.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 5 in Week 4
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=cDay33 + 1

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(mDay = cDay34) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL34][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay34]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL34][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay34]

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay34
X				=#pD5.x#
Y				=#pW4.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay34
X				=#pD5.x#
Y				=#pW4.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 6 in Week 4
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=cDay34 + 1

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(mDay = cDay35) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL35][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay35]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL35][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay35]

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay35
X				=#pD6.x#
Y				=#pW4.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay35
X				=#pD6.x#
Y				=#pW4.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 7 in Week 4
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=cWD6 + 21

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(mDay = cDay36) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL36][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay36]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL36][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay36]

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay36
X				=#pD7.x#
Y				=#pW4.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay36
X				=#pD7.x#
Y				=#pW4.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

[cDay40]		;Week 5 Begin-----------------------------------------------
;Day 1 in Week 5
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=cDay36 + 1

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay40 > cDayCount) ? 1 : 0

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay40 > cDayCount) ? ((cShowOtherMonths = 1) && (mMonth <> 12) ? 1 : -1) : 0

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay40Sort = 0) && (mDay <> cDay40) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL40][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay40]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL40][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay40]

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay40Sort = 1) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay40][!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL40][!RainmeterShowMeter mNextDay40]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!RainmeterHideMeter mNextDay40

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay40
X				=#pD1.x#
Y				=#pW5.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#
Posts: 3
Joined: December 31st, 2009, 7:21 pm

Re: Calendar problem...

Post by shawnoen »

And the rest of the code since it wouldn't let me all it all to one post....

Code: Select all

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay40
X				=#pD1.x#
Y				=#pW5.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cNextMonthDay40
X				=#pD1.x#
Y				=#pW5.y#
FontColor		=#NextMonth.color#
FontFace		=#NextMonth.font#
FontSize		=#NextMonth.size#
stringAlign		=#NextMonth.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 2 in Week 5
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=cDay40 + 1

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay41 > cDayCount) ? (cNextMonthDay40 + 1) : 0

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay41 > cDayCount) ? ((cShowOtherMonths = 1) && (mMonth <> 12) ? 1 : -1) : 0

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay41Sort = 0) && (mDay <> cDay41) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL41][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay41]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL41][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay41]

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay41Sort = 1) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay41][!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL41][!RainmeterShowMeter mNextDay41]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!RainmeterHideMeter mNextDay41

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay41
X				=#pD2.x#
Y				=#pW5.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay41
X				=#pD2.x#
Y				=#pW5.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cNextMonthDay41
X				=#pD2.x#
Y				=#pW5.y#
FontColor		=#NextMonth.color#
FontFace		=#NextMonth.font#
FontSize		=#NextMonth.size#
stringAlign		=#NextMonth.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 3 in Week 5
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=cDay41 + 1

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay42 > cDayCount) ? (cNextMonthDay41 + 1) : 0

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay42 > cDayCount) ? ((cShowOtherMonths = 1) && (mMonth <> 12) ? 1 : -1) : 0

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay42Sort = 0) && (mDay <> cDay42) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL42][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay42]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL42][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay42]

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay42Sort = 1) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay42][!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL42][!RainmeterShowMeter mNextDay42]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!RainmeterHideMeter mNextDay42

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay42
X				=#pD3.x#
Y				=#pW5.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay42
X				=#pD3.x#
Y				=#pW5.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cNextMonthDay42
X				=#pD3.x#
Y				=#pW5.y#
FontColor		=#NextMonth.color#
FontFace		=#NextMonth.font#
FontSize		=#NextMonth.size#
stringAlign		=#NextMonth.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 4 in Week 5
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=cDay42 + 1

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay43 > cDayCount) ? (cNextMonthDay42 + 1) : 0

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay43 > cDayCount) ? ((cShowOtherMonths = 1) && (mMonth <> 12) ? 1 : -1) : 0

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay43Sort = 0) && (mDay <> cDay43) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL43][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay43]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL43][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay43]

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay43Sort = 1) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay43][!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL43][!RainmeterShowMeter mNextDay43]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!RainmeterHideMeter mNextDay43

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay43
X				=#pD4.x#
Y				=#pW5.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay43
X				=#pD4.x#
Y				=#pW5.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cNextMonthDay43
X				=#pD4.x#
Y				=#pW5.y#
FontColor		=#NextMonth.color#
FontFace		=#NextMonth.font#
FontSize		=#NextMonth.size#
stringAlign		=#NextMonth.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 5 in Week 5
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=cDay43 + 1

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay44 > cDayCount) ? (cNextMonthDay43 + 1) : 0

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay44 > cDayCount) ? ((cShowOtherMonths = 1) && (mMonth <> 12) ? 1 : -1) : 0

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay44Sort = 0) && (mDay <> cDay44) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL44][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay44]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL44][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay44]

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay44Sort = 1) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay44][!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL44][!RainmeterShowMeter mNextDay44]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!RainmeterHideMeter mNextDay44

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay44
X				=#pD5.x#
Y				=#pW5.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay44
X				=#pD5.x#
Y				=#pW5.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cNextMonthDay44
X				=#pD5.x#
Y				=#pW5.y#
FontColor		=#NextMonth.color#
FontFace		=#NextMonth.font#
FontSize		=#NextMonth.size#
stringAlign		=#NextMonth.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 6 in Week 5
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=cDay44 + 1

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay45 > cDayCount) ? (cNextMonthDay44 + 1) : 0

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay45 > cDayCount) ? ((cShowOtherMonths = 1) && (mMonth <> 12) ? 1 : -1) : 0

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay45Sort = 0) && (mDay <> cDay45) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL45][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay45]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL45][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay45]

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay45Sort = 1) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay45][!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL45][!RainmeterShowMeter mNextDay45]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!RainmeterHideMeter mNextDay45

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay45
X				=#pD6.x#
Y				=#pW5.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay45
X				=#pD6.x#
Y				=#pW5.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cNextMonthDay45
X				=#pD6.x#
Y				=#pW5.y#
FontColor		=#NextMonth.color#
FontFace		=#NextMonth.font#
FontSize		=#NextMonth.size#
stringAlign		=#NextMonth.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 7 in Week 5
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=cWD6 + 28

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay46 > cDayCount) ? (cNextMonthDay45 + 1) : 0

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay46 > cDayCount) ? ((cShowOtherMonths = 1) && (mMonth <> 12) ? 1 : -1) : 0

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay46Sort = 0) && (mDay <> cDay46) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL46][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay46]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL46][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay46]

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay46Sort = 1) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay46][!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL46][!RainmeterShowMeter mNextDay46]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!RainmeterHideMeter mNextDay46

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay46
X				=#pD7.x#
Y				=#pW5.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay46
X				=#pD7.x#
Y				=#pW5.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cNextMonthDay46
X				=#pD7.x#
Y				=#pW5.y#
FontColor		=#NextMonth.color#
FontFace		=#NextMonth.font#
FontSize		=#NextMonth.size#
stringAlign		=#NextMonth.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

[cDay50]		;Week 6 Begin-----------------------------------------------
;Day 1 in Week 6
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=cDay46 + 1

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay50 > cDayCount) ? (cNextMonthDay46 + 1) : 0

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay50 > cDayCount) ? ((cShowOtherMonths = 1) && (mMonth <> 12) ? 1 : -1) : 0

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay50Sort = 0) && (mDay <> cDay50) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL50][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay50]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL50][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay50]

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay50Sort = 1) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay50][!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL50][!RainmeterShowMeter mNextDay50]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!RainmeterHideMeter mNextDay50

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay50
X				=#pD1.x#
Y				=#pW6.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay50
X				=#pD1.x#
Y				=#pW6.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cNextMonthDay50
X				=#pD1.x#
Y				=#pW6.y#
FontColor		=#NextMonth.color#
FontFace		=#NextMonth.font#
FontSize		=#NextMonth.size#
stringAlign		=#NextMonth.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 2 in Week 6
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=cDay50 + 1

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay51 > cDayCount) ? (cNextMonthDay50 + 1) : 0

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay51 > cDayCount) ? ((cShowOtherMonths = 1) && (mMonth <> 12) ? 1 : -1) : 0

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay51Sort = 0) && (mDay <> cDay51) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL51][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay51]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL51][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay51]

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay51Sort = 1) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay51][!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL51][!RainmeterShowMeter mNextDay51]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!RainmeterHideMeter mNextDay51

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay51
X				=#pD2.x#
Y				=#pW6.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay51
X				=#pD2.x#
Y				=#pW6.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cNextMonthDay51
X				=#pD2.x#
Y				=#pW6.y#
FontColor		=#NextMonth.color#
FontFace		=#NextMonth.font#
FontSize		=#NextMonth.size#
stringAlign		=#NextMonth.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 3 in Week 6
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=cDay51 + 1

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay52 > cDayCount) ? (cNextMonthDay51 + 1) : 0

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay52 > cDayCount) ? ((cShowOtherMonths = 1) && (mMonth <> 12) ? 1 : -1) : 0

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay52Sort = 0) && (mDay <> cDay52) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL52][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay52]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL52][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay52]

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay52Sort = 1) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay52][!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL52][!RainmeterShowMeter mNextDay52]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!RainmeterHideMeter mNextDay52

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay52
X				=#pD3.x#
Y				=#pW6.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay52
X				=#pD3.x#
Y				=#pW6.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cNextMonthDay52
X				=#pD3.x#
Y				=#pW6.y#
FontColor		=#NextMonth.color#
FontFace		=#NextMonth.font#
FontSize		=#NextMonth.size#
stringAlign		=#NextMonth.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 4 in Week 6
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=cDay52 + 1

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay53 > cDayCount) ? (cNextMonthDay52 + 1) : 0

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay53 > cDayCount) ? ((cShowOtherMonths = 1) && (mMonth <> 12) ? 1 : -1) : 0

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay53Sort = 0) && (mDay <> cDay53) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL53][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay53]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL53][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay53]

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay53Sort = 1) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay53][!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL53][!RainmeterShowMeter mNextDay53]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!RainmeterHideMeter mNextDay53

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay53
X				=#pD4.x#
Y				=#pW6.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay53
X				=#pD4.x#
Y				=#pW6.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cNextMonthDay53
X				=#pD4.x#
Y				=#pW6.y#
FontColor		=#NextMonth.color#
FontFace		=#NextMonth.font#
FontSize		=#NextMonth.size#
stringAlign		=#NextMonth.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 5 in Week 6
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=cDay53 + 1

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay54 > cDayCount) ? (cNextMonthDay53 + 1) : 0

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay54 > cDayCount) ? ((cShowOtherMonths = 1) && (mMonth <> 12) ? 1 : -1) : 0

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay54Sort = 0) && (mDay <> cDay54) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL54][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay54]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL54][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay54]

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay54Sort = 1) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay54][!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL54][!RainmeterShowMeter mNextDay54]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!RainmeterHideMeter mNextDay54

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay54
X				=#pD5.x#
Y				=#pW6.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay54
X				=#pD5.x#
Y				=#pW6.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cNextMonthDay54
X				=#pD5.x#
Y				=#pW6.y#
FontColor		=#NextMonth.color#
FontFace		=#NextMonth.font#
FontSize		=#NextMonth.size#
stringAlign		=#NextMonth.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 6 in Week 6
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=cDay54 + 1

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay55 > cDayCount) ? (cNextMonthDay54 + 1) : 0

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay55 > cDayCount) ? ((cShowOtherMonths = 1) && (mMonth <> 12) ? 1 : -1) : 0

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay55Sort = 0) && (mDay <> cDay55) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL55][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay55]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL55][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay55]

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay55Sort = 1) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay55][!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL55][!RainmeterShowMeter mNextDay55]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!RainmeterHideMeter mNextDay55

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay55
X				=#pD6.x#
Y				=#pW6.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay55
X				=#pD6.x#
Y				=#pW6.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cNextMonthDay55
X				=#pD6.x#
Y				=#pW6.y#
FontColor		=#NextMonth.color#
FontFace		=#NextMonth.font#
FontSize		=#NextMonth.size#
stringAlign		=#NextMonth.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

;Day 7 in Week 6
Measure			=calc				
Formula			=cWD6 + 35

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay56 > cDayCount) ? (cNextMonthDay55 + 1) : 0

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay56 > cDayCount) ? ((cShowOtherMonths = 1) && (mMonth <> 12) ? 1 : -1) : 0

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay56Sort = 0) && (mDay <> cDay56) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL56][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay56]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL56][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay56]

Measure			=calc
Formula			=(cDay56Sort = 1) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue	=0
IfAboveAction	=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay56][!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL56][!RainmeterShowMeter mNextDay56]
IfBelowValue	=0
IfBelowAction	=!RainmeterHideMeter mNextDay56

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay56
X				=#pD7.x#
Y				=#pW6.y#
FontColor		=#DayText.color#
FontFace		=#DayText.font#
FontSize		=#DayText.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cDay56
X				=#pD7.x#
Y				=#pW6.y#
FontColor		=#BoldDay.color#
FontFace		=#BoldDay.font#
FontSize		=#BoldDay.size#
stringAlign		=#DayText.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cNextMonthDay56
X				=#pD7.x#
Y				=#pW6.y#
FontColor		=#NextMonth.color#
FontFace		=#NextMonth.font#
FontSize		=#NextMonth.size#
stringAlign		=#NextMonth.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

[heightDummy]	;Used to keep other skins from snapping to the bottom of an unused week
Meter			=image
X				=0
Y				=#pW6.y#
W				=10
H				=18
SolidColor		=0,0,0,0

[Icon]			;The calendar icon------------------------------------------
Meter			=image
X				=#cal.x#
Y				=#cal.y#
ImageName		=#Icon#
LeftMouseUpAction=!RainmeterToggleMeasure cShowOtherMonths
RightMouseUpAction=!Execute [C:\WINDOWS\system32\RunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL timedate.cpl,@0,0]

[monthLabel]	;The displayed month----------------------------------------
Meter			=string
MeasureName		=cMonthName
X				=5R
Y				=0r
FontFace		=#Month.font#
FontColor		=#Month.color#
FontSize		=#Month.size#
stringAlign		=#Month.align#
AntiAlias		=#AA#
Hidden			=#Month.hidden#

[lDay0]			;Day Labels-------------------------------------------------
Meter			=string
Text			=#DayLabel0.text#
X				=7
Y				=#DayLabel.y#
FontColor		=#DayLabel.color#
FontFace		=#DayLabel.font#
FontSize		=#DayLabel.size#
stringAlign		=#sAlign#
stringStyle		=#sStyle#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
Text			=#DayLabel1.text#
X				=#pxS#r
Y				=#DayLabel.y#
FontColor		=#DayLabel.color#
FontFace		=#DayLabel.font#
FontSize		=#DayLabel.size#
stringAlign		=#sAlign#
stringStyle		=#sStyle#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
Text			=#DayLabel2.text#
X				=#pxS#r
Y				=#DayLabel.y#
FontColor		=#DayLabel.color#
FontFace		=#DayLabel.font#
FontSize		=#DayLabel.size#
stringAlign		=#sAlign#
stringStyle		=#sStyle#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
Text			=#DayLabel3.text#
X				=#pxS#r
Y				=#DayLabel.y#
FontColor		=#DayLabel.color#
FontFace		=#DayLabel.font#
FontSize		=#DayLabel.size#
stringAlign		=#sAlign#
stringStyle		=#sStyle#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
Text			=#DayLabel4.text#
X				=#pxS#r
Y				=#DayLabel.y#
FontColor		=#DayLabel.color#
FontFace		=#DayLabel.font#
FontSize		=#DayLabel.size#
stringAlign		=#sAlign#
stringStyle		=#sStyle#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
Text			=#DayLabel5.text#
X				=#pxS#r
Y				=#DayLabel.y#
FontColor		=#DayLabel.color#
FontFace		=#DayLabel.font#
FontSize		=#DayLabel.size#
stringAlign		=#sAlign#
stringStyle		=#sStyle#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

Meter			=string
Text			=#DayLabel6.text#
X				=#pxS#r
Y				=#DayLabel.y#
FontColor		=#DayLabel.color#
FontFace		=#DayLabel.font#
FontSize		=#DayLabel.size#
stringAlign		=#sAlign#
stringStyle		=#sStyle#
AntiAlias		=#AA#

[l0BG]		;Day Label BG-----------------------------------------------
Meter			=image
X				=0

Meter			=image
X				=#pxS#r
Y				=r

Meter			=image
X				=#pxS#r
Y				=r

Meter			=image
X				=#pxS#r
Y				=r

Meter			=image
X				=#pxS#r
Y				=r

Meter			=image
X				=#pxS#r
Y				=r

Meter			=image
X				=#pxS#r
Y				=r
Posts: 1270
Joined: April 3rd, 2009, 4:31 am
Location: NC, US

Re: Calendar problem...

Post by dragonmage »

Well I located the offending meter, today it happens to be [mDay03]. Unfortunately there's a lot to this skin that I don't have time to figure out, namely the math. If anyone who is good at math and knows Rainmeter well wants to take a look at it *cough*Alex*cough* the mDay meters and the measures that should be hiding them is a place to start I guess.
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Rainmeter Sage
Posts: 642
Joined: July 19th, 2009, 5:59 am
Location: Montreal, QC, Canada

Re: Calendar problem...

Post by Alex2539 »

Luckily, both of those calendars are in fact the Enigma calendar. That means that except for some stylistic choices, they are functionally identical. Dragonmage was close by thinking that [mDay03] was causing the issue, but not quite there. [mDay03] was just the meter that was being shown when it shouldn't have been, and it is only this meter on Wednesdays. Today, it was [mDay04] that was being shown. The reason for this is that it uses a series of checks to determine whether each day in the first week is part of the current or previous month. Because of the way it does this, there is always on brief instance where it decides that the current day of the week in that first row is actually "today" and it shows the meter, but there is nothing afterward to hide it properly. Luckily there is a simple way to fix it. It's not exactly the best way and it's a bit hacky, but it will work. Just add this to you .ini files and it will fix itself while it's doing that thing where all of the dates are wacky:

Code: Select all













Formula=(#_mon# = cMonthStart) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue   =0
IfAboveAction   =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay00][!RainmeterShowMeter mPrevDay00]
IfBelowValue   =0
IfBelowAction   =!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter mDay00][!RainmeterHideMeter mPrevDay00]

Formula=(#_tue# = cMonthStart) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue   =0
IfAboveAction   =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay00][!RainmeterShowMeter mPrevDay00][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay01][!RainmeterShowMeter mPrevDay01]
IfBelowValue   =0
IfBelowAction   =!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter mDay00][!RainmeterHideMeter mPrevDay00][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay01][!RainmeterHideMeter mPrevDay01]

Formula=(#_wed# = cMonthStart) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue   =0
IfAboveAction   =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay00][!RainmeterShowMeter mPrevDay00][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay01][!RainmeterShowMeter mPrevDay01][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay02][!RainmeterShowMeter mPrevDay02]
IfBelowValue   =0
IfBelowAction   =!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter mDay00][!RainmeterHideMeter mPrevDay00][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay01][!RainmeterHideMeter mPrevDay01][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay02][!RainmeterHideMeter mPrevDay02]

Formula=(#_thu# = cMonthStart) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue   =0
IfAboveAction   =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay00][!RainmeterShowMeter mPrevDay00][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay01][!RainmeterShowMeter mPrevDay01][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay02][!RainmeterShowMeter mPrevDay02][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay03][!RainmeterShowMeter mPrevDay03]
IfBelowValue   =0
IfBelowAction   =!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter mDay00][!RainmeterHideMeter mPrevDay00][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay01][!RainmeterHideMeter mPrevDay01][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay02][!RainmeterHideMeter mPrevDay02][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay03][!RainmeterHideMeter mPrevDay03]

Formula=(#_fri# = cMonthStart) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue   =0
IfAboveAction   =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay00][!RainmeterShowMeter mPrevDay00][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay01][!RainmeterShowMeter mPrevDay01][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay02][!RainmeterShowMeter mPrevDay02][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay03][!RainmeterShowMeter mPrevDay03][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay04][!RainmeterShowMeter mPrevDay04]
IfBelowValue   =0
IfBelowAction   =!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter mDay00][!RainmeterHideMeter mPrevDay00][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay01][!RainmeterHideMeter mPrevDay01][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay02][!RainmeterHideMeter mPrevDay02][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay03][!RainmeterHideMeter mPrevDay03][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay04][!RainmeterHideMeter mPrevDay04]

Formula=(#_sat# = cMonthStart) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue   =0
IfAboveAction   =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay00][!RainmeterShowMeter mPrevDay00][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay01][!RainmeterShowMeter mPrevDay01][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay02][!RainmeterShowMeter mPrevDay02][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay03][!RainmeterShowMeter mPrevDay03][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay04][!RainmeterShowMeter mPrevDay04][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay05][!RainmeterShowMeter mPrevDay05]
IfBelowValue   =0
IfBelowAction   =!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter mDay00][!RainmeterHideMeter mPrevDay00][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay01][!RainmeterHideMeter mPrevDay01][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay02][!RainmeterHideMeter mPrevDay02][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay03][!RainmeterHideMeter mPrevDay03][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay04][!RainmeterHideMeter mPrevDay04][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay05][!RainmeterHideMeter mPrevDay05]
There are 6 measures here that determine whether the month starts on each day of the week. If it does, then the previous days in the first row must belong to the previous month, so it hides every measure [mDay##] that is lower than the current day. These measures are all offset by 10 updates (which comes out to 5 seconds) before being activated, which gives ample time for the problem to show itself before it gets fixed.
Posts: 1270
Joined: April 3rd, 2009, 4:31 am
Location: NC, US

Re: Calendar problem...

Post by dragonmage »
