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Settings v1.2

Skins that control functions in Windows or Rainmeter
Posts: 6
Joined: November 19th, 2015, 6:15 pm

Settings v1.2

Post by Sceleri »

Settings is a skin that generates settings skins.

or on GitHub

Basic Usage
  1. Format your with RainDoc syntax
  2. Drag & Drop your file on the generator skin
  3. Click on "Generate & Inject"
    • This will remove all files from Settings\settings and YourSkin\settings. So back up any existing settings skins you might have made prior!
The generator also includes a tab for themes, internal stuff like the internal variable file and and lastly a help tab with the Basic Usage instructions.

The file shortcuts point the generator to the internal files, enabling you to generate a settings skin for changing them. To see changes when editing internal files you need to regenerate since the generated skin doesn't use the actual files, it uses the copies in \settings. Also, there are three themes but only the currently selected one will be used in the generated skin. The three themes are only there to provide a sample of what you can do (for now).

#@#includes\ contains bangs that will be run every time the generated settings skin changes a variable. So if your skin needs to run a generation script when settings are changed, or your skin is not at the root of your config, put the appropriate bangs here. There's also a shortcut to this file on the Internal tab.

Example formatted variables file

Code: Select all

;@About | Name About | Description an example settings skin generated from | Icon [\xE897]
;?Info | Name Disclaimer | Link 0
These variables don't actually control anything=
;?Info | Name Generate your own Settings skin: | Link 1
Settings wiki=
;?Info | Name Open the example file

;@Topic | Name Personalization | Icon [\xE771]
;@ | Name Font | Icon [\xE986]
;?String | Name Font face | Description The font used throughout the skin
FontFace=Segoe UI
;?Color | Name Font color | Description Colour of all text elements
;?String | Name Font size | Description The size of all text elements

;@Topic | Name Skin settings
;@ | Name Sizing | Icon [\xE740]
;?Integer | Name Height
;?Integer | Name Width
;@ | Name Miscellanious | Icon [\xE736]
;?Toggle | Name Enable automatic sizing
Example results with the default themes

Light theme:
Dark theme:
Slim theme:
Future plans:
  • Write a guide on how to add custom variable types and templates for those custom types. This is already possible to do but there's no documentation and most of the stuff is hard coded in the generator.ps1 script...
  • Make better default themes. I do accept submissions :)
  • Update the quick start guide on the wiki, it kinda sucks right now
  • Read more exciting plans in the TODO section of Settings on GitHub
Plugins & Addons used
RainRGB by jsmorley
PSRM by khansas
FrostedGlass by theAzack9
Drag & Drop by theAzack9

All of these are bundled with the skin.

PS. I'm not very active on the forums, if you have problems or feedback, preferably contact me on the Rainmeter Discord server. My nickname changes often but @Sceleri will always find me.
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