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World1/2/3WeatherCode for Enigma

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World1/2/3WeatherCode for Enigma

Post by TDK0117 »

Hi everyone,

I'm a huge fan of Rainmeter, but I'm a little new to configuring and changing settings, things like that. I have a question about the weathercodes. The instructions said that you can just input the area code, and that will give you the time and weather for that particular area. However, for some strange reason, the time is wrong.

When I configure Enigma's WeatherCode, I put in 94134 for San Francisco, and the clock on the upper right hand corner is correct. But when I go to change World1WeatherCode and World2WeatherCode, the locations are correct (94704 and 92092 for Berkeley and La Jolla respectively), but the time is an hour ahead. I've attached a screenshot of my current setting. Hopefully it makes sense. World1WeatherCode and World2WeatherCode affect the two clocks and weather reports for the upper left hand side.

Actually... I can't seem to attach my picture for some reason. Can anyone shed some light on this?