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Couple of suggestoins by killall-q

Report bugs with the Rainmeter application and suggest features.
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Couple of suggestoins by killall-q

Post by jsmorley »

As a part of another discussion on adding MouseWheelUpAction and MouseWheelDownAction (probably should consider MouseWheelClickAction while we are at it) user killall-q made two additional suggestions that I think at least merit a look.

1) Enabling "math" formulations in !RainmeterSetVariable. I guess like !RainmeterSetVariable VarName ([MeasureName] * 10).

2) Creating a new variant of !RainmeterSetVariable maybe called !RainmeterIncrementVariable, where you would say !Execute [!RainmeterIncrementVariable VarName +1] (or -1 of course) Perhaps this could be handled directly in !RainmeterSetVariable if the suggestion 1) above was implemented in such a way that !RainmeterSetVariable VarName (#VarName# + 1) was possible.

Both ideas sound interesting for making even more interactive skins easily.
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Re: Couple of suggestoins by killall-q

Post by Culture »


Implementing the first suggestion would be brilliant as I have a need for exactly that functionality for some stuff I'm developing (specifically for dynamically scaling displays) that's just going begging at the moment. I don't know if there's a workaround for it, but I'll be messing around for the next few trying to see if there is unless I find out otherwise...

...or exhaust myself, whichever comes first. :D

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Re: Couple of suggestoins by killall-q

Post by MattKing »

This has been implemented. Wait for a new beta for the feature to be released I guess.
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Joined: August 14th, 2009, 8:37 am

Re: Couple of suggestoins by killall-q

Post by Culture »

Most excellent!...Many thanks for the heads up Matt.