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[Feature] Image tinting

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[Feature] Image tinting

Post by killall-q »

I want to discuss the feasibility of adding the ability to take an image and adjust its color according to a variable RGBA value. This would allow suite and skin makers to create their image resources in grayscale, then include the ability to change color schemes across the whole suite alongside fonts without the need for a whole set of images for every theme — and also allow the user to easily make adjustments of their own. I'm working on a suite right now with easily swappable's and I've been sidestepping the use of any bitmaps and images to keep the feature. I haven't learned Windows GDI programing yet but I found this code example of how it might be done.
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Re: [Feature] Image tinting

Post by MattKing »

Oddly enough I had started working on this a few days ago.

Some of my plans for Image Meter so far:
  • Arbitrary image rotations
  • Dynamic Alpha
  • Dynamic Colorization (tinting)
  • Alpha Gradients
Button Meter
  • Colorization states (hover, down, up)
There will be an option to have the Image be drawn twice, such that you can make reflections for nice looking buttons.

Also: this explains a little more on the ColorMatrix that is used to colorize images:

I'm on my "Spring" break next week, hopefully I'll have it done by next Thursday.
Last edited by MattKing on February 19th, 2010, 3:18 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [Feature] Image tinting

Post by killall-q »

Wow, it's gonna be a very exciting time for Rainmeter skinners in the near future!