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Need folks with Quad core CPU's to assist

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Need folks with Quad core CPU's to assist

Post by sgtevmckay »

Hello Folks

I do not have a Quad core processor, so I am throwing this out to you folks, in the hopes that you will help test, and suggest changes to the latest Splicer skin I am developing.

As you can see I am a couple of Proceesors short of being able to properly test, but with the advent of the Quad core, and the new six core, I am trying to accomadate :D
Screenshot - 5_31_2009 , 2_33_09 PM.jpg
If you folks with Quad cores could test and capture some working images it would be greatly appreciated.

All suggestions are welcome
Download here:
Thanks in advance
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Re: Need folks with Quad core CPU's to assist

Post by Varelse »

Here's a capture of yours in action:


I'm running something very similar myself:


Re: Need folks with Quad core CPU's to assist

Post by sgtevmckay »

Ooh it works!

Hot damn :!: :!: :!: :D :lol:

Thank you so much, I was afraid I had screwed something up.
I am thrilled.

I also noticed that you have a load # at each core!?!!
This gives me more ideas!
Is this a personal skin, or can I download it from somewhere?

I am wondering if there is something a little better I can do about the color.
I have taken an estimate of 256, divided by 4, and that is what the string's opacity is at.
I did this in order to obtain different colors when they cross over, but a solid color when all four cross over.

I will have to ponder this :ugeek:

any suggestions would be great
That goes from anybody
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Re: Need folks with Quad core CPU's to assist

Post by Varelse »

I tried it on light and dark backgrounds, and found it hard to read. So I set the the stringstyle to bold and the graph colors opacity to 150 so it's much easier to read.

Re: Need folks with Quad core CPU's to assist

Post by sgtevmckay »

I was afraid of something like that, thanks for the info, I will incorporate :D
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Re: Need folks with Quad core CPU's to assist

Post by bhadkow »

there are three primary colors for monitors which are red, blue and green. u can use them so each combination gives a different color.,and combination of all three should give u white. Since u require four colors use some other color but keep the primaries!! . RGB combination works for any 'opacaity' levels but since u would be using a fourth color, i am afraid u need to experiment a bit!! hope that helps a little!! :)

ps: try using yellow as the fourth color.

Re: Need folks with Quad core CPU's to assist

Post by sgtevmckay »

Okie doke, I will try it.

I have Yellow as the 3 color at this time.

A shuffle of the colors could not hurt.

When the 6 core processors go into swing, I can then add CYM (Cian, Yellow, Magenta), with the RGB, that should also equal white.

As it is I am trying to balance R, B, C, Y, at this time. As the perspective colors go, I will get close ot a final white, but not quite, and especially, if I have to run up the opacity value to 150. At 150 any 2 colors will make a solid, and defeats the entire concept. At that point I may just be hitting my head against a wall, I may just have to go with the higher opacity and eat it, as the lower opacity is too hard to see in mid and lighter spectrums

Being that the quad core will become more prevalent, it may be a little problematic in my skin, but I will either working something out, or settle on a scheme

Re: Need folks with Quad core CPU's to assist

Post by sgtevmckay »

Ok, now that I know it is working, this is my latest concept to deal with the color overlay issue.
Screenshot - 5_31_2009 , 10_19_16 PM.jpg
if you would like to down load and ponder color schemes or other ides, here is the file:
In the accompanying file it will be the DSSPQuadCore.ini
Let me know your thoughts