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Post by AaronBurr »

Hello Everyone,

I found rainmeter from a friend because I'm trying to find a specific weather tracker. I suffer from migraines that are caused by sudden shifts in barometric pressure. I am trying to find an app I can leave on my desktop that will show me the current pressure and the predictive pressure for tomorrow (This way I can tell if there is a sudden change).

I was hoping one of you kind individuals might know of a skin that does this? Or maybe a different App?

Thanks for any help!
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Re: Question

Post by jsmorley »

Sorry, I don't know of one, as the current barometric pressure is always in and of itself "predictive" in a short-term sense, as it is expressed as a current value and a "direction of change" from the most recent past reading. Certainly not terribly predictive of what it will be tomorrow, but I don't know of any service that tries to predict that. Not in any case. One would think that the information is available, or at least can be implied, since it would reasonably be a factor in predicting the "conditions" for tomorrow. A "low" or "high" coming your way certainly suggests a change in pressure. I have never seen a site or feed that predicts things directly using the barometric pressure though. Pressure and change are always just elements of the "current conditions".

I see it as more of a short-term "trend" than a future "prediction". There could well be somewhere that provides it that way, but I don't know of one.
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Re: Question

Post by AaronBurr »

Thanks for the quick reply. I'm not surprised it doesn't exist yet, the weather is a pretty chaotic system. I do have an app that uses the High/Low but I've found its not accurate enough for me.

Thanks again!
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Re: Question

Post by jsmorley »

AaronBurr wrote:Thanks for the quick reply. I'm not surprised it doesn't exist yet, the weather is a pretty chaotic system. I do have an app that uses the High/Low but I've found its not accurate enough for me.

Thanks again!
Yeah, seems to me that you might want to have something, that while still based on "trends" and not "predictions", might still be useful depending on what you mean by "sudden". If you had a skin that got and tracked the pressure every hour, and did a comparison of the previous and current values, then you could make a reasonable estimate that the changing pressure conditions are "large" in one direction or another, rather than just knowing the direction. If the pressure went down or up a lot in the last hour, then that is the kind of change that is likely to impact you, although it may be too late to do much about it. I just don't know of anything that predicts future pressure changes though, or at least anything the exposes that in a feed.