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Registered to Highlight a 2838 Oddity (is it a bug?)

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7th Horseman
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Registered to Highlight a 2838 Oddity (is it a bug?)

Post by 7th Horseman »

This is a two birds with one stone post...

About Me:

Not new to Rainmeter.

[indent]I've been using and tweaking it for some time now, basing on VClouds Weather & stately chronometer, SilverAzides System Gadgets, NicolaRabra's Yosemite Bar across the top, and a host of other doodads on a largish screen. I've bashed some RSS feed skins together as well as some toggled market feeds to fill in the gaps. I also seem to be constantly switching from one music visualizer to another and tweaking a Glasses-like VLC Currently Playing rmskin (which isn't really clean enough for sharing even if I was comfortable stepping on other member's toes).

The other freeware program on my desktop is Snackr with a ticker of several favorite RSS feeds just above my taskbar.

That set-up complements Rainlendar2 and Stardock Fences (on a Win7 64 pro Workstation). I'm amazed at the contrast between freeware and paid programs: Rainmeter puts Rainlendar2 and Stardock to shame.[/indent]

However, on to the reason I registered:

[indent]The latest update to Rainmeter Beta (2838) breaks the Gif2Frames.exe/Weather Radar skin I've been using for some time now. It does not *crash* Rainmeter, so my question is this: Does this qualify as a bug to post in

I've used codes from:[/indent]

I'll gladly take up the issue wherever any of the old hands here feel it fits.

(Odd, the URL code seems to work, but the INDENT code does not...)
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Re: Registered to Highlight a 2838 Oddity (is it a bug?)

Post by CyberTheWorm »

First welcome.

Gif2Frames.exe is a program, so you would have to talk to the author of that program.

Rainmeter Beta (2838) - It's a beta so some things might break, but once again the creators of Rainmeter do not know how that program works. Beta is for testing and can break things, hence the name Beta.

Try uninstalling the beta version and install the latest stable version.
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Re: Registered to Highlight a 2838 Oddity (is it a bug?)

Post by jsmorley »

Nothing to do with the current beta as far as I can tell.

What appears to be the issue is that accuweather no longer supports the http: protocol for downloading that image, but must be used with https:


I don't have gif2frames.exe handy, so I can't test further than that, but the current.gif file is downloaded if I make that change.
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Re: Registered to Highlight a 2838 Oddity (is it a bug?)

Post by jsmorley »

On further investigation there does seem to be some issue with !CommandMeasure or the RunCommand plugin suddenly.

Stand by while we look into this.
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Re: Registered to Highlight a 2838 Oddity (is it a bug?)

Post by jsmorley »

Please revert to the previous beta:

While we investigate this.
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Re: Registered to Highlight a 2838 Oddity (is it a bug?)

Post by 7th Horseman »

CyberTheWorm wrote:First welcome.
Thanks. I recognize you from other posts immediately (so registering was probably overdue). You definitely qualify as a respectable old hand in my book
CyberTheWorm wrote:Gif2Frames.exe is a program, so you would have to talk to the author of that program.
So the short answer is -- it's not something to post anywhere around here for reasons I should have anticipated.
CyberTheWorm wrote:Try uninstalling the beta version and install the latest stable version.
I'm familiar with the concept of Beta, so I took a few actions before going to the length of registering here.

1st reloaded skin a couple times. Uninstalled & deleted from my profile then reinstalled from rmskin archive: nada. Cleared the DownloadFile Folder & refreshed: Gif downloaded but "slices" weren't produced (so problem was where I expected).

Next uninstalled (but didn't delete the rmskin data folder) & reinstalled back to 4.0: Gif2Frames.exe success. Then re-upgraded to 2838 (double-check): dead. Reverted to 2824: success. Repeated the 2838 & back to 2824 cycle one last time to be thorough.

Will be sticking with 2824 for now.

Didn't do a *really* thorough uninstall (RevoUninstaller, subsequent check of my Program folders, AppData & a Registry search for leftovers) with a clean reinstall of 2838/reload of all skins from rmskin archives.

May try the full Monty if I get really cranky.

Planned on saving details for a troubleshooting thread; now posting steps now only to provide an idea of my level of competence. I'm a noob here to be sure. Still, new to neither programming nor troubleshooting. I'd imagine you've had to repeat the 101 lessons ad nauseum by now, so a bit of background might save you the time if we converse in the future.

Thanks again for closing out my technical question. I'll dig for info on Gif2Frames.exe to follow through.

One last question, though: if successful should I start a new thread to report back, or just pick up here?

I look forward to seeing you 'round the forum in the future.


jsmorley wrote:Please revert to the previous beta:

While we investigate this.
Sorry, jsmorley (also respectable old hand in my book), for some reason your additions didn't show when I reloaded (gotta tweak my uMatrix settings, I'm sure).

As noted above, I'd already reverted before I even registered (I always keep a copy of the last few versions in reserve).

Will touch base with you if I find anything on my own.


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Re: Registered to Highlight a 2838 Oddity (is it a bug?)

Post by 7th Horseman »

Nix that "on my own part" -- more thorough back-read makes clear this is well outside my bailiwick.
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Re: Registered to Highlight a 2838 Oddity (is it a bug?)

Post by jsmorley »

7th Horseman wrote:Nix that "on my own part" -- more thorough back-read makes clear this is well outside my bailiwick.
That's ok, we will figure it out. The only issue right now is that none of the code monkeys (who are dead to me now) are currently available, so we need to wait for them to take a look at this.
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Re: Registered to Highlight a 2838 Oddity (is it a bug?)

Post by jsmorley »

I think it is fixed, can you go ahead and get the latest r2838 from and see it that works ok for you now?
7th Horseman
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Re: Registered to Highlight a 2838 Oddity (is it a bug?)

Post by 7th Horseman »

jsmorley wrote:...get the latest r2838 from and see it that works ok for you now?


Lightning quick.

Color me impressed.
