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Copies of INI loading instead of the original

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Copies of INI loading instead of the original

Post by nzdawghaus »

Been having a weird bug lately...
I started making copies of ini files before making any large edits, for backups. Then I noticed Rainmeter is loading the copies instead of the original when it restarts. When making the copies, I've left the filenames alone, so they look like the Windows default. Here's an example...
Original - "Feeds1.ini"
Copy - "Copy of Feeds1.ini"
If I rename the copy to end with something unique, like "Feeds1bak.ini", the original loads like it should. But naming it "bakFeeds1.ini", where it still ends with the original filename, and the copy gets loaded instead.
Its not a huge problem, and now that I know about it, I just have to be careful when I make backups. Just thought I'd share it. Then again, maybe its just my computer being goofy.
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Re: Copies of INI loading instead of the original

Post by JamesAC »

What happens when the prefix on the filename is later alphabetically than the original file name,

i.e. Original - file.ini
Copy - mmfile.ini
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Re: Copies of INI loading instead of the original

Post by nzdawghaus »

yea, you're right. If I name the copy "aFeeds1.ini", then it replaces the original when I restart Rainmeter. But if I name the copy "zFeeds1.ini", the original still loads like it should.
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Re: Copies of INI loading instead of the original

Post by jsmorley »

It's just the way Rainmeter rolls. I noticed it back when I first started using it. If you have an "active" skin and you make a copy of that skin under another name, the active skin becomes the copy, not the original. If you want to copy a skin, it is best to unload it first or exit Rainmeter.
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Re: Copies of INI loading instead of the original

Post by Alex2539 »

I never really considered it, but jsmorley is right; it's just the way Rainmeter does things. If you look in Rainmeter.ini, you'll see "Active=" under every section. A value of zero means that it is inactive. Any other number is the .ini file in that position when they are arranged alphabetically. So if you make a duplicate of a skin in the same folder, if its name comes before the original when sorted, it will take the "1" position, bumping the other one down to "2", or whatever position it should be at if there are more files. Reloading the desired file will give "Active=" the proper value for the new positions.