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InformMe Addon v1.2 Beta

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InformMe Addon v1.2 Beta

Post by ~Faradey~ »

This addon will let you to inform user using:
don't forget to check example skin
• Message Box
Example (is a part of example skin, download and install to see in action)
MouseOverAction=[!SetOption #CURRENTSECTION# SolidColor #GUI_OT_COLOR#][!UpdateMeter #CURRENTSECTION#][!Redraw]
MouseLeaveAction=[!SetOption #CURRENTSECTION# SolidColor #GUI_OT_COLOR#49][!UpdateMeter #CURRENTSECTION#][!Redraw]

Text="Show Example"
LeftMouseDownAction=["#@#InformMe.exe" msgbox <Title="Here is a Message Box Title"\> <Text="Here is a Message Box Text with Ok and Cancel"\> <Flag=1\> <OnOKAction=["notepad" /A "#CURRENTPATH#Includes\Ok.txt"]\> <OnCancelAction=["notepad" /A "#CURRENTPATH#Includes\Cancel.txt"]\>]

<Title= title of the Message Box (quotes required <Title="Here is a Message Box Title"\>) \>
<Text= text of the Message Box (quotes required) \>
<Flag= option to control appearance of message box, buttons and icon. If you need to have an icon and buttons then simply combine options e.g. 19 means Message box with Yes, No, and Cancel buttons (16) and Stop-sign icon (3) , 3+16
1 with OK and Cancel buttons
3 with Yes, No, and Cancel buttons
4 with Yes and No buttons
0 - (No icon)
16 - Stop-sign icon
32 - Question-mark icon
48 - Exclamation-point icon
64 - Information-sign icon consisting of an 'i' in a circle
524288 - title and text are right-justified
1048576 Displays message and caption text using right-to-left reading order on Hebrew and Arabic systems
131072- shows on the desktop of the interactive window station.
65536 - The message box becomes the foreground window.
262144 - Message Box has top-most attribute set.
2097152 - The function displays a message box on the current active desktop, even if there is no user logged on to the computer. ! <Sleep option is not supported !

<Sleep= timeout of Message Box to close in seconds. After the time-out has elapsed the message box will be automatically closed. If set to 0 (default) means no timeout\>

<OnYesAction= action for 'Yes' button
<OnCancelAction= action for 'Cancel' button
<OnOKAction= action for 'OK' button
<OnNoAction= action for 'No' button
Note: syntax is same as in Rainmeter, any bang or run command e.g. <OnYesAction=!Refresh "#CURRENTCONFIG#"\> name of Config is required in this case

may be removed:
4096 - System modal (dialog has an icon)
8192 - Task modal
• ToolTip

For general use of ToolTips i recommend to use a build-in ToolTip. This addon lets you to put ToolTip at any place on the screen and on demand.

Example (is a part of example skin, download and install to see in action)
MouseOverAction=[!SetOption #CURRENTSECTION# SolidColor #GUI_OT_COLOR#][!UpdateMeter #CURRENTSECTION#][!Redraw]
MouseLeaveAction=[!SetOption #CURRENTSECTION# SolidColor #GUI_OT_COLOR#49][!UpdateMeter #CURRENTSECTION#][!Redraw]

Text="Click on Me!"
MouseOverAction=!UpdateMeter #CURRENTSECTION#
LeftMouseDownAction=["#@#InformMe.exe" tooltip <Text="Click here to close this skin"\> <X=(#CURRENTCONFIGX#+[GUI_CAPTION_X:X]+[GUI_CAPTION_X:W]/2)\> <Y=(#CURRENTCONFIGY#+[GUI_CAPTION_X:Y]+[GUI_CAPTION_X:H]/2)\> <Title="Button"\> <Icon=1\> <Option=1\> <Unique=1\> <Skin=#CURRENTCONFIG#\>]
it can be customized
<Text= - Text of the Tooltip. (quotes required <Text="Here is a text"\>) \>
<X= - X position in pixels; -1 or option is not specified then at mouse pointer; Formulas are supported
X|X1|W region structure in which TooTip can be shown. If mouse pointer is out of this region ToolTip will be closed whatever <Sleep= option you have set.
X - start position of tooltip; -1 at mouse pointer
X1- start X position of region
W - width of the region
Be shure to set both <X= and <Y= in same maner. You can't have <X= to be -1 and <Y= be -1|100|50\>
<Y= - Y position; -1 = at mouse pointer; Y|Y1|H same as option 2 but for Y; Formulas supported \>
<Title= title of the ToolTip (quotes required); set "" for without title \>
<Icon= icon of the ToolTip, Title should not be null; can be:
0 = No icon (default)
1 = Info icon
2 = Warning icon
3 = Error Icon
4 - big Info icon
5 - big Warning icon
6 - big Error Icon
or full path to image file jpg,png,ico,gif (without animation) formats are supported. Image size can be any but if pic is less then 16x16 it will be resized to 16x16 and if bigger then 32x32 will be resized to 32x32. Keep that in mind!\>
<Option= option to control style of tooltip:
0 = Simle style (default)
1 = Display as Balloon Tip Requires IE5+
2 = Center the tip at the x,y coordinates instead of using them for the upper left corner.
3 = Centered Balloon Tip\>
<Sleep= timeout, how long in seconds to show ToolTip (5 seconds default)\>
<BClose= show close button 1 - show (default); 0 -not show\>
<FontColor= font color of text in ToolTip (will have look of symplified style). Set -1 for default\>
<BGColor= background color of ToolTip (will have look of symplified style). Set -1 for default\>
<Unique= if set 1 only one instance of ToolTip can be shown (0 default)\>
<Fade= delay of fading off animation in milliseconds (20 default)\>
<Margin= margin structure Top|Left|Right|Bottom in pixels\>
<FontSize= font size of Text in ToolTip (0 default, means do not change)\>
<FontFace= if FontSize not 0 - Font Family (set keyword 'Default' for defaults)\>
<FontStyle= if FontSize not 0 - foont attribute:
Normal - normal width (400) and attribute (default)
Bold - bolded text (width 700)
Underline - normal width with Underline attribute
BoldItalic - bolded text with Italic attribute
BoldUnderline - bolded text with Underline attribute
ItalicUnderline- Italic + Underline attribute\>
<Skin= use this option if you need your skin to be in front when ToolTip is about to be shown\>
<Reverse= Specifies that ToolTip has a layout from right to left (RTL) instead of the standard left to right (LTR).
1 - reversed
0 - normal (default)
• TrayTip
Example (is a part of example skin, download and install to see in action)
MouseOverAction=[!SetOption #CURRENTSECTION# SolidColor #GUI_OT_COLOR#][!UpdateMeter #CURRENTSECTION#][!Redraw]
MouseLeaveAction=[!SetOption #CURRENTSECTION# SolidColor #GUI_OT_COLOR#49][!UpdateMeter #CURRENTSECTION#][!Redraw]

Text="Show TrayTip with icon ('Error' icon) and 7 seconds timeout"
LeftMouseDownAction=["#@#InformMe.exe" traytip <Title="Here is a TrayTip Title"\> <Text="Here is a TrayTip message (255 characters maximum)"\> <Sleep=7\> <Icon=3\>]
<Title=: Title of the TrayTip \> (quotes required)
<Text=: Text of the TrayTip \> (quotes required)
<Sleep=: timeout of how long to show TrayTip \>
<Icon=: icon, can be:
0 = No icon (default)
1 = Info icon
2 = Warning icon
3 = Error icon
16 = Disable sound \>
if you need Info icon without sound set 17 (1+16)
<TrayIcon=: can be:
full path to icon (.ico)
positive index number of shell32.dll \>
i've made this addon for upcoming update of Kotoko Suite but i'm sharing it now ;). Pls leave comments, suggestions and report on bugs

Important notes:
• if any application is in fullscreen mode ToolTip will not pop-up (this is intentional thing)
• [InformMe.exe] traytip: Added <TrayIcon=\> option
• [InformMe.exe] traytip fixed bug with line break not working
• [TrayTip Example.ini] added example to demonstrate new <TrayIcon=\> option
• [InformMe.exe] minor tweaks

• [ToolTip Example.ini] added two buttons for demonstration of use line breaks #CRLF#, \n from Lua script
• [InformMe.exe] edited file info
Tested on Win 7 x64 SP1

3 Example skins + InformMe.exe addon in @Resources folder
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Re: InformMe Addon v1.0 Beta

Post by eclectic-tech »

Tray Tip works as fly-out notification on Win 10 Pro Insider Preview. 8-)
The other options look interesting too, I will test them later!

Thanks for sharing! :thumbup:
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Re: InformMe Addon v1.0 Beta

Post by eclectic-tech »

dvo wrote:traytip doesn't work on win10 home x64 :confused:
tooltip is ok :thumbup:
msgbox some blue lines not showing :-( working is oke ;-)
With Win 10, if 'Show app notifications' is turned OFF in Settings, then the tray tip 'fly-out' will not be seen (you will see a grayish icon in the systray for 5~7 seconds)... so make sure it is not disabled.
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Re: InformMe Addon v1.0 Beta

Post by ~Faradey~ »

eclectic-tech wrote:Tray Tip works as fly-out notification on Win 10 Pro Insider Preview. 8-)
interesting...i didn't know they change it that way . Thank you for letting me know and glad you liked it :welcome:

so this screenshot of first example as i understand and seems like it shows icon when it shouldn't. I need look up for changes they made on Win 10. Can you confirm that second example of TrayTip shows proper icon?
dvo wrote:traytip doesn't work on win10 home x64 :confused:
yes, please follow @eclectic-tech instructions
dvo wrote:msgbox some blue lines not showing
i'm sorry, which blue line? can you be more specific? tnx
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Re: InformMe Addon v1.0 Beta

Post by eclectic-tech »

~Faradey~ wrote:interesting...i didn't know they change it that way . Thank you for letting me know and glad you liked it :welcome:

so this screenshot of first example as i understand and seems like it shows icon when it shouldn't. I need look up for changes they made on Win 10. Can you confirm that second example of TrayTip shows proper icon?
With the first Tray Tip example, the 'fly-out' from the lower right corner shows the information and a Rainmeter icon with a black background in the message, and at the same time, a 'greyish' rainmeter icon appears in the system tray area; that icon will disappear when the 'fly-out' shrinks back to the right edge.

With the second example, the 'fly-out' show an 'X' icon in a red circle along with the message, the 'greyish' rainmeter icon appears in the system tray while the notification is visible, the same as the first.

The 'greyish' system tray icon is not a problem for me since I normally have my taskbar hidden...

Hope this helps
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Re: InformMe Addon v1.0 Beta

Post by ~Faradey~ »

it helps, thank you :)
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Re: InformMe Addon v1.0 Beta

Post by jsmorley »

Hm.. While I'm happy to give credit as appropriate in any skin I put out, do we really have to have the credit text "User inform tool for Kotoko suite" at the bottom of every traytip that is produced? That's kind of a show-stopper for me. Very, very "un-Rainmeter".

The only other comment I would have is that not being able to embed #CRLF# or "\n" from Lua in the text output really limits how you can format things in the flyout...
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Re: InformMe Addon v1.0 Beta

Post by ~Faradey~ »

jsmorley wrote:Hm.. While I'm happy to give credit as appropriate in any skin I put out, do we really have to have the credit text...
i simply forgot to remove it from original source code, at first it was for Suite then i decided to improve code to add more features and release as addon so others can use it it is not intentional thing. i've updated addon so as skins.

i can remove this info entirely if you need :)
jsmorley wrote:The only other comment I would have is that not being able to embed #CRLF# or "\n" from Lua in the text output really limits how you can format things in the flyout...
what do you mean you can't??? you sure can, i've updated .rmskin and added two buttons to ToolTip Example skin. I have it working...can you check? maybe it is something with Win 10 i need to consider :confused:

anyway i did it this way

Code: Select all

function _ShowToolTip_CRLF()
	SKIN:Bang("\"#@#InformMe.exe\" tooltip <Text=\"Test of Text with #*CRLF*# variable#CRLF#Here should be new line\"\\> <Title=\"Test\"\\> <Icon=1\\> <Option=1\\> <Unique=1\\> <Sleep=2\\>")
end --func

function _ShowToolTip_N()
	SKIN:Bang("\"#@#InformMe.exe\" tooltip <Text=\"Test of Text with \\n line break\nHere should be new line\"\\> <Title=\"Test\"\\> <Icon=1\\> <Option=1\\> <Unique=1\\> <Sleep=2\\>")
end --func
Last edited by ~Faradey~ on May 4th, 2016, 8:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: InformMe Addon v1.0 Beta

Post by jsmorley »

~Faradey~ wrote:i simply forgot to remove it from original source code, at first it was for Suite then i decided to improve code to add more features and release as addon so others can use it it is not intentional thing. i've updated addon so as skins.

i can remove this info entirely if you need :)

what do you mean you can't??? you sure can, i've updated .rmskin and added two buttons to ToolTip Example skin. I have it working...can you check? maybe it is something with Win 10 i need to consider :confused:

anyway i did it this way

Code: Select all

function _ShowToolTip_CRLF()
	SKIN:Bang("\"#@#InformMe.exe\" tooltip <Text=\"Test of Text with #*CRLF*# variable#CRLF#Here should be new line\"\\> <Title=\"Test\"\\> <Icon=1\\> <Option=1\\> <Unique=1\\> <Sleep=2\\>")
end --func

function _ShowToolTip_N()
	SKIN:Bang("\"#@#InformMe.exe\" tooltip <Text=\"Test of Text with \\n line break\nHere should be new line\"\\> <Title=\"Test\"\\> <Icon=1\\> <Option=1\\> <Unique=1\\> <Sleep=2\\>")
end --func
Thanks although that credit text is still there if you use <Itcon= in the TrayTip. I really don't want anything on the TrayTip except what "I" put there... Having said that, this is your addon, not mine.

As to the \n issue, I think you will find that although it will work on ToolTip, it won't on TrayTip.

Last thing is that Windows SmartScreen will hate this executable, at least for a while, until it has been downloaded and executed a few times, unless you check the "Unblock" box at the bottom of this:
Before you execute it the first time.
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Re: InformMe Addon v1.2 Beta

Post by ~Faradey~ »

Updated InformMe addon and TrayTip Example skin
jsmorley wrote:I'd really prefer to have the Author and Title on separate lines. That's why I miss the ability to do #CRLF# or \n.
Found a bug. This should be fixed!
jsmorley wrote:Truth be told, I'd also vastly prefer to be able to use a custom icon, like the GMail envelop. I have a nice .ico version of that, and it's sad I can't use it in TrayTip. Like I can in Rainmeter's ToolTip:
There is no easy way to add it at this moment, but will try for the next version

Since Win 10 still shows icon in tray ToolTip when Win 7 don't (with <Icon=0\>)
according to @eclectic-tech's screenshot
You can try this:

Code: Select all

["#@#InformMe.exe" traytip <Title="Here is a TrayTip Title"\> <Text="Here is a TrayTip message (255 characters maximum)#CRLF#Test of line break"\> <Sleep=5\> <TrayIcon=#@#pics\Soccer.ico\>]
i've addad <TrayIcon= option to change tray icon, thus it may appear in tray ToolTip

you can also use positive index number from shell32.dll to change icon
jsmorley wrote:Thanks although that credit text is still there if you use <Itcon= in the TrayTip. I really don't want anything on the TrayTip except what "I" put there... Having said that, this is your addon, not mine.
I understand it and this also should be fixed. I wonder why does Win 10 tray ToolTip show file description there and Win 7 doesn't...hmm
jsmorley wrote:Last thing is that Windows SmartScreen will hate this executable, at least for a while, until it has been downloaded and executed a few times, unless you check the "Unblock" box at the bottom of this:
i don't know for now how to fix this, but i will look into it...