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Rainmeter.ini location

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Rainmeter.ini location

Post by klaatu »

I don't see where I can set this, my apologies if this already exists. I would like the ability to specify on the commandline the location of the rainmeter.ini file.

The reasoning is so I can keep the program folder and skins static via deployment software, and allow a user to move the skin on screen. Right now, I have to have a staging folder, and an execution folder to accomplish this task. It would be nice to be able to separate the ini file from the exe and skins folder.

*edit - I should mention that I am using the portable installation for ease of deployments, and the version is
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Re: Rainmeter.ini location

Post by jsmorley »

Simply specify the full path to the Rainmeter.ini file on the command line.

"PathToRainmeter\Rainmeter.exe" "PathToIni\Rainmeter.ini"

"C:\Program Files\Rainmeter\Rainmeter.exe" "C:\SomeFolder\Rainmeter.ini"

Understand that "SomeFolder" will then become the Rainmeter "Settings" folder, and other things than just Rainmeter.ini will be created there, and looked for by the software as it is running. That includes:
The Plugins folder is for 3rd-party plugins, the built-in plugins will remain the in Rainmeter program folder. The Rainmeter.exe shown there is a "stub" that is used for backwards compatibility purposes, and is not actually the Rainmeter.exe executable.

Note that the user account running Rainmeter must have full read-write access to this folder.
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Re: Rainmeter.ini location

Post by klaatu »

Well, that was easy. I feel a bit silly now. Thanks!
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Re: Rainmeter.ini location

Post by jsmorley »

Glad to help. I'm compelled to say that Rainmeter is very specifically designed NOT to be locked down and used in a business environment. Good luck with your effort, but Rainmeter doesn't want to be put in a box. The user MUST have full read-write access to Rainmeter.ini, which means they can change the location of the Skins\ folder and easily defeat any attempt to lock them down.
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Re: Rainmeter.ini location

Post by klaatu »

We have users using rainmeter to monitor system performance and other uses. I need to deploy a bginfo replacement, and I do not want to trample on what the user may be doing, but still have a semi-controlled skin showing different computer attributes. Semi-controlled in that I want the user to be able to move the skin around the screen and put it somewhere that it isn't in their way. To accomplish this, I will put the exe and skins in a read only folder, and the ini file in somewhere in their user profile. I'll monitor the ini file, to ensure that certain elements exist (X and Y location), and other elements not only exist, but have specific values. If the user adds skins and measures, I'm good with it. If they have their own rainmeter installation, I'm good with that too, and I won't be walking over what they have done. I am trying to give flexibility, while displaying certain items used for remote support, i.e. computer name, ip, etc.

Thanks again, this is a fantastic program.