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3D Audio

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3D Audio

Post by Brian »

3D Audio
Version 1.1

Simple 3D audio visualizer that uses 3 meters to draw a 3D Bar. 2 bar meters (for the front and side) and 1 image meter (for the top).

The skin:
3D Audio_1.1.rmskin
  1. 5 sets included. Fairly easy to customize.
  2. Middle click the mouse to pause the bars.
  3. Right click the mouse to bring up the custom context menu for easy set selection and editing of variables.
  4. Mouse scroll to increase/decrease the gap between the bars in real time (without refreshing). Note: There are no "checks", so you can technically cause the gap to be less than 0, or so big the bars go off the screen.
Since audio skins can be fairly resource heavy on a system, I have tried to make this skin as efficient as possible (I could probably due better, but eh...). I used audio settings that make sense on my system, but you may need edit them to your liking. To edit the settings, right click on skin and choose "Edit audio settings" or just open "@Resources\" and make any changes to the audio measures (or for the Update value of the skin).

Hopefully I didn't make the skin too complicated to follow. Instead of just copying the skin over and over again making new variants with new settings, I took the approach of combining all the related settings in its own place. Audio settings are in one file. Each set has its settings (and styles) in a different file. All the meters are in the main skin. All you should ever have to edit is variables instead of hunting around the entire skin to make changes.
To customize with new images:
  1. Choose a set to edit located in the @Resources folder.
  2. Replace the images in the set. Make sure the height of both images is the same. Note: The width of the "side" image is really the depth of the bar.
  3. Open in the same folder.
  4. If using a different image name then the default ones, edit the FrontImage/SideImage to point to the new image.
  5. Since the "top" of the bar is just a color and not an image, choose which color you want as the top of each bar. You can use a formula (like I have) to have a dynamically changing color based on the height of the bar. Remember there are 24 bars in this skin (Color00 to Color23).
  6. Save
  7. Open the skin 3D Audio.ini, and set the variable Set to the correct set you changed. (You can also set the background color of the skin and the gap between the bars here as well.)
To customize with static colors:
  1. Open the @Resouces\Set5\ file.
  2. Edit the variables BarWidth, BarHeight, and BarDepth to the size of 3D bar you want.
  3. Edit the variables FrontColor, SideColor, and TopColor to the colors of your choosing.
  4. Save
  5. Open the skin 3D Audio.ini, and set the variable Set to 5. (You can also set the background color of the skin and the gap between the bars here as well.)
Known issues:
  1. Due to how Rainmeter uses anti-alias on images using TransformationMatrix, there will appear to be a line between bars for the "top" meter with a BarGap=0. There is no real fix other than to use a slightly negative gap. Something like BarGap=-0.1 or something to fix it. For bars just using a SolidColor in place of an image (like in "Set5"), you can just use AntiAlias=0 in the MeterStyle's instead of a negative BarGap.
  2. Because TransformationMatrix does not actually change the "container" of the meter, the skin size can actually be larger than the [Background] meter causing some "snapping" issues in some cases.
Enjoy! :D

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Active Colors
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Re: 3D Audio

Post by Active Colors »

Man, so good. I like how you put all the crucial settings into one file.
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Re: 3D Audio

Post by drakulaboy »

it reminds me for xbmc visualization
P.S. it's cool without background too :) thank you for the skin, gonna play through settings to make the bars rise smoother :thumbup:
without background is modified
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Re: 3D Audio

Post by Dank420 »

Beauty! :thumbup: :thumbup:
Might i recommend( i did myself)
Just easier after changing settings.
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Re: 3D Audio

Post by Brian »

Dank420 wrote:Beauty! :thumbup: :thumbup:
Might i recommend( i did myself)
Just easier after changing settings.
Good idea! I uploaded the changes in the first post!

I decided to add it to the top of the menu mainly because set 5 has an extra context menu item.

drakulaboy wrote:P.S. it's cool without background too :) thank you for the skin, gonna play through settings to make the bars rise smoother :thumbup:
Sorry the bars aren't as smooth on your system as they are on mine. That is the one draw back with this plugin is that the results can vary widely between different systems.

Try lowering the Update value from 40 to 30 or less, and decrease the FFTSize to something like 2048 or 1024 (probably need to decrease the FFTOverlap as well).

Good luck!

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Re: 3D Audio

Post by drakulaboy »

forgot to say, when i'm recording framerate is low, so that's why you can see the smoothness :D will try your options too, i have recorded this on a notebook, will try on a powerfull pc