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NBA 2K14

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NBA 2K14

Post by Brian »

NBA scores, standings, and news. Middle click on a team name (in the standings "tab") for team stats, player stats, and team news. Also included is a "Scores Ticker" based on smurfier's excellent LuaMarquee. All information is provided by Only non-"Insider" links are shown by this skin.
NBA 2K14_1.0.rmskin
Scores tab:
Scores are updated every ten minutes unless a game is active, then the scores are updated every minute. All times are EST. Click on each game to open your browser to the boxscore.

Standings tab:
Order is based on Wins/Losses. Left-click on the team name to open your browser to the team home page. Middle-click on the team name to set the "Team" tab (see below). Hover the mouse over any row to display more stats for each team.

News tab:
Use the mouse wheel to scroll through each news item. Hover the mouse over any row to display a summary of the article.

Team tab: (You will need to middle-click on a team in "Standings" tab first)
On the "Home" tab: Displays a team logo, team rankings, record, team leader stats, and news. Use the mouse wheel to scroll each news item.
On the "Stats" tab: Displays 32 different stats for each player (as well a team total). Use the mouse wheel to scroll through each stat or use the little arrows at the top to scroll through 7 items at a time (stats will "wrap" around so you don't have to scroll backwards). Click on each player name to open up your browser to the players page. If more then 15 players are featured, hover the mouse over the players column, and use the mouse wheel to scroll through each player and total.

Like the main skin, the feed will update every 10 minutes until a game is active, then every minute. Use the "Update" variable to control the speed of the ticker (the lua script will automatically figure out the correct formula to update the feed every minute or 10 minutes). There is also no need to define a "Width" like in LuaMarquee - the script will automatically adjust to the width of the "Ticker" meter. The script is designed for the font name and font size already selected.


Note: Tooltips are used throughout the skin. Since they are used a lot, I made a "delay" in showing them, so you may have to hover the meter for a second or so to get the tooltip to show up.
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Re: NBA 2K14

Post by ScoobSTi »

Loving this! :o
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Re: NBA 2K14

Post by Brian »

