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How do I change the screen resolution!?

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How do I change the screen resolution!?

Post by AngryDude »

My rainmeter skin is stuck in 1366 x 768, but I frequently connect to a Full HD screen, but the skin doesn't scale up and provides no option to do so. Why can't I change it in the Rainmeter settings (which also provides no options for resolution)? Everything else on my computer scales automatically so why not Rainmeter?

The Skin is Omnimo (so I don't know if it's the fault of the Omnimo devs or Rainmeter) where I set default resolution and now there's no way to change it. Kind of destroys the usefulness of Rainmeter for me (and it's proved very useful, but overly complicated)

Yes, I joined just to complain (wouldn't have needed to if the option was there)
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Re: How do I change the screen resolution!?

Post by eclectic-tech »

No skins "automatically scale" to perfectly match your resolution; however, you can use a utility written to re-arrange the layout when you change resolutions.

Life is wonderful, but never easy... :uhuh:

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Re: How do I change the screen resolution!?

Post by user6794 »

I have an HD screen but omnimo is is upscaled to 2 or 4K or somethin simmilar. I cant change the resolution thro settings because it isnt on the screen and i cant even use it blindly under the screen. I dont have a second monitor to attach an use it normally to change the settig.Does anyone know something usefull? I can unload the skin, but i whant to use it if i can.