Tasted on Win 7, technically it should work on Vista and Win 8 or even higher. Please inform me if it works on Win 8 or Vista if you have it installed. Tnx.
Also, DWM should also be enabled to have RainThumbnail working!
Also, DWM should also be enabled to have RainThumbnail working!
Having created skins very functional like external apps, i got myself thinking, that it would be awesome if i could treat them as actuals windows and be able to easily and quickly switch between skins or do some stuff, instead of hitting Win+D every time to get to desired skin...So i started to write an utility or app, whatever you call it, and so far so good it turned out good
So i did it , it took me awhile because i completely re-wrote code to add more functionalityThe apps itself does not do any changes to skins (configs) and don't change anything in Rainmeter.ini, so skins works as with as without app running.
Without any change from your side the app will show currently loaded skins in taskbar as thumbnails, which you can close or click on then to switch between skins.
If you create file with name TaskbarThumbnailSettings.rtcfg in your config (skin) directory like: illustro\Disk, then you can open it with notepad and edit it (or add keys). The file syntax is .ini like, so should not have problems with editing.
Below is detailed information on each section and keys it holds.
Some info on setting the action:[CustomSettings]
- if 1 - then skin will not be shown
- if 1 - shows 4 media control buttons (previous, play, pause, next). Also in this case it will require to specify 'MediaMeasureName' key (see below).
- name of the main NowPlaying.dll measure.
- custom icons for media buttons in thumbnail. You may change one or all of them at the same time. It means that you don't need to change rest of them if you want to change only one.
- icon of the window
OverlayIcon=C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe
- an overlay icon
CustButton1=@SKINSPATH@Kotoko\Configs\LaunchIcons\Rss.basic.ico||!Log Action||Custom Text here
CustButton2=C:\Program Files (x86)\K-Lite Codec Pack\Media Player Classic\mpc-hc.exe||!Log Action2||Custom Text here 2
In this section you can create your own icons. For do this you will need to create section 'CustomButtons' and key 'CustButtonN' (where N is number of button), one for each button.
Values has special syntax so you can set icon, action and ToolTip text in one line. To do that, each value is separated with "||" symbol
path to icon || Rainmeter bang which will be executed on pressing the button || ToolTip text which will be show on hover the button.
- multiple bangs are supported
- all bangs, except ones which not require next, should have optional 'Config' parameter to be specified! (e.g. !Redraw "illustro\Disk")
Maximum number of icons in each thumbnail = 7. So if 'ShowMediaButtons=1' then maximum number for custom icons will = 3.
Rules of setting a path for icons:
Value can be either full path to icon or full path to .exe where this icon will be extracted in process or it may be specified using macro @SKINSPATH@ (e.g C:\Users\Username\Documents\Rainmeter\Skins\ or path for your set up)
example: @SKINSPATH@myicon.ico. --> C:\Users\Username\Documents\Rainmeter\Skins\myicon.ico
If path would not be specified, the default icon will be used. In case as value only name of the icon will be specified then root config folder+skin name will be automatically added, so if 'MButtonIcon_Prev=prev.ico' it will be the same as #ROOTCONFIGPATH##ROOTCONFIG#prev.ico.
- Rainmeter macros (buil-in variables) are not supported!
- Windows Environment variables are not supported! It may be added if someone thinks it necessary to be supported.
To change tray icon:
Using a WindowMessage plug-in you can send messages to RainThumbnail
Using those you can:
• to show/hide thumbnail of the particular skin
• to send progress (e.g. progress of currently playing media using measure in your skin)
• show/hide/change settings of buttons for the particular thumbnail. It may be all buttons at once or by specifying the index of button.
• change state of icon in taskbar, like:
- NoProgress
- Indeterminate
- Normal
- Error
- Paused
- Flash
Message codes:
File hashes: