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Hey all!

Post by prototypegamingpc »

Good day,

I bumped in to this website while looking for custom skins for windows 7,

The reason Im here, aside from saying hello, (HI!) is because i am looking to create a custom desktop skin for windows 7 for my new company. Now im not sure which would be the right category to post under so thought I would ask here while saying hi.

warm regards,
Roger Smith
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Re: Hey all!

Post by moshi »

hi :)

to be blunt you should be looking for a webdesigner first. the typography is really bad.

here is a sticky post regarding skin requests:

generally speaking i think Rainmeter is something your customers would like. those are probably the folks that are interested in fan speeds, stats on each processor core etc.

i think the best idea would be to look around deviantArt for designs you like and contact the author directly. be careful though to contact real authors, not those folks that just upload other people's skins, to avoid legal trouble.
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Re: Hey all!

Post by prototypegamingpc »

is really bad on what? the page? because thats just a place holder page.
I also read that sticky, sucks.
I dont really have time to make my own skins right but thanks for the quick reply! Deviant art has a ton of people ripping off other peoples work.
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Re: Hey all!

Post by moshi »

using a header font for floating text (not sure if that is the correct translation for Fließtext) - bad (hard to read).
there is also almost no vertical padding between lines -bad (there is a reason for this: that font was created for headlines).
thin dark red text on black/dark grey - bad (even harder to read).
the digit 1 is completely disconnected from the other numbers in the countdown -bad.
why is there a lensflare behind the pc case? - even in science fiction such a thing does not exist.
the way gradients are used is weird and just wrong, but that is kinda hard for me to explain as English is not my native language.

already longer than i wanted ... (there is more actually)
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Re: Hey all!

Post by prototypegamingpc »

sent you a PM. But like i said its just a place holder.