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LAN-Ping - First creation!

Skins that monitor system information
Posts: 1
Joined: March 1st, 2013, 2:40 pm

LAN-Ping - First creation!

Post by faxij »

So...yah...first coding of mine, be gentle? :welcome:

I added a remote to my router for quicker restarts, but accidentally turned it off already a few times. So I wanted a little tool on my desktop that shows me at once if my router is online or not.

Couldn't find what I wanted, so made it myself! With some great help by jsmorley (the one and only, the wondrous, the fabolous :rofl: ), Koopz and [Brian] - thanks again!

Well, it is really simple. It pings an IP and shows if anything is alive at the other end. I wanted a little colour-indicator as well as a simple text, so yeah.

Working on an improved version already, thanks to Brian who implemented a FinishAction. Should be out soon :)

You can find it on DA and customize:
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Posts: 65
Joined: January 24th, 2013, 9:09 pm

Re: LAN-Ping - First creation!

Post by Stan »

This is just what I've been Looking for. I've tried to create one but being new to Rainmeter didn't help me get any closer to the desired result. My Router is in another room and controlled by a remote switch.

One problem I have run in to is that on start-up or reboot with the router off the the meter will show the router as "on". Perhaps this is specific to my setup.