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InterfaceLIFTer Smooth

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InterfaceLIFTer Smooth

Post by Kaelri »

This is a mod of the original InterfaceLIFTer by jsmorley, published with his blessing.

I made this skin to demonstrate a new feature that we've added to Rainmeter. Before, if you specify the Width and Height of an image meter, you could choose to either stretch the image, or make it fit the meter to preserve the aspect ratio. Today, we to added the option fill the meter. The aspect ratio is still preserved, but instead of leaving space on the sides, the image is scaled and cropped to fill in the whole space. If the meter size change, the image cropping area will change with it.

Grab the latest beta, then give this skin a try. I think you'll see what I mean. :)

The skin also makes use of the new section variables feature, as well as the universal transitions Lua script. In other words, it's a confluence of all the newest Rainmeter toys. Fittingly, it's a lot of fun to play with.
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Re: InterfaceLIFTer Smooth

Post by KreAch3R »

Post some more skins displaying the transition.lua script, and I won't be able to even look at plain ol' Rainmeter skins again. :D

As always, amazing.

P.S. My Pentium4 CPU is struggling (Rainmeter hitting 50%) to display it smoothly, while FluidReader is uber smooth. Given that the only thing I understand from both skins is that the Update value is at the same levels ( :p ), is this happening because in this one there are many images involved?
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Re: InterfaceLIFTer Smooth

Post by Kaelri »

Yes, and very big images, too (wallpapers). This skin is really just for feature demonstration and eye candy; it's definitely not a functional design. But it's, you know... pretty. :)
Alex Becherer

Re: InterfaceLIFTer Smooth

Post by Alex Becherer »

great skin. i love the smooth transitions in it.
Alex Becherer

Re: InterfaceLIFTer Smooth

Post by Alex Becherer »

Kaelri wrote:Yes, and very big images, too (wallpapers).
unfortunately the cpu use would be insane would it use the full wallpapers. it is using preview images.

i am still impressed. :)
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Re: InterfaceLIFTer Smooth

Post by Kaelri »

Thanks. :)
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Re: InterfaceLIFTer Smooth

Post by Matt »

Wow. Really, really slick work, Kaelri. :thumbup: