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Edge Suite [Beta 0.8]

A package of skins with a "theme" or by a single author
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Edge Suite [Beta 0.8]

Post by KreAch3R »

Welcome to my first Rainmeter Suite! "Edge" is a powerful Rainmeter Suite that focuses on providing multiple User support for your different needs based on location, situation, or Windows machine, while delivering the latest Rainmeter features through a wide variety of skins. Furthermore, "Edge" is designed to provide a very easy environment for theming, making it the only suite that will be able to transform to match *any* Windows Visual Style (more about "Themes" in the future).

Skins included:
  • Actions
  • Chat
  • Clock (Digital/Analog)
  • ColorPicker
  • Date
  • Gmail
  • Google Reader
  • Launcher
  • Music Player
  • Notes
  • Quotes
  • Google Search
  • System
  • Wallpaper
  • Weather
  • Youtube
  1. General Guide

    When you install "Edge", the Start skin will be loaded automatically. It is a wizard skin, which will guide you through the necessary steps to use the suite. Creating a User is mandatory. Even if you just want to use "Edge" without all the extra User features, you must create a new User.
    [Optional]: Enable Dropbox Support.
    Many Users (including me) have decided to sync their Rainmeter Skins Library through the cloud (Dropbox is a very popular choice). "Edge" lets you create and configure different Users for each PC you sync your Skins Library, handing over to you the power to configure each PC's suite settings differently, without Dropbox forcing the changes to sync to the other PCs.
    If you enable this option, a 'Choose folder...' dialog will prompt you to select the place where a special "Edge" settings file will be moved (the directory must be outside of Dropbox's scope). That's it. Now you can sync your skins and variable files but use different ones in different PCs. (This procedure may change in the coming versions).
    Lastly, the wizard prompts you to enter some more variables, and explain how skins work. It will be expanded in the future.

  2. Skin abilities

    Most of the skins come with some shared abilities, to create a consistent suite experience. Some of them include:
    • The Edit button: Image
      This button launches a GUI which let you easily change User variables. RIGHT click opens the variables file in your default config editor.
    • MIDDLE click: Middle clicking on ANY skin background will close the skin. Personal Preference, so I would like your opinion about that.
    • Hover: Hovering many skins enables some buttons and options that weren't visible before.
    • Scroll wheel: Many skins support scrolling for changing pages and items. Make sure to check that out.
  3. Skin specific Information:

    Please check out the #2 post in this thread.

  4. Frequently Asked Questions:

    Please check out the #3 post in this thread.

  5. Changelog:

    Code: Select all

    v.084: 19/8/12
    SKIN: WeatherAlt
    SKIN: Player Mini
    SKIN: Notes
    ADDED !DeActivateConfigGroup bang in the Start skin. Now all loaded skins (due to previously installed Edge versions) should be unloaded after the .rmskin is installed.
    ADDED StringEffect=Shadow, FontEffectColor=00000055 to every skin
    ADDED clickable meters in Player progress that moves the progress relatively
    ADDED Stroke in wallpaper icons
    ADDED Wifi - Actions
    ADDED Error output in Log: Gmail Lua scripts
    ADDED 4 new themes. Change them using the edit button in Actions. Currently their names are wrong. Noche variants are actually Noche, Metalik, Glass Onion, Shine.
    CHANGED Youtube lua script, thanks to Mordasius
    CHANGED some skin names
    CHANGED MiddleMouseUpAction to MiddleMouseDoubleClickAction to close skins. Now MiddleMouseUpAction is used to toggle between variants, wherever they exist.
    FIXED Stroke in Rainmeter icon - Actions
    v0.72: 17/8/12
    SKIN: Gmail+Tiny
    ADDED MiddleMouse in Chat: Opens the ChatLog.txt file
    ADDED OpenOnEnd addon, to open the ChatLog file at the last line. Useful for copying content.
    ADDED: Player now only shows up when the music player is open. Change it using the Edit button.
    ADDED Wallpaper: Awesome AutoCrop function by Kaelri! Load ANY image, regardless of size or ratio, and watch the magic!
    REWORK Youtube: Number of items displayed and correct cycling through them. Thanks to Mordasius.
    FIXED Gmail+ background problem when email count became zero, without refreshing the skin
    FIXED ChatFile error when no file is found
    FIXED Gmail - Actions: Upside down order of unread mails
    FIXED UpdateDivider in feed skins \ scripts
    FIXED bug in Rainfile's mod, causing wrong refresh bangs
    FIXED DropboxSupport!
    FIXED RemoteConnect code
    CHANGED background code in Gmail+
    CHANGED Actions - Power: InputText background color
    CHANGED background code in Gmail+ / Gmail+Tiny
    v0.66: 14/8/12
    FIXED Beta version requirement
    v0.65: 14/8/12
    ADDED Suite's Default Background
    ADDED Chat button in Actions
    ADDED Battery meter in Actions
    ADDED Recycle Bin in Actions
    ADDED Gmail in Actions
    ADDED Browse for ChatLog file button in Chat
    ADDED forgotten repeatitive actions between skins (such as the MiddleClick bang)
    ADDED Uptime in System
    REWORK Rainmeter Icon (changed stroke to match other icons)
    REWORK the Audio section of Actions
    REWORK Launcher Relative Positioning (now using .lua)
    FIXED Gmail+ bug when Gmail count was > 4
    FIXED WeatherUnit input bug (now it should forgive capslock mistakes)
    CHANGED Renamed - rearranged variables
    v0.51: Initial Public Beta release
  6. Known bugs:

    Code: Select all

    r1598 Users: Wallpaper skin will display uncorrectly and produce bugs. Change Update to 1000 (default is 100000). It is fixed in the next Sunday's beta.
    Configure.exe "seems" to not save the value set. The truth is, that it is not updating the set value.
  7. Screenshots:

  8. Credits:

    There are so many people to thank, that I will come back to this and edit it for a long time. Please forgive me if I let you out now, I will add you as soon as I remember you. To the ones I can currently remember :
    JSMorley, Kaelri, smurfier, RedK, Pho3niX, Mordasius, Poiru, JoBu, fediafedia, and depicus.
    neiio, Gaia '10 team, cooliographistyle, lysy1993lbn, DijaySazon, kiko11, zainadeel, kAtz93 and SolMiler.

    Thank You.

  9. Download:

    Please test it and let me know if you like it, and/or what bugs you found. I can really make use of the feedback! :)
Last edited by KreAch3R on August 19th, 2012, 2:01 pm, edited 15 times in total.
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Skin Specific Information:

Post by KreAch3R »

  • Actions
    The Actions Bar is a multifunctional command bar, that automates simple everyday repetitive tasks and displays them to the end user in a minimal Interface. In its full glory, Actions Bar consists of:
      • Rainmeter
      • Refresh
      • Log
      • Edit
      • Color Picker
      • Gmail
      • Chat
      • Audio
      • Desktop
      • Power
      • WiFi
      • Battery
      • Bin
    • The Edit button has a special assignment here, as it allows for Suite variable configuring, besides its normal function.
    • Color Picker allows the user to specify the suite’s highlight color by clicking anywhere on the screen.

      The next 2 actions are super specific.
      They are created based on my needs. Many of you won’t have a use for them; but I decided to share them for the few ones that might find them handy.
    • The Audio button circles between two PC audio outputs. This can be used to quickly change the audio output from the speakers to your headset (I use it to drive the output to my SYNIC wireless speaker). It needs a bit of trial and error to get the correct output indexes on your part, but after that it is set. Open "Sound" in Control Panel and try different indexes for #DefaultOutput# and #AlternateOutput#, until you get it right.
    • The Desktop button demands several different conditions:
      • A Wol Enabled Remote PC (lan or Internet)
      • Teamviewer installed with pre-login connection enabled
      • uTorrent with WebUI enabled and properly configured over 8081 for internet access
      It is designed to work with these programs, and unfortunately it will be no use to most of Edge’s Users. However, if you meet the conditions, this is what happens:
      Basically, I wanted a way to open my remote PC whenever I needed to, and also to know when it’s open or not, so that I don’t leave it open for no reason.
      The skin checks to see if the utorrent WebUI page is online. If it is, it assumes the the remote PC is online, too. I don’t like this indirect way, and I plan on developing a separate addon for that, but for now, this is what works.
      Depending on the Webparser output, the skin does one of two things, upon button clicking:
      1. Fire’s a WoL magic packet, waits a configurable amount of seconds (the time for your remote PC to boot completely) and tries to connect to it using Teamviewer
      2. Tries to connect immediately using Teamviewer
    • The Power button has 4 functions.
      • DOUBLE LEFT click: starts a countdown sequence to shut off your PC in a pre-configured amount of time
      • LEFT click: shows the ‘Timer’ field, where you can specify the amount of time live, without refreshing the skin. It can be in hours, minutes, or both.
      • RIGHT click: cancels the countdown
      • HOVER: shows you the time you have left before the PC shuts down.
  • Chat
    Chat is built on the concept of JoBu’s IRCEmu skin, and the idea of using Dropbox to share a .txt log file, that will act as the Chat’s content.

    In order to use it, you have to have at least one shared folder in dropbox with the person you want to chat. You should create a single one just for that, if you don’t want to share anything else with that person. In there, you should place a "ChatLog.txt" file. Then, you must point to that file using the "Select ChatLog" button.

    Clicking on the chat window:
    • LEFT click: increases the number of chat lines shown
    • MIDDLE click: Opens the file in your default editor, in the last line.
    • RIGHT click: decreases it
    Use it with caution. Only a few clicks should be enough.
  • Gmail+
    Gmail+ is a standard Gmail skin. Enter your Gmail credentials using the Edit button in Actions (to edit the Suite's variables; it wil be included in the Start configuration in the future). Change the DateFormat from the Edit button in the Gmail Skin.

    [Variable] #RefreshSecs#: Measure how many seconds your browser needs from the time you click the e-mail in the gmail+ skin till it has opened completely, and marked an e-mail as unread. Enter that time (plus 1 or 2, to be sure) as your RefreshSecs variable. This will guarantee that your skin won't refresh before the email clicked is marked as read,
  • Google Reader
    Follow this guide to create your own Google Reader feed, then press "Add a link to your website or blog" and then press the RSS icon. You should end up with a URL like this one:
  • Launcher
    [Variable] #NumApps#: change it to automatically change the number of shortcuts shown. Middle click the edit button to center the bar (works currently only on Primary monitor for now).
  • Notes
    [Variable] #MaxWidth# / #MaxHeight#: specify the maximum size the Notes skin should have. Its default values match the System skin.
  • Youtube
    [Variable] #YoutubeUser#: specify your Youtube Username.
Last edited by KreAch3R on August 19th, 2012, 1:04 pm, edited 10 times in total.
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Post by KreAch3R »

  1. "Which Rainmeter version do I need?"
    The latest 2.4 beta (currently r1598).
  2. "I didn't read the Start skin's instructions thoroughly, started pressing buttons, now nothing is loading and the Log is full of errors. Now what?"
    Re-install the suite. (more technical response on its way)
  3. "Gmail, weather skins don't work and the Log says "Webparser: Matching Error (-1)""!
    Please make sure you set up your #GmailID#, #GmailPassword#, #Weather#, #WeatherUnit# variables correctly.
  4. "What am I supposed to enter in #DefaultAudioOutputIndex#, #TVID#, #PICS#?"
    #TVID#: Your remote computer's Teamviewer ID, as it's shown if you right click it in Teamviewer's "Computers & Contacts" window, and pressing Properties. It's not your PC's Alias.
    #PICS#: Your custom Images\Pictures folder. Everyone has one in their PC. It's used to make RainFile start in the correct folder, when you press the picture button to select another image. Wallpaper currectly will not work as a slideshow.
  5. "When refreshing, Launcher shows up messed up for a second, and then displays correctly. Bug?"
    Unfortunately no, this is expected behavior, it was the only way to achieve the look I wanted. (currently looking into it)
    Issue is solved in 0.65 beta and above, but requires the next (19/8) 2.4 beta.
  6. "Google Reader is "hungry" and eating some short - long strings."
    Please provide example screenshots, and the string producing the error for serious Batman questioning.
  7. "Which color does the Color Picker change? I don't see anything different"
    The #HighlightColor# color. You can find it while hovering the Search skin, or in the System Bars. Subtle, I know.
  8. "Youtube, Gmail skin cause CPU spikes?"
    Let me know if you have that problem.
  9. "Where are my Variables saved?"
  10. "I can't seem to figure out how this skin works. What can I do?"
    Hover, read ToolTips, Scroll
  11. "What about Themes?"
    The functionality is there, it is manual though, yet. I have included some first theme tries. The theme names are the same as their imagenames inside \Themes folder.
Last edited by KreAch3R on August 19th, 2012, 1:08 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Edge Suite [Public Beta 0.5]

Post by AlC »

First: I didn't have a lot of time at the moment to test it really. And I can't test youtube, chat, gmail, dropbox.

Some things:
-After the "wizard" it loads no skin, I have to load every skin individually. And in manage/Themes I have no Edge-Theme ?

-ColorPicker: Is a ring the best solution ? maybe a cursor ?
-Wallpaper: !Setwallpaper bang doesn't work. "Invalid Parameters."
-Bar: Edit the rainmeter icon a little bit (in ps, or add imagealpha), or change the border from black to white.
-Clock(analog): The second line goes out of the frame. Maybe the date under the line?
-Which skin is the skin in the preview with the Lakers player?

I like the general style. The analog clock looks good. The "Hey :), LoL !" in chat is nice.
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Re: Edge Suite [Public Beta 0.5]

Post by KreAch3R »

AlC wrote: I like the general style. The analog clock looks good. The "Hey :), LoL !" in chat is nice.
Thank you for testing! :) I was about to release the 0.6 version with a lot of changes, but I will first answer to your great feedback. I placed it inside spoiler tags because it got huge! Please note that a lot of errors will be corrected with the next version. :)
AlC wrote:And I can't test youtube, chat, gmail, dropbox.
Did you have a problem or you don't use these services? If you use Dropbox, we can test the Chat together. "Dropbox Support" is the name I came up for automatically moving a settings file from the @Resources folder to another folder in your System. So you can test that without using Dropbox at all.
AlC wrote:After the "wizard" it loads no skin, I have to load every skin individually. And in manage/Themes I have no Edge-Theme ?
Yes, it's on purpose really. I wanted to provide to the user the freedom to load whatever he/she wants. Should I load some default skins?
The Edge Theme is missing for the same reason. Although I will create one for the final version.
AlC wrote:ColorPicker: Is a ring the best solution ? maybe a cursor ?
The circle is necessary because of the Addon's design. I will re-look into it.
AlC wrote:Wallpaper: !Setwallpaper bang doesn't work. "Invalid Parameters."
It's missing the #Position# parameter. You can fill that in using the Edit button located in the bottom right corner of the frame.
AlC wrote:Bar: Edit the rainmeter icon a little bit (in ps, or add imagealpha), or change the border from black to white.
You 're right, it's the only icon that's not from Android and it doesn't match. Noted.
AlC wrote:Clock(analog): The second line goes out of the frame. Maybe the date under the line?
You should share a screenshot, to check it out. Mine looks like this:
AlC wrote:Which skin is the skin in the preview with the Lakers player?
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Re: Edge Suite [Public Beta 0.65]

Post by KreAch3R »

UPDATE!: Version 0.65 is out! Many bug fixes, default behavior impovements, and a lot of additions. Read the changelog for more information.
Please NOTE: "Dropbox Support" is broken in this release. Please don't try to use it. I will look into it ASAP. In the meantime, you can move the #@#Users\" wherever you want, after you finish the wizard skin, and then update the #EdgeUser# variable in the #@#Users\
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Re: Edge Suite [Public Beta 0.65]

Post by Mordasius »

Seems that the Youtube skin fails if you have less than 18 videos in the subscription.

I think you need to use for i = 1, iNumberOfItems do rather than for i = 1, 18 do when the database is created but even then the thumbnails aren't showing.

Psst... The Public Beta 0.65 says it requires Rainmeter whilst the latest I can find on is :???:
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Re: Edge Suite [Public Beta 0.65]

Post by UberSlackr »

Its says "Rainmeter or higher is required to install this package..."

Beta r1598 is the highest available for download on the site.

.. so I just extracted the skin files with 7zip and installed them the old fashioned way.

... The Clock second hand extends past the square box..
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Re: Edge Suite [Public Beta 0.65]

Post by KreAch3R »

I'm very sorry about the latest beta part, being tired I forgot to change it back to the latest available. I am using this build right now because we wanted to test if I had a specific problem with the latest patch they added. Again, I am so sorry. The correct .rmskin is added to the first post.
Mordasius wrote:Seems that the Youtube skin fails if you have less than 18 videos in the subscription.
I think you need to use for i = 1, iNumberOfItems do rather than for i = 1, 18 do when the database is created but even then the thumbnails aren't showing.
Yes, it does. If you use the Youtube subscriptions daily, you will have many people subscribed and the rss feed always displays more than 18. That is why it always looks for 18. The images are downloaded using Webparser Download=1 function, so when the items are less that 18, the "substrings are not enough". I guess I could try to get the number of items first, and then try to populate the meters. I will look into it. But until then, could you try with more subscriptions?
UberSlackr wrote:... The Clock second hand extends past the square box..
Yes, it is like that by design. :)
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Re: Edge Suite [Public Beta 0.65]

Post by Mordasius »

KreAch3R wrote:But until then, could you try with more subscriptions?
Sorry KreAch3R but I'm not much of a Youtube person. I tune in to watch the epic fail stuff once in a while but the only things my subscriptions target are those involving malleable chrome struts with extendable...... oops... you probably don't want to know about that sort of firmware.

If someone throws up a skin or suite as a beta version and asks for comments then I'll try my best to bust it. Sorry but I get as much fun out of breaking/fixing other people's skins as I get out of crafting my own.
KreAch3R wrote: I guess I could try to get the number of items first, and then try to populate the meters
You already had that with iNumberOfItems that was in your lua script but never used with the result that when the number of subscriptions was less than 18, the image meters were not beng updated properly.