Skins included:
- Actions
- Chat
- Clock (Digital/Analog)
- ColorPicker
- Date
- Gmail
- Google Reader
- Launcher
- Music Player
- Notes
- Quotes
- Google Search
- System
- Wallpaper
- Weather
- Youtube
- General Guide
When you install "Edge", the Start skin will be loaded automatically. It is a wizard skin, which will guide you through the necessary steps to use the suite. Creating a User is mandatory. Even if you just want to use "Edge" without all the extra User features, you must create a new User.
Lastly, the wizard prompts you to enter some more variables, and explain how skins work. It will be expanded in the future.
- Skin abilities
Most of the skins come with some shared abilities, to create a consistent suite experience. Some of them include:- The Edit button:
This button launches a GUI which let you easily change User variables. RIGHT click opens the variables file in your default config editor. - MIDDLE click: Middle clicking on ANY skin background will close the skin. Personal Preference, so I would like your opinion about that.
- Hover: Hovering many skins enables some buttons and options that weren't visible before.
- Scroll wheel: Many skins support scrolling for changing pages and items. Make sure to check that out.
- The Edit button:
- Skin specific Information:
Please check out the #2 post in this thread.
- Frequently Asked Questions:
Please check out the #3 post in this thread.
- Changelog:
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v.084: 19/8/12 SKIN: WeatherAlt SKIN: Player Mini SKIN: Notes ADDED !DeActivateConfigGroup bang in the Start skin. Now all loaded skins (due to previously installed Edge versions) should be unloaded after the .rmskin is installed. ADDED StringEffect=Shadow, FontEffectColor=00000055 to every skin ADDED clickable meters in Player progress that moves the progress relatively ADDED Stroke in wallpaper icons ADDED Wifi - Actions ADDED Error output in Log: Gmail Lua scripts ADDED 4 new themes. Change them using the edit button in Actions. Currently their names are wrong. Noche variants are actually Noche, Metalik, Glass Onion, Shine. CHANGED Youtube lua script, thanks to Mordasius CHANGED some skin names CHANGED MiddleMouseUpAction to MiddleMouseDoubleClickAction to close skins. Now MiddleMouseUpAction is used to toggle between variants, wherever they exist. FIXED Stroke in Rainmeter icon - Actions v0.72: 17/8/12 SKIN: Gmail+Tiny ADDED MiddleMouse in Chat: Opens the ChatLog.txt file ADDED OpenOnEnd addon, to open the ChatLog file at the last line. Useful for copying content. ADDED: Player now only shows up when the music player is open. Change it using the Edit button. ADDED Wallpaper: Awesome AutoCrop function by Kaelri! Load ANY image, regardless of size or ratio, and watch the magic! REWORK Youtube: Number of items displayed and correct cycling through them. Thanks to Mordasius. FIXED Gmail+ background problem when email count became zero, without refreshing the skin FIXED ChatFile error when no file is found FIXED Gmail - Actions: Upside down order of unread mails FIXED UpdateDivider in feed skins \ scripts FIXED bug in Rainfile's mod, causing wrong refresh bangs FIXED DropboxSupport! FIXED RemoteConnect code CHANGED background code in Gmail+ CHANGED Actions - Power: InputText background color CHANGED background code in Gmail+ / Gmail+Tiny v0.66: 14/8/12 FIXED Beta version requirement v0.65: 14/8/12 ADDED Suite's Default Background ADDED Chat button in Actions ADDED Battery meter in Actions ADDED Recycle Bin in Actions ADDED Gmail in Actions ADDED Browse for ChatLog file button in Chat ADDED forgotten repeatitive actions between skins (such as the MiddleClick bang) ADDED Uptime in System REWORK Rainmeter Icon (changed stroke to match other icons) REWORK the Audio section of Actions REWORK Launcher Relative Positioning (now using .lua) FIXED Gmail+ bug when Gmail count was > 4 FIXED WeatherUnit input bug (now it should forgive capslock mistakes) CHANGED Renamed - rearranged variables v0.51: Initial Public Beta release
- Known bugs:
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r1598 Users: Wallpaper skin will display uncorrectly and produce bugs. Change Update to 1000 (default is 100000). It is fixed in the next Sunday's beta. Configure.exe "seems" to not save the value set. The truth is, that it is not updating the set value.
- Screenshots:
- Credits:
There are so many people to thank, that I will come back to this and edit it for a long time. Please forgive me if I let you out now, I will add you as soon as I remember you. To the ones I can currently remember :
JSMorley, Kaelri, smurfier, RedK, Pho3niX, Mordasius, Poiru, JoBu, fediafedia, and depicus.
neiio, Gaia '10 team, cooliographistyle, lysy1993lbn, DijaySazon, kiko11, zainadeel, kAtz93 and SolMiler.
Thank You.
- Download:
[ Direct Link ]
Please test it and let me know if you like it, and/or what bugs you found. I can really make use of the feedback!