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Everything Has It's Place

Share and get help with Plugins and Addons
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Everything Has It's Place

Post by iUnify »

Is there one page on RM where people can find ALL of the 3rd party plugins available for use with Rainmeter?

If not, which I do not think there is, I suggest that a page is made that lists everything that can be used with Rainmeter along with it's brief description and a link to the site where it can be downloaded.

This is not only be exceptionally useful to the new members of the forum and RM but also to all of the veteran members to sometimes refer back to for an idea of what else that can do or use for a particular situation. Does it not make things way easier when you can see everything neatly together in one place that is a part of an application.

Just as Mozilla has their add-ons page where everyone posts the new skins or plug-ins or add-ons (each with their own page and/or title to separate one group from the other) Rainmeter should have it's own equivalent of this. I hope I am actually just missing where this is because I do not know why we wouldn't already have something like this.

The more organized and together all of the information about Rainmeter can be found in one place the further along it will move this entire trend... (if you will, not sure what to call it).

See, I know there are many places to find RM skins but do you not think that everything should be able to be found in one coheasive space? Yes, it's true link can be found that likely lean to almost every place throughout the forums but not without extended searching. If this idea were to come to life than everything would be easy to find.

You could click the Forums, the Download page, the Rainmeter Information Page, than the Extras page (or seporate Addons, Plugins, etc. pages).

The Extras page would have different sections:

+ Rainmeter 3rd Party Plugins
Third party plugins are blah blah blah. They are stored in the blah blah folder. You add them to RM like this blah. The file format of all extensions are either .exe. or .DLL You can find more information about 3rd party plugins either from the Forums (link) Rainmeters IRC Chat (link) or these websites: (link, link, link).

- List of all the 3rd part applications here.....
- List of all the 3rd part applications here.....
- List of all the 3rd part applications here.....
- List of all the 3rd part applications here.....
- List of all the 3rd part applications here.....
- List of all the 3rd part applications here.....

+Rainmeter Addons
Rainmeter add-ons are blah blah blah. They are stored in the Blah folder. You can add them to RM by blah blah blahing. All Rainmeter Add-ons will be in the .DLL File Format. You can find more information on Rainmeter Add-ons by exploring the RM Forums (link), talking to your fellow RM Communitry Members in the RM IRC Chat (available through a java applet in the website, you don't have to use mIRC or another 3rd Party Application) or you can check out these websites... link, link, link.

- List of all the Rainmeter Addons here.....
- List of all the Rainmeter Addons here.....
- List of all the Rainmeter Addons here.....
- List of all the Rainmeter Addons here.....
- List of all the Rainmeter Addons here.....

+ List of Rainmeter Plug-ins
Rainmeter Plug-ins are Blah Blahs and used in Rainmeter to Blah. They are stored in the RM Blah folder. Typically all RM Plugins will be in the .exe file format. They are added into Rainmeter by Blahing them. You will be able to find more RM Plug-ins through the Rainmeter Forums (link) or the Java IRC Chat (link) and even by these great websites (link, link, link, link-e-linkerton).

- List of all Rainmeter Plug-ins here.....
- List of all Rainmeter Plug-ins here.....
- List of all Rainmeter Plug-ins here.....
- List of all Rainmeter Plug-ins here.....
- List of all Rainmeter Plug-ins here.....
- List of all Rainmeter Plug-ins here.....


Well, that's it. As you all can see, I don't know much more than BLAH about the actual Rainmeter facts BUT that's what would be so great about making a page such as this.... so many people don't know. If Rainmeter is to pull in more and more people and expand itself to the masses it will have to conform to the majority of people who will be using this software. Beginners who don't know jack.... and a LOT of people don't want to have to search all around randomly to seek out answers that may or may NOT be there. Shoot, they could be there but never be found.

I, for one, had found RM and fell in LOVE with it a long time ago but until RM simplified itself and adapted Kaelri's Enigma theme as it's main Theme decided to turn away from it until it became easier to understand and work with.

When I saw the glorious Rainmeter v. 1.0... and I saw that kick ass Theme that I had seen before on many various websites but had NO clue how to implement nor understand already fixed in as the MAIN RM Theme!!!! Aw, doggy!! I was ready to rock.

I hope i have made my point and made it well. I also hope that you all will feel free to answer and post how YOU feel about this idea.

Just remember, even if you do not think it will benefit you currently with your extensive knowledge of RM think back to when you first signed on and found RM... wouldn't it have been nice to find everything you could want to know about RM in one place... without looking around for it- just right there, neat and organized.... no searching through the forums for the answers. And if you happened to already know about code and all that than just think about the little people! ;)

Anyways, the forums are GREAT, they have saved my life... but the Chat Room, the Forum and the actual Website should stand on their own, separate from each other.

I hope this idea can come to life, I truly believe in it- what do you think?
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Re: Everything Has It's Place

Post by jsmorley »

It's exactly what RainWiki is for... We don't need yet another website, but the idea of having a common easy to get to place for addons is a good one.
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Re: Everything Has It's Place

Post by smk »

were on the wiki is this, as i have never sean this
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Re: Everything Has It's Place

Post by Alex2539 »

It's not on the Wiki yet, although there is a nearly blank page dedicated to it. He's just saying that the wiki is a good place for it.
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Re: Everything Has It's Place

Post by jsmorley »

smk wrote:were on the wiki is this, as i have never sean this
It isn't yet, but that would be a good place for some ambitious forum user to set up the kind of information that iUnify is talking about.

I will be glad to give anyone (who writes concisely, clearly and dispassionately) author's rights on RainWiki and they can help out the entire community by adding information to it .
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Re: Everything Has It's Place

Post by iUnify »

I think it would be really cool. I was not understanding what you meant at first JS! I thought you were knocking me for suggesting it until I read the other users posts!! :D Thanks guys!! :oops:


Well, I don't know what I can do because I don't know the information but if someone can come up with a specific way I can help I would love to do it.

Yes, I never thought about the RainWiki- I suppose that would make the most sense.... :mrgreen:

You guys know what I mean though? There is so much stuff pertaining to RM out there.... and there is no single place to find ALL of that information at the actual home of RM.

Forget how it will help the new users by allowing RM to appear much less frightening as well as easy to explore in full once the user begins to learn it- forget how advanced users (at least those without photographic memories) will be able to refer to it when helping the less knowledgeable or for themselves in the heat of a moment while working on a project FORGET IT ALL!!!!

It''s gonna help me guys, do it for me! Ask yourselves, is that not reason enough? :lol: Just kidding- but I think it was a hulluva speech. ;)
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Re: Everything Has It's Place

Post by dragonmage »

By the way, Plugins are .dll and most Addons will be .exe not the other way around.
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Re: Everything Has It's Place

Post by iUnify »

The precise reason why I need some Rainmeter coaching! I better go hit the books...