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Transparent Color

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Transparent Color

Post by Kaelri »

Code: Select all

Setting a TransparentColor would make the skin transparent where that color exists. This would allow us to, for example, render rounded corners on rectangular images with a solid-color overlay on each corner, effectively cutting the corners away.

It would also be nice if the alpha value of TransparentColor determined the translucency of the skin, but I realize that would be more complex.
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Samus Aran
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Re: Transparent Color

Post by Samus Aran »

I think this would be a handy little feature, but every good picture-editor I know has this feature built in (Color to Alpha) ;)

So if you want to cut away the edges in an image, use Photoshop/Paint.NET/etc ;)
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Re: Transparent Color

Post by Kaelri »

For prepared images, I do. The usefulness of this would be with dynamic images retrieved from WebParser or iTunes album art.