It is currently September 19th, 2024, 11:41 pm


Introduce yourself to the Rainmeter community!
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Post by Ahnìon »

Since I suspect I shall be poking my head in from time to time, I suppose introductions are in order.

I'm Ahnìon -- Ahni to my friends. I'm a gloriously dysfunctional thirty-something oddball from Norrköping, Sweden, bent on doing things according to a highly personal set of obscure aesthetics.

(I also like long walks on the beach and writing long, overstructured sentences.)

I stumbled over Rainmeter after finally giving up on adding more than the absolute fundaments of desktop widgets through my preferred shell: bblean. (For those who aren't familiar with it, bblean is a fork of BlackBox4Windows, which in turn is an MS Windows rewrite of the old Linux X-Windows shell BlackBox. It's generally minimalistic and function-oriented.)

So far, my experience with Rainmeter has been very positive, and though I have friends who prefer more GUI/set feature plugin oriented widget engines, I find that the simplicity and versatility of the Rainmeter feature set fits my personality to a tee. Also, I think that the idea of having the visual side done entirely through scripted skins calling generalised binaries makes a lot of sense in contrast to having a heap of binaries with visual representations that conform in varying degrees to a central norm (which seems to be the case in most widget systems I've looked at.)

If I do eventually post any of my skins, they are likely to lean heavily towards function-oriented, aesthetic minimalism.

I suppose that's it... oh, yeah: the sign in my avatar is a personal rune sort of thing. It has no connections to any secret, occult societies, alien deities or other contagious memes. It is quite safe to behold, I assure you.
Iä, iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Well met, folks. Glad to be here. :)
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Re: Greetings!

Post by jsmorley »

Welcome aboard!
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Re: Greetings!

Post by dragonmage »

Welcome Ahni. You know it was actually the limitations of bbinterface that indirectly led to my part of the movement to resurrect Rainmeter.
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Re: Greetings!

Post by Ahnìon »

Thank you both. :)

dragonmage: bbinterface is a nice idea, but compared to Rainmeter, it's not only limited but very clumsy. Also, I realised that it's actually a good thing to have the widget part of the desktop in a separate process, because... well, things do occasionally crash, and when they do, it's nice to not have to go into the Task Manager just to restart it.

Here's to you then, and to the rest of the team that resurrected Rainmeter! :thumbup:
death is a sausage! .