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Way to Specify HTTP Header?

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Way to Specify HTTP Header?

Post by SlimJimGuyMan »

From within Rainmeter, or even a Lua script, is there any way to make an HTTP request with header parameters specified? In curl, this is done with the --header option. I could use luacurl but of course external Lua modules are not (yet?) supported by Rainmeter.

If I need to be more specific, I'm working on a way to retrieve an unread message count from Google Reader. It requires an AUTH token to be supplied in the HTTP request header. I can easily obtain the Google AUTH token from within Rainmeter using the WebParser plugin and Google's ClientLogin service. To request the actual unread list from Google Reader, the "Authorization" HTTP header field needs to be supplied and this is where I'm stuck.

If anyone has any suggestions, let me know.
- SlimJimGuyMan -
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Re: Way to Specify HTTP Header?

Post by jsmorley »

There really is no way within the Rainmeter environment today. WebParser does not support cookies or other authentication other than on the URL, and as you say, Lua does not yet support external compiled libraries like LuaCURL.

It could probably be done if you wanted to create some addon application in AutoIt or some other language, or a plugin in C++ or C#, but not with anything in Rainmeter itself.
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Re: Way to Specify HTTP Header?

Post by Mellin »

I wrote such a program in C# for my Rainmeter skins. If you want, you can use it.:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.IO;

namespace BiowareDownload
static class Program
/// <summary>
/// The main entry point for the application.
/// </summary>
static int Main()
string ErrorPath = @"C:\Errors.txt";


string SavePath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("USERPROFILE") + @"\Documents\Rainmeter\Skins\Mass Effect 3 PL\Galaxy at War\"; //**

if (!Directory.Exists(SavePath)) Directory.CreateDirectory(SavePath);
catch (Exception ex)
File.WriteAllText(ErrorPath, ex.Message);
return -1;

SavePath = SavePath + "Mass Effect 3 N7 HQ Main.txt"; //**

WebBrowser MyBrowser = new WebBrowser();
MyBrowser.Navigate(""); //*

while ((MyBrowser.Document == null) || MyBrowser.IsBusy)

if (File.Exists(SavePath)) File.Delete(SavePath);
File.WriteAllText(SavePath, MyBrowser.DocumentText);
catch (Exception ex)
File.WriteAllText(ErrorPath, ex.Message);
return -1;


return 0;
//Application.Run(new Form1());
This program downloading page source file from * and saves it to a text file \ Documents \ Rainmeter \ Skins \ Mass Effect 3 EN \ Galaxy at War \ Mass Effect 3 N7 HQ main.txt **, which you can extract information with WebParser plugin. You just need to add the regular firing of the program to your skins and you're done! It works for me.