It is currently September 19th, 2024, 11:41 pm


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Post by Creativity-Null »

Well, I've been using rainmeter for the better part of 16 hours, downloading skins and adding them to my desktop

I'm mostly using the enigma skins (which I love, a great dark minimalist theme) with a few added skins. Ran into a problem with the enigma sidebars not being long enough, I made a quick fix by overlaying one over the other, I'm sure I can lengthen or shorten them by editing the .ini, but I don't feel like figuring that out or actually doing it right now (maybe after I wake up, if you'll notice the time I posted this and took the image)

I'm using two 17" screens (1280x1024). The left screen ends at the very right side of the mail and clock themes. I didn't get around to putting something in the notes section, so it's just cycling through the 3 defaults (interesting modification of "Help! I'm stuck in a Fortune Cookie factory!" :D ). Yes, I see the redundancies in some of the skins, and I have reasons for them... just because I can't think of the reasons right now doesn't mean there aren't any...

I'll work on my netbook's interface tomorrow then post up its image when I get it done

So far I'm liking the dark minimalist theme I've composed (or well, pieced together at least), any suggestions are welcome

any theme suggestions or skin suggestions are welcome as well on my netbook, that one I don't care how the theme looks as much, it could be rich in aesthetics, technological, bare-bones minimalist, etc... I really don't know quite what I want for it other than something that's lightweight and not too taxing. It has problems rendering graphics (intel really screwed up with the intel GMA 500 that they DIDN'T make, so the drivers are awful, absolutely no 3d support and lots of lag because the drivers are just so awful. can't even run a game boy advanced emulator, I'm stuck at the SNES. Minecraft crashes on startup telling me I need to update my drivers, which are completely upgraded), the screen is tiny (can't remember the size of the screen size besides it's about an inch, give or take, less than the normal netbook screen size, 10.1 inches. The resolution is the same though, 1024x600) but it's a touchscreen. It's an asus t91mt

also, I've been having a problem viewing uploaded images on the site, when I click to zoom them, it either brings up the same image I saw, (no zoom, just darkens everything else and moves it to the left side of the screen) or shows me an even smaller thumbnail. Not sure what's causing this.