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RunCommand with Symlink

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RunCommand with Symlink

Post by tass_co »

Hi everyone :welcome:

I have a problem.

I want to update the target address of a previously created Symlink using the RunCommand plugin.
I opened the issue here. Because I think the problem is not related to Rainmeter.

Link="C:\Users\Hasan Tahsin\Desktop\akor\DDD" target=A:\DDD-01
Link="C:\Users\Hasan Tahsin\Desktop\akor\DDD" target=#VarPath#

Code: Select all

Parameter="mklink.exe" /d "%123456%\DDD" "#VarPath#" ; NOT WORK
Parameter="mklink.exe" /d "C:\Users\Hasan Tahsin\Desktop\akor\DDD" "#VarPath#" ; NOT WORK
PowerShell => Parameter=New-Item -Type SymbolicLink -Path "C:\Users\Hasan Tahsin\Desktop\akor\DDD" -Target "#VarPath#" ; NOT WORK
ps:I created "%123456%" from "Win10\System=>Environments Variables".
This did not turn out well either...
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Re: RunCommand with Symlink

Post by Brian »

I might be wrong, but this could be an issue with the quotes.

When reading an option that contains both a starting and ending quote, Rainmeter will strip them.

This means, that an option like this: "mklink.exe" /d "%123456%\DDD" "#VarPath#", will end up looking like this to Rainmeter:
mklink.exe" /d "%123456%\DDD" "#VarPath# <<- Notice the starting and ending quotes are removed.

This really doesn't affect many options, but in some cases (like the Parameter/Program options in RunCommand), you may need a starting and ending quote to remain instead of being stripped. So, you need to double quote that option. It is mentioned in the RunCommand docs here (read the "Note" below the Timeout option).

Something like this: Parameter=""mklink.exe" /d "%123456%\DDD" "#VarPath#""

This might not solve your issue, but it is worth trying.

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Re: RunCommand with Symlink

Post by tass_co »

Brian wrote: August 13th, 2022, 5:38 am I might be wrong, but this could be an issue with the quotes.

When reading an option that contains both a starting and ending quote, Rainmeter will strip them.

This means, that an option like this: "mklink.exe" /d "%123456%\DDD" "#VarPath#", will end up looking like this to Rainmeter:
mklink.exe" /d "%123456%\DDD" "#VarPath# <<- Notice the starting and ending quotes are removed.

This really doesn't affect many options, but in some cases (like the Parameter/Program options in RunCommand), you may need a starting and ending quote to remain instead of being stripped. So, you need to double quote that option. It is mentioned in the RunCommand docs here (read the "Note" below the Timeout option).

Something like this: Parameter=""mklink.exe" /d "%123456%\DDD" "#VarPath#""

This might not solve your issue, but it is worth trying.

Thank you for the answer.
After a few tries, I started to think that the problem was caused by permission. (with Powershell)

Code: Select all

Parameter=new-item -itemtype symboliclink -path "A:\1" -name "Deneme" -value "A:\Fot"

Code: Select all

new-item : Administrator privilege required for this operation.
At line:1 char:1
+ new-item -itemtype symboliclink -path A:\1 -name Deneme -value A:\Fot ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : PermissionDenied: (A:\Fotos:String) [New-Item], UnauthorizedAccessException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NewItemSymbolicLinkElevationRequired,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.NewItemCommand
and with cmd

Code: Select all

Parameter=""""mklink.exe" /d "A:\1" "A:\Fot""""

Code: Select all

Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19044.1889]
(c) Microsoft Corporation. Tm haklar sakldr.

Can I get around this with lua or powershell script?
But I don't know much about both scripting languages :D

I found the solution.

1.gpedit.msc configuration
4.local policies
6.Creating symbolic links => (Delete Administrator and Add Everyone) then log-out :thumbup:

sorry caps Turkish
13-08-2022 17_01_29-Yerel Grup İlkesi Düzenleyicisi.png
Then I created a lua script for creating a batch file

Code: Select all

function SymbolicWrite()
	local targetLink = SKIN:GetVariable('DevDev')
	local LinkLink = SKIN:GetVariable('LinkVar1')
	local FileName = SKIN:MakePathAbsolute('SymbolicWrite.bat')
	local CreateFile =, 'w')

	if not CreateFile then
		print ('could not open ' .. FileName)
		-- write the line
		-- Firstly delete old Symbolic Folder then create new Symbolic Folder
		CreateFile:write('rd "', LinkLink, '"', '\nmklink.exe /d ', '"', LinkLink, '"', ' ', '"', targetLink,'"')
		-- close the file

Code: Select all

rd "LinkLink"
mklink.exe /d "LinkLink" "targetLink"
You do not have the required permissions to view the files attached to this post.
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Re: RunCommand with Symlink

Post by Yincognito »

tass_co wrote: August 13th, 2022, 11:15 amAfter a few tries, I started to think that the problem was caused by permission. (with Powershell)

Code: Select all

Parameter=new-item -itemtype symboliclink -path "A:\1" -name "Deneme" -value "A:\Fot"

Code: Select all

new-item : Administrator privilege required for this operation.
At line:1 char:1
+ new-item -itemtype symboliclink -path A:\1 -name Deneme -value A:\Fot ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : PermissionDenied: (A:\Fotos:String) [New-Item], UnauthorizedAccessException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NewItemSymbolicLinkElevationRequired,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.NewItemCommand
and with cmd

Code: Select all

Parameter=""""mklink.exe" /d "A:\1" "A:\Fot""""

Code: Select all

Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19044.1889]
(c) Microsoft Corporation. Tm haklar sakldr.

Can I get around this with lua or powershell script?
But I don't know much about both scripting languages :D
I know you already found a solution, but yes, you can get around this - simple example of killing a process copy pasted from one of my suite skins:

Code: Select all

; PwrShell: Start-Process powershell -windowstyle Hidden -verb RunAs \"Stop-Process -Name '#ProcessToKill#' -Force; Exit\"
; TaskKill: Start-Process taskkill -windowstyle Hidden -verb RunAs '/F /FI \"IMAGENAME eq #ProcessToKill#.*\"'

Parameter=Start-Process taskkill -windowstyle Hidden -verb RunAs '/F /FI \"IMAGENAME eq #ProcessToKill#.*\"'
The -verb RunAs is the part that runs stuff with credentials (e.g. as administrator and such).
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