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Timer reminder

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Re: Timer reminder

Post by eclectic-tech »

Yincognito wrote: February 19th, 2022, 11:58 pm Nice sample! :thumbup:
It might just be that this area deserves some more comprehensive skins to be built. Like the OP said, most are relatively basic reminders correlated with holidays, classic timers, etc. , but less or none are focused on multiple, dynamic and concurrent reminders... :???:

I agree that this type of general reminder could use a bit of attention.

I wanted to create this using death.crafter RainToaster.exe which would be a perfect fit, but it doesn't play well with Windows 10 ...
Windows 10 will only display 1 notification until you logoff and back on... then it shows all the entered ones :o

So, this is a fairly basic input/output message display that surely could be enhanced or expanded. (Did I just call you "Shirley"? :p ) ;-)
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Re: Timer reminder

Post by Yincognito »

eclectic-tech wrote: February 20th, 2022, 12:32 am Thanks!

I agree that this type of general reminder could use a bit of attention.

I wanted to create this using death.crafter RainToaster.exe which would be a perfect fit, but it doesn't play well with Windows 10 ...
Windows 10 will only display 1 notification until you logoff and back on... then it shows all the entered ones :o

So, this is a fairly basic input/output message display that surely could be enhanced or expanded. (Did I just call you "Shirley"? :p ) ;-)
Ah, yes, DC has been crafting stuff like crazy, haha! I might be interested in that little exe in the future - thanks for letting me know, as I don't visit that area of the forum often, it's so easy to get lost in tons of creations...

Anyway, regarding Windows 10 toast notifications, if death.crafter used the already existing Windows feature, I was long time aware of the problem you describe. I'm using an extension in Chrome for feeds, which sends unread items to the "notification area" as initially toast messages in the bottom corner of the screen (like the message after the Rainmeter installation, if I recall correctly). Now, whenever I turn on my computer and open Chrome, all the feeds that have been accumulated since the last turning off and Chrome closing off spam as toast notifications very quickly, making them virtually impossible to be read. I've sent a bug report to the developers of that extension a long time ago about this ... and now I know why they didn't fix it, since it's a Windows (10, apparently) "bug". :???:

As for reminders, I had a different idea in mind, but yours is simple enough to be a starting point for the OP indeed. Personally, I go pretty quickly from an idea to a more complex code, so from that point of view your sample skin(s) are exactly what the OP needs at this point. The only problems I see with this approach is that reminders are not handled dynamically (i.e. you still have to manually create or duplicate a skin for each reminder) and if you have, say, 1000 customers, you'd have to have at least 1000 skins loaded in Rainmeter at any given time which would be a bit on the edge, LOL. But yeah, as you said, the idea was to have a basic sample on how this should work, and let the OP decide on whether and how can this be expanded.

Surely ... Shirley ... Temple?! :p :o
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Re: Timer reminder

Post by eclectic-tech »

"Temple? Surely you are joking?" :D

Yes, according to d.c, the notifications work in Windows 11, but I doubt M$ will make a fix for 10 since they prefer you would upgrade.
I won't be upgrading any time soon either...

I am pondering whether to enhance that example, as you described, it currently is suitable for individual use, but is not scalable to a large number of reminders.

Surely ;-), it will be interesting to see if this develops any further.
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Re: Timer reminder

Post by Yincognito »

eclectic-tech wrote: February 20th, 2022, 2:34 pmYes, according to d.c, the notifications work in Windows 11, but I doubt M$ will make a fix for 10 since they prefer you would upgrade.
I won't be upgrading any time soon either...
Yeah, me neither. Just the thought of having to install all software again (since I'm not into the upgrade thing, more like clean installing) makes me fall asleep... :Whistle
eclectic-tech wrote: February 20th, 2022, 2:34 pmI am pondering whether to enhance that example, as you described, it currently is suitable for individual use, but is not scalable to a large number of reminders.

Surely ;-), it will be interesting to see if this develops any further.
Well, I guess that depends on the OP, I mean nobody likes to do things for no particular reason. Personally, I see two routes to make it scalable: use list-like strings like "<Some reminder here|2022-02-20 14:16:20|2022-03-02 08:00:00>,<Another reminder here|2022-02-20 14:16:20|2022-03-02 08:00:00>,..." and manage them via regex substitutions in native Rainmeter, or use multidimensional Lua tables like {{Some reminder here,2022-02-20 14:16:20,2022-03-02 08:00:00},{Another reminder here,2022-02-20 14:16:20,2022-03-02 08:00:00},...} and manage them via adding or removing elements or dimensions from them in Lua.
eclectic-tech wrote: February 20th, 2022, 2:34 pm"Temple? Surely you are joking?" :D
No Temple? :confused: Then surely ... Church? Chapel? Synagogue? Pagoda? :lol: Or maybe Mosque if you can handle the Mosquitoes and all that? :???:
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Re: Timer reminder

Post by jadiazrod »

Thanks guys for all your suggestions...

No offense to Balalas Offer but it seems like an Eighteen wheeler Truck when I may need just a Minivan...
As a small business things here are not that "Surgical" in details... the idea is tracking weekly or daily some events... Calendar time stamp and hourly timing will be irrelevant...
For instance, repairs can be postpone one day with no problem if a customer is unable to come during weekdays... Ordering parts may take place later in the week to allow to pile more parts to place one big order...
Now, after playing for couple of hours this morning with "Zapps Reality Check Reminder" skin I've managed to modify it to make "My Quotes" skin to pop up and show some Text quotes... I think is a plus having also sound in case no one is at front of the PC
Its not a promising start due to my lack of knowledge on coding but the basic idea is there...
I just have to keep it away from the screen... perhaps hidden on top of the screen using #Offset# parameters or just putting a little Clock icon in one corner...
I'm pretty sure is a way to get the Text " Reminder " flashing instead of using images when the time is up...I have to dig on that..
The Zapp timer is based in Seconds, so I may need to modify it to track days instead...
The MyQuotes Skin may work OK since is Text based which can be updated as needed accordingly to the flow of repairs, besides is not intrusive... it can be moved away with a click of the mouse...
The tricky part will be have the availability to have up to 10 different reminders accordingly to the timer for each one...
Attached are the files I've pile up so far for the basic idea..
Thanks again for your interest in this project...
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Re: Timer reminder

Post by balala »

jadiazrod wrote: February 20th, 2022, 6:11 pm No offense to Balalas Offer but it seems like an Eighteen wheeler Truck when I may need just a Minivan...
No offense at all from my part, you are the one who have to decide what you want to use...
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Re: Timer reminder

Post by Yincognito »

Ok, so let me make a synthesis of what you'd like, so folks would know what you aim for:
- day and weekly timing only?
- possibility to postpone "end" events?
- sound included for "end" events?
- hide and show event skin or meter?
- flashing text for "end" events?
- text based reminder data source?
- around a dozen reminders max (existing or showing?) at any given time?
jadiazrod wrote: February 20th, 2022, 6:11 pmmake "My Quotes" skin to pop up and show some Text quotes...
You have to be aware that the Quote plugin on which MyQuotes is based grabs random quotes from that file. While these might suit testing, you'll probably want to extract or show specific lines from the file.
jadiazrod wrote: February 20th, 2022, 6:11 pmI'm pretty sure is a way to get the Text " Reminder " flashing instead of using images when the time is up...I have to dig on that..
Yes, there is, is as simple as having 2 colors and a 0 to 1 index for the current color, then toggling that index between 0 and 1 on update:

Code: Select all




Text="Some Text Here"
OnUpdateAction=[!SetVariable ColorIndex (1-#ColorIndex#)]
jadiazrod wrote: February 20th, 2022, 6:11 pmThe Zapp timer is based in Seconds, so I may need to modify it to track days instead...
If you want the skin to "remember" things after you unloaded it or shut down the computer, you'd have to use Time or Uptime measures (the latter even computes days for you). The update rate is not that reliable when it comes to time, plus it will start over again each time you load the skin (unless you keep your computer on 24/7, that is).
jadiazrod wrote: February 20th, 2022, 6:11 pmThe tricky part will be have the availability to have up to 10 different reminders accordingly to the timer for each one...
Exactly. Also, you must think what you'd like to happen if the "end" time is the same for more than one reminder. Do you want to show all those reminders, and if so, where should they be placed so as to not overlap one another? Do you want to show a list with the reminders sharing a common "end" time? Any other choice?
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Re: Timer reminder

Post by jadiazrod »

Thanks guys
I knew I would pick your brain with this "Project"
My excuses if I'm not proficient with terminology ( End Events...?) so I'll try to explain it the best I can...
Synthesizing :
- day and weekly timing only?
- Yes, having the option for daily or weekly timing
- possibility to postpone "end" events?
- No Postponing, when time is up for an event it will show up on screen... ( let say to call a customer to let him know repair is done...) in case this customer won't show up when promised, the event will remain the same but the timer will reset to start again for another "remainder call" 3 days later for instance...
- sound included for "end" events?
- Not exactly , Sound when time is up for an event... sound will be useful in case no one is at front of the computer... since we have linked the computer to a wireless speaker the sound will act as an alarm... the same way it does with Zapp Reality Timer...
- hide and show event skin or meter?
- Yes, Hidden reminders until their time is up... then they will pop up on the screen the same way "My Quotes" pops up in the sample submitted... just text over clear background... something non intrusive to keep the desktop clean...
- flashing text for "end" events?
- Not exactly about the Flashing... basically the flashing will be a visual reminder some event has reached its time... I didn't have the time this morning to edit images to change the "Realty Check" for something like " Reminder"... The word " Reminder" flashing on the screen plus some text popping up plus some sound playing will not passed unnoticed... ( I hope that...)
- text based reminder data source?
- Yes... in "MyQuotes" skin, the quotes are text base that can be replaced for something else... In that skin the quotes change constantly every some seconds which indicates me it should be a timer there...
- around a dozen reminders max (existing or showing?) at any given time?
-Yes... matter of fact I was having lunch and thinking about an uncomplicated way to achieve how the reminders show up...
it occurred to me instead of having multiple little skins popping up, perhaps just one main window where events keep populating one below the previous one... I guess when an event has reached its time and then pops up on the screen, if that event is fulfilled... ( lets say after calling a customer with an estimate, if approved, the event is not longer needed so it can be erased... then the next event in time will take its place in the skin...
I hope this request in not that demanding...
Thanks again
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Re: Timer reminder

Post by Yincognito »

jadiazrod wrote: February 20th, 2022, 9:14 pm Thanks guys
I knew I would pick your brain with this "Project"
My excuses if I'm not proficient with terminology ( End Events...?) so I'll try to explain it the best I can...
Synthesizing :
- day and weekly timing only?
- Yes, having the option for daily or weekly timing
- possibility to postpone "end" events?
- No Postponing, when time is up for an event it will show up on screen... ( let say to call a customer to let him know repair is done...) in case this customer won't show up when promised, the event will remain the same but the timer will reset to start again for another "remainder call" 3 days later for instance...
- sound included for "end" events?
- Not exactly , Sound when time is up for an event... sound will be useful in case no one is at front of the computer... since we have linked the computer to a wireless speaker the sound will act as an alarm... the same way it does with Zapp Reality Timer...
- hide and show event skin or meter?
- Yes, Hidden reminders until their time is up... then they will pop up on the screen the same way "My Quotes" pops up in the sample submitted... just text over clear background... something non intrusive to keep the desktop clean...
- flashing text for "end" events?
- Not exactly about the Flashing... basically the flashing will be a visual reminder some event has reached its time... I didn't have the time this morning to edit images to change the "Realty Check" for something like " Reminder"... The word " Reminder" flashing on the screen plus some text popping up plus some sound playing will not passed unnoticed... ( I hope that...)
- text based reminder data source?
- Yes... in "MyQuotes" skin, the quotes are text base that can be replaced for something else... In that skin the quotes change constantly every some seconds which indicates me it should be a timer there...
- around a dozen reminders max (existing or showing?) at any given time?
-Yes... matter of fact I was having lunch and thinking about an uncomplicated way to achieve how the reminders show up...
it occurred to me instead of having multiple little skins popping up, perhaps just one main window where events keep populating one below the previous one... I guess when an event has reached its time and then pops up on the screen, if that event is fulfilled... ( lets say after calling a customer with an estimate, if approved, the event is not longer needed so it can be erased... then the next event in time will take its place in the skin...
I hope this request in not that demanding...
Thanks again
So basically, yes to postponing, sound included, yes to flashing, and of course, better to have it all in a single skin. :lol: The "end" event in my previous post is exactly what you meant by "when the time is up", and when you reset the timer you more or less postpone the "alarm" (or flashing, or sound, or "end" event, or "remainder call", or "time is up", whatever you want to call it, it's the same thing, just different words) to another time.

Yeah, it's an interesting project indeed. Not a "request" though, since the principle should be this on the forum. That being said, folks would probably be able to help. Personally, today and tomorrow I'm a bit busy with other stuff, but after that I'll take a look at this and see how to best build a sample that's feasible and hopefully simple enough to understand. I can't guarantee anything, since like everybody else we do this because we like it and it's fun, so whatever other ideas come up in the meantime would be just as valid too.
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Re: Timer reminder

Post by jadiazrod »

Hi Guys...
I understand that... my apologies if I gave the impression I wanted you to do a skin for me... that was not the idea...
I took your code suggestion and applied to the Zapp skin with some modifications and it does what its intended... so that is a step forward... I just need to get rid off unnecessary things to come up with a clean file...

Code: Select all

Author=Zapps McJack

Name=Reality Check
Description=*Made with the help of the kind lads over at the rainmeter help forum* A tool used for reality check reminders
Instructions=Every 30 minutes the reminder will begin to flash, click it to reset the timer. Want to change the amount of time? Change the value of MaxNumber (goes by seconds)


Formula=(cCounter<#MaxNumber#)? 1:0

Formula=Counter % 2

IfAboveAction=[!ShowMeter FlashingText][!ActivateConfig "MyQuotes" Quotes.ini"][!SetVariable Image s2][!Redraw][Play "#@#Sounds\entropy.wav"]
IfBelowAction=[!HideMeter FlashingText][!SetVariable Reset 1][!SetVariable Image s1][!Redraw][PlayStop]


FontFace=BD Negative
LeftMouseUpAction=[!SetVariable Reset [MeasureAboveValue]]

FontFace=BD Negative
OnUpdateAction=[!SetVariable ColorIndex (1-#ColorIndex#)]
LeftMouseUpAction=[!SetVariable Reset [MeasureAboveValue]]
Now... I'm already using a skin named W10Stab which has "To Do" section which I'd like to experiment with instead of "My Quotes "
The path is the following:
Do I use Backslashes (\) Bars (|) Quotes (")...???
Thanks again
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Reason: Please use code tags when posting code. It's the </> button.