Testing again with Cinebench with that other Processor.ini When its 127%, the Frequency from the skin does go full clocked as its supposed to beYincognito wrote: ↑February 19th, 2022, 1:19 pm Excellent - at least one thing went out the way it was supposed to do, LOL. I also prefer having usages no more than 100%, and I eventually have to use that new utility counter since it allows multiple physical processors, thread count above 64, and so on. By the way, have you noticed when you had that 127% usage, was the frequency also close to the max? Cause the way I want it to be is to have "normal" 0 to 100% usages, but let the user correlate the usage with the frequency, e.g. 100% at 3 GHz is going to mean less usage than 100% at 4 GHz and such. There is a % Processor Performance counter which I already use in the skin to get the right frequency, maybe I can use it to proportionally lower down the utility counter values so that they don't go past 100% and more or less match what the old "counter" (i.e. what you have in your current code) yields. In other wors, I'd like to use the new counter (and take advantage of its benefits) to get the old (what you deemed correct) usages - will see what can be done.
I like testing stuff :P - I know it usually leads to improving thingsThe other issue is baffling, really. It's the same freaking code, which on my computer gives the correct result and on yours not. About the only difference between our systems is that I have 2 GPU cards (one integrated, one discrete) and you only have 1 (the discrete one), so the issue is either related to the index of the card or the way the max part is written. Can you please post here (either via copy pasting it into a code - the </> button - box or attaching a screenshot) the output of the following from PowerShell:Here, I output to the console everything, at each step of the process, so hopefully that will help more in identifying exactly where this process fails on your system. You can try the alternate method as well, it creates a whole new powershell object instead of modifying the first one, though it should output the same 4 GB and not the 12 GB:Code: Select all
$items = Get-CimInstance -classname Win32_VideoController -filter "DeviceID like '%VideoController%'" | select Name,@{n='AdapterRAM';e={[string][math]::round($_.'AdapterRAM'/1GB,2)}},CurrentNumberOfColors,Availability,CurrentBitsPerPixel,CurrentRefreshRate,CurrentScanMode,VideoArchitecture,VideoMemoryType,CurrentHorizontalResolution,CurrentVerticalResolution | sort PNPDeviceID; $edits = Get-ItemProperty -path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4d36e968-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0*" -name * -erroraction SilentlyContinue | select @{n='HardwareInformation.qwMemorySize';e={[string][math]::round($_.'HardwareInformation.qwMemorySize'/1GB,2)}} | sort MatchingDeviceId; write-host 'Item Count =' $items.Count; for ($i=0; $i -lt $items.Count; $i++) {write-host 'Item Index =' $i; write-host 'Item [' $i '] =' $items[$i]; write-host 'Edit [' $i '] =' $edits[$i]; write-host 'Item [' $i '].AdapterRAM =' $items[$i].'AdapterRAM'; write-host 'Edit [' $i '].HardwareInformation.qwMemorySize =' $edits[$i].'HardwareInformation.qwMemorySize'; write-host 'Max ( Items [' $i '] , Edits [' $i '] ) =' [string][math]::max($items[$i].'AdapterRAM',$edits[$i].'HardwareInformation.qwMemorySize') '=' ([string][math]::max($items[$i].'AdapterRAM',$edits[$i].'HardwareInformation.qwMemorySize')); $items[$i].'AdapterRAM' = ([string][math]::max($items[$i].'AdapterRAM',$edits[$i].'HardwareInformation.qwMemorySize'))}; $items | format-list
By the way, thanks for your patience and willingness to follow these steps and identify / correct these issues. Unfortunately, a skin designer usually has only his computer to test things out, so if problems appear for another user, his environment is best suited to debug whatever the problem is.Code: Select all
$items0 = Get-CimInstance -classname Win32_VideoController -filter "DeviceID like '%VideoController%'" | select Name,@{n='AdapterRAM';e={[string][math]::round($_.'AdapterRAM'/1GB,2)}},CurrentNumberOfColors,Availability,CurrentBitsPerPixel,CurrentRefreshRate,CurrentScanMode,VideoArchitecture,VideoMemoryType,CurrentHorizontalResolution,CurrentVerticalResolution | sort PNPDeviceID; $items1 = Get-ItemProperty -path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4d36e968-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0*" -name * -erroraction SilentlyContinue | select @{n='HardwareInformation.qwMemorySize';e={[string][math]::round($_.'HardwareInformation.qwMemorySize'/1GB,2)}} | sort MatchingDeviceId; $items = @(); for ($i=0; $i -lt $items0.Count; $i++) {$items += New-Object PSObject -Property @{'Name' = $items0[$i].'Name'; 'AdapterRAM' = [string][math]::max($items0[$i].'AdapterRAM',$items1[$i].'HardwareInformation.qwMemorySize'); 'CurrentNumberOfColors' = $items0[$i].'CurrentNumberOfColors'; 'Availability' = $items0[$i].'Availability'; 'CurrentBitsPerPixel' = $items0[$i].'CurrentBitsPerPixel'; 'CurrentRefreshRate' = $items0[$i].'CurrentRefreshRate'; 'CurrentScanMode' = $items0[$i].'CurrentScanMode'; 'VideoArchitecture' = $items0[$i].'VideoArchitecture'; 'VideoMemoryType' = $items0[$i].'VideoMemoryType'; 'CurrentHorizontalResolution' = $items0[$i].'CurrentHorizontalResolution'; 'CurrentVerticalResolution' = $items0[$i].'CurrentVerticalResolution'}}; $items | format-list
Okay screenshots:
Note the 2nd one is not giving anything after using the command, reason I tried it 2 times