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Gadgets Additions 4.5.1 - extend your Gadgets suite

A package of skins with a "theme" or by a single author
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Gadgets Additions 4.5.1 - extend your Gadgets suite

Post by dudebaker »

Gadgets Additions
Additional gadgets inspired by the well-known Windows Sidebar gadgets and Orbmu2k's gadgets.

This suite was created as addition to SilverAzide's suite to complete the move of our beloved collection from Windows Sidebar-Gadgets to Rainmeter.
Since many things like power control or volume control were never covered by Addgadgets, Orbmu2k's gadgets were a great addition at the time, so some gadgets were also redone for the suite.

Over time, many more gadgets have been added to the suite which none of both awesome collections ever had.



You can choose between several different styles through the launcher skin to set it globally and customize some of the used colors:
  • Default: Typical gradient styled background we know and love
  • Blurred Edges: Colored Background (changeable) with blurred edges
  • Solid Color: Colored Background (changeable)
  • Solid Accent: Colored background, uses the defined windows accent color
  • Modern Gadgets: Matches mostly the Modern Gadgets style by raiguard
  • Glass Blur: Windows 7 styled blurred background (Aero)
  • Glass Acrylic: Windows 10 styled blurred background
Both glass variations require Win8/10

Each skin has a settings skin and can be scaled individually for any resolution.
Detailed descriptions for each setting can be found via tooltips, easily accessible by hovering the setting text with your cursor.

Media skins
Media Control
  • All in one Media Control with 3 different skins changeable via the context menu
  • Simple Media Control:
    • Uses media-key-strokes to control the current local media player (works out of the box with more or less all local players)
  • Local Media Control:
    • Shows metadata from a local media player and the cover-image if available, hover the skin to reveal the controls
    • The used player has to be set in the settings skin! (AIMP, CAD, iTunes, MediaMonkey, Spotify, Winamp, WMP, WLM)
    • Not all features work with all players (more: Rainmeter Documentation)
  • Web Media Control:
    • Shows metadata from a web media player and the cover-image if available, hover the skin to reveal the controls
    • A browser extension has to be installed! Chrome Firefox
    • Supported sites: Amazon Music, Deezer, Google Play Music, Pandora, Plex (Music), PocketCasts, Soundcloud, Spotify, Tidal, Twitch, Youtube
    • Additionally the skin supports the Spotify Desktop App (including the cover what does not work with the Local Media Control), but sadly this doesn't work out of the box...
      • Patch your Spotify Desktop installation with Spicetify.
      • This has to be redone each time the Spotify app gets an update.
  • Shows Title progression in percent, time and background-bar
  • The cover image can be undocked to an independent skin with a click on the icon located top left or with the context menu
  • Volume control via mouse wheel
Volume Control
  • Shows the audio output of the default audio device
  • The audio device name can be shown/hidden with the context menu
  • Shows the Volume level in percent, volume bar and speaker-icon-change
  • The volume can be controlled via dragging or double-clicking the volume-bar or using the mouse wheel
  • Sound analyzers/visualizers are available in the context menu:
    • Block Analyzer in multiple sizes (3x3, 5x5, 7x7, 9x9, 11x11, 15x15, 25x25)
    • Histogram Analyzer with stereo support
    • Spectrum Analyzer with 20 bars
    • Surround Analyzer with 7.1 channel support
  • Many settings for fine-tuning the analyzers

System skins
  • Run console commands
  • Shows a random image out of a local folder
HWiNFO Monitor
  • Shows up to 20 HWiNFO sensors (HWiNFO required!)
  • HowTo configure your sensors: Rainmeter Documentation
  • The displayed name can be customized for each sensor individually or leave the name-variable blank to use the sensor-name returned by HWiNFO
  • All colors can be customized
  • Hover the sensor to show the minimum, maximum and average values
  • Shows the lock status of Numlock, Capslock and Scrollock
  • Lists all of my skins with their states (active/inactive)
  • Easy way to open/close each skin
  • Enable/Disable custom context menu suite wide
  • Select the style suite wide
  • Change the used colors via RGBA values or ColorPicker
  • If there's a skin-suite update available a message will appear
  • Shows up to 5 notes with titles
  • Shows a ping monitor for up to 5 destinations which works with any address/IP
  • Downtime counter, average measuring and max latency values
  • Logs timeouts to file (double-click the graph to open the file)
  • Additional skin accessible via the context menu for Ping with DNSlookup (but doesn't work with local stuff)
    • Uses the API from (~100 requests per day)
    • Tries to parse the A-Record from the DNSlookup and uses this IP as destination
    • Hover the address to see the pinged IP
Power Control
  • Shows the current power plan
Recycle Bin
  • Shows the recycle bin in elements, size and trash-icon-change
  • Shows a windows search bar
  • As default the search is globally but can be changed to only indexed files
  • Shows up to 6 shortcuts for files
  • You can use any file and combine it with any icon
  • The Settings skin contains [Gen.]-Buttons with which you'll automatically create and use the icon out of the entered filepath\filename (ex.: C:\Windows\explorer.exe)
Shutdown Control
  • Shows a shutdown control for
    • Shutdown
    • Restart
    • Lock
    • Log off
    • Suspend (sleep)
  • A click on each button resizes the skin and shows the options
    • Do it now
    • Do it in x seconds
    • Cancel
System Info
  • Shows information about the computer, logged-in user and OS:
    • Computer name
    • Domain-name/Workgroup-name and username
    • OS version, architecture (32/64bit) and build number
Usage Monitor
  • Shows the current system-resource usage by the following categories (perfmon.exe counters):
    • CPU
    • RAM
    • GPU (works only with Win 10!)
    • VRAM (works only with Win 10!)
    • IO-READ
    • IO-WRITE
    • Custom
  • The GPU/VRAM entries can be hidden via the context menu, useful for Win7/8 users
  • Each category can be clicked to open another skin which shows the top processes (up to 10)
  • Features:
    • Blacklist (ignore these processes)
    • Whitelist (monitor only these processes)
    • Enable/Disable grouping of process-instances
    • Process entries to show individually for each category (1-10)
    • Enable/Disable colorizing the entries through all opened instances based on the process-name
    • Enable/Disable custom perfmon.exe counter
    • Settings for custom perfmon.exe counter (Name, Category, Counter, Percent, Append)

Web skins
  • Shows up to 5 earthquakes fetched from EMSC-CSEM
  • As default there will be shown all earthquakes world-wide but this can be changed to a regional feed too!
  • Use their configurator and copy the resulting Feed URL into the settings skin: Configurator
  • IMPORTANT: use json as format in the configurator!
  • Each earthquake entry:
    • Distance calculation to a given position
    • Show specific magnitude and distance values in red color
    • Globe-Button to open another skin which shows an image of this earthquake which is zoom-able in/out 3 stages (globe, regional, local)
    • Maps-Button to open a browser with google maps on this position
  • Europe/World-Buttons to open skins which shows all earthquakes in the last 24h Europe/World-wide (images use as source)
  • Miles/Kilometers can be set
Gallery Unsplash
ImageImage RSS Reader
  • Shows up to 10 entries of a RSS-feed (Default: BBC)
RSS Reader Alternative
  • Shows up to 10 entries of a RSS-feed (Default: reddit)
  • Mainly created for reddit but can be used for other atom or uncommon feeds
  • Difference to RSS Reader:
    • The date format on each feed-entry has to be "yyyy-mm-ddTh:i:s" instead of the long datetime
    • The link has to be in a href instead of inside the tags
Search Web
  • Shows a web search bar
  • As default the search is set to use google but can be changed to any other search engine

Market skins
  • Shows up to 10 cryptocurrencies fetched from (~200 request per minute allowed)
  • Use the coin-name out of the the URL from
  • Only USD as target is possible!
  • Shows icons for From-/To-Currency
  • Color-change on rise/fall
  • Shows up to 10 currencies fetched from CNBC
  • Use the symbol string out of the given URL from CNBC
  • Shows icons for From-/To-Currency (uses the same batch of icon like the Cryptocurrencies skin)
  • Color-change on rise/fall
  • Shows up to 10 stocks fetched from CNBC
  • Use the symbol string out of the given URL from CNBC
  • Color-change on rise/fall
  • Shown names can be overridden in the skin variables file

BOINC skins
  • Shows data fetched from BOINCstats for a given CPID
    • Switch between User/Team/Host CPIDs
    • Show/hide stats including shares with the context menu
  • Additional skins for the selected type (User/Team/Host):
    • Show up to 10 projects (use project name from "Project list" table out of your profile site in the settings skin)
    • Show the best ten days
    • Show the last ten days
    • Show the BOINC badges fetched from

  • Rainmeter 4.5.18 or later
  • .NET Framework 4.5 or later
  • HWiNFO Meter requires HWiNFO 7.02 or later

Version History

v4.5.1 (April 14, 2024):
  • General:
    • [TWEAK] Changed the design to use the same rounded corners like the Gadgets suite since v7.3.0
    • [TWEAK] Changed image in installer
  • Launcher:
    • [TWEAK] Changed url for update-checker to github
  • Web Media Control:
    • [FIX] The player-icon was not shown on the undocked skin and cover for YouTube

v4.5.0 (April 13, 2024):
  • General:
    • [TWEAK] Updated SysColor plugin to v2.0.0
  • Cryptocurrencies:
    • [REMOVED] Cryptonator alternative skin
    • [REMOVED] CoinGecko skin
    • [NEW] skin
    • [TWEAK] Updated icons
  • Earthquakes:
    • [FIX] Converted to new API
    • [FIX] Use for images
  • Gallery Instagram:
    • [REMOVED] not possible without free API - no alternative
  • GridcoinStats:
    • [REMOVED] not using it anymore
  • System Info:
    • [NEW] Added OS Version
  • Web Media Control:
    • [TWEAK] Added new icons
    • [TWEAK] Updated WebNowPlaying plugin to v2.0.7

v4.4.0 (January 27, 2022):

Honorable mentions

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

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Last edited by dudebaker on April 14th, 2024, 12:40 pm, edited 181 times in total.
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Re: styled Additionals

Post by SilverAzide »

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Re: styled Additionals v1.1

Post by dudebaker »

Updated OP with v1.1
[NEW] BOINCstats Tracker
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Re: styled Additionals v1.1.1

Post by dudebaker »

Updated OP with v1.1.1
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Re: styled Additionals v1.2

Post by dudebaker »

Updated OP with v1.2
[NEW] BOINCstats/GridcoinStats Projects views
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Re: styled Additionals v1.2

Post by dudebaker »

Updated OP with v1.3
[NEW] BOINCstats Best/Last 10 days views
Last edited by dudebaker on March 31st, 2018, 2:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: styled Additionals v1.4

Post by dudebaker »

Updated OP with v1.4
[NEW] Currency Tracker
[NEW] Stock Tracker
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Re: styled Additionals v1.5

Post by dudebaker »

Updated OP with v1.5
[NEW] Notes
[NEW] Shortcuts
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Re: Gadgets Additions v2.0

Post by dudebaker »

Big Thank You to the Rainmeter Developer Team for the UsageMonitor-Plugin!

Actually the v2.0 update should come only with the scaling feature.
But since this killed my complete way of positioning (and I was anyway annoyed of all those useless position calculation and seeing always the same code) I've started something bigger and I think I went quietly over the goal :D .

I've build more or less a small "Template-System" (Up to 6 includes) with which a new AddGadgets styled skin can be created in "seconds".
But till I got there, this was some headache... :uhuh:

More or less each time I've killed the template-system and I didn't got it running in hours I've created a new skin.
That's the reason for Media Control / Recycle Bin / Volume Control :rofl:.

This week I wanted to finish the skin and release it... but no, there has to come this new plugin :???:.
And so another round till I'm mostly ready and see that SilverAzide releases his new skin and has the same features as mine... :?
And so another round... :jawdrop, but now can I deliver my own interpretation of the usage monitor :great:.

Feedback welcome!

Some when in the meantime I've renamed the skin cause I was annoyed of his name-length... :lol:
v2.1 will have the click sections for the scale-issue in rainmeter... but not now, I'm near dead and have to do one step back from rainmeter 8-).
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Re: Gadgets Additions v2.0

Post by SilverAzide »

Big thumbs up! :thumbup:

I just wanted to mention, there is a minor bug in UsageMonitor that is affecting your GPU Usage Monitor skin. In your screenshot, you can see the percentages are all zero (0.00%). Percent=1 does not appear to be working properly; it causes the measures to return zero. I found that you can change to...

Code: Select all

MaxValue=100.0 work around this issue until it is fixed. Or just wait for the next beta.

Anyway, keep up the good work! :)
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