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Warning from the Rainmeter Team

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Re: Warning from the Rainmeter Team

Post by karmat »

jsmorley wrote:I will put some thoughts together in the next day or so. I think I might know that guy from Netherworld BBS. I was the sysop of the Interconnect BBS (and the president of the Capitol Area Sysops Association) at the time he was running Netherworld.

Hey Jeff, did you get anywhere with him? I'm just about to post a comment at dA that Fiona and Heidi will see and thought I'd check first to see you if you've made any progress.
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Re: Warning from the Rainmeter Team

Post by jsmorley »

karmat wrote: Hey Jeff, did you get anywhere with him? I'm just about to post a comment at dA that Fiona and Heidi will see and thought I'd check first to see you if you've made any progress.
I did not. I have been away and haven't had a chance to ping him. Sorry.
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Re: Warning from the Rainmeter Team

Post by karmat »

I have been reporting and reporting and reporting but dA is just not removing them. I sent the following message to Fiona with a copy to OtisBee...

Fiona, there are still 17 skins in the Rainmeter Gallery that are infected with malware. The oldest one has been there since April 17, a month ago. Last time I counted, 16 of these skins had generated almost 4,000 downloads. I have reported all of them, some in the old way, all of them in the new way. Obviously, there is still a problem with malware reporting.

Could I get an update on when these will be removed and if dA is going to implement an antivirus check at upload? Would really be appreciated.

See below for a list of the infected skins...
Enigma - Reported
Rip - Enigma by devartuser99
Original - Enigma by Kaelri§ion=&q=Enigma#/d1ptasn
VirusTotal Report -

Alphabar - Reported
Rip - Alphabar 2.0 by alif4
Original - Alphabar 1.0 by redblackproduction§ion=&q=Alphabar#/d28rgp6
VirusTotal Report -

Rainmeter Panel - Reported
Rip - Rainmeter Panel Latest V by alifa4
Original - Rainmeter Panel by crish29
VirusTotal Report -

Ironman - Reported
Rip - IronMan Desktop V2.0 by alif4
Original - IronMan-Jarvis Theme Desktop by Scrollsofaryavart
VirusTotal Report -

Ventuz - Reported
Rip - Ventuz 2 by alif4
Original - Ventuz by ld-jing§ion=&q=Ventuz#/d2usi8s
VirusTotal Report -

Razor - Reported
Rip - Razor 2 by kool626106
Original - Razor by minhtrimatrix
VirusTotal Report -

MoonGlow - Reported
Rip - MoonGlow 2 by danielh2k11
Original - MoonGlow by minhtrimatrix
VirusTotal Report -

Speed - Reported
Rip - Speed 2 by kool626106
Original - Speed by minhtrimatrix§ion=&q=speed#/d2qbg7x
VirusTotal Report -

Tabmeter - Reported
Rip - Tabmeter3 by alif4
Original - Tabmeter2 by toastbrotpascal
In the ZIP folder, there is a Tabmeter2.rmskin file but there is so a file called Pass Unzip.exe which is malware

Lady Gaga - Reported
Rip - Lady Gaga tribute V.0.3 by alif4
Original - Lady Gaga Tribute by AlekAldinger
VirusTotal report -
In the ZIP file, along with the .rmskin, there is a file called Pass Unrar.exe which is malware

Uixx - Reported
Rip - Uixx Pack Updated by alif4
Original - Uixx pack by albinozz§ion=&q=uIXX#/d29xw1v
VirusTotal report -
In the ZIP file, along with the .rmskin, there is a file called Pass.Unrar.exe which is malware

Digit - Reported
Rip - Digit V2 by ~ZGP93
Original - Digit by ~helkin86§ion=&global=1&q=Rainmeter+digit#/d377w81
VirusTotal report -
Inside the false skin is an "Instructions" statement, this is a link to a site that will attempt to virus your system directly

Tabmeter - Reported
Rip - Tabmeter3 by ~kool626106
Original - Tabmeter2 by ~toastbrotpascal§ion=&global=1&q=Tabmeter2#/d2r151v
In the zip file is a .rmskin.exe fil which is malware, RM skins end with .rmskin, NOT .exe

Reloj - Reported
Rip - Reloj by cspanick
Original - Reloj by kiko11
In the zip file is a .rmskin.exe fil which is malware, RM skins end with .rmskin, NOT .exe

Figures - Reported
Rip - $NEW$ Rainmeter Figures $HOT$ by ResylanA
Original - Figures for Rainmeter by BinaryCon
Malware is in the .EXE file

Cosmos Time - Reported
Rip - Cosmos Time v3.0 by arun9020
Original - Aero grid for Rainmeter by RigasPapas§ion=&q=Aero+grid#/d3b9mti
VirusTotal report

Blue Vision - Reported
Rip - Blue Vision HD Final by GrieveLogs
Original - BlueVision VO.2 Alpha by g3xter
VirusTotal report
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Re: Warning from the Rainmeter Team

Post by jsmorley »

I was sorry to see that Enigma copy pop up there yesterday. I was hoping the guy had gotten bored and moved on....

It is my hope that this is one guy with some stick up his behind and the problem more or less goes away when he is done having fun. It's why I have been keeping kind of quiet, just hoping that not feeding his ego will help some. I don't think we are ever going to be happy with the response from DA. They are a huge site that has outgrown their ability to manage it properly with only paid staff, and unless they change their minds about some kind of area-specific moderation (and I doubt it) I think we are going to have to live in a world where most of the time things go along just fine, but once in a while we get one of these situations, and all we can do is try to beat it into people's heads that if comments are disabled, you don't download the skin.
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Re: Warning from the Rainmeter Team

Post by karmat »

Just saw this skin...
Avatar RM Theme by phong1970
VirusTotal doesn't pickup anything. The zip file just has one file - AvatarSkininstaller.exe - I scanned it with Avast and Malwarebytes and it comes up clean.
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Re: Warning from the Rainmeter Team

Post by poiru »

karmat wrote:Just saw this skin...
Avatar RM Theme by phong1970
VirusTotal doesn't pickup anything. The zip file just has one file - AvatarSkininstaller.exe - I scanned it with Avast and Malwarebytes and it comes up clean.
The AvatarSkininstaller.exe executable contains:
- AcrobatUpdater.exe
- A .zip (seems to be a valid .rmskin)

AcrobatUpdater.exe seems suspicious..
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Re: Warning from the Rainmeter Team

Post by karmat »

I just did Malware Report #4

Fiona responded in the comments saying that they are currently testing anti-virus on submission and have been using this gallery in particular for testing.

I commented back, I hope I didn't overstep my boundaries here, what do you think?
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Re: Warning from the Rainmeter Team

Post by jsmorley »

I responded in that thread. I think your post is fine.
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Re: Warning from the Rainmeter Team

Post by karmat »

I responded again as well.

Also, I've received about 20 automated replies - all but 4 that I've reported have now been removed and most of the usernames have been banned - finally!

Three of the four that are left don't show any virii when checked by VirusTotal, but they all have an installer.exe file in the zip. The automated replies I received for these ones say that my report is invalid and that... A member of the staff has preformed an independent virus scan on the download associated with this deviation and has not detected any viral component.

How do I explain that to Fiona so that they can understand and delete them?

The ones in question are:
- Enigma - but it was just reported today
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Re: Warning from the Rainmeter Team

Post by jsmorley »

karmat wrote:I responded again as well.

Also, I've received about 20 automated replies - all but 4 that I've reported have now been removed and most of the usernames have been banned - finally!

Three of the four that are left don't show any virii when checked by VirusTotal, but they all have an installer.exe file in the zip. The automated replies I received for these ones say that my report is invalid and that... A member of the staff has preformed an independent virus scan on the download associated with this deviation and has not detected any viral component.

How do I explain that to Fiona so that they can understand and delete them?

The ones in question are:
- Enigma - but it was just reported today
I responded to this issue about the replies I received as well that there were no viruses found in several of them. VirusTotal does find a virus in the Enigma 1.3 .exe, but only 3 or 4 of the engines do. It is either a new variant that the engines have not cataloged yet, or this guy is submitting these bogus skins with nothing but a .exe but no virus, just to cloud the waters.

We really need some kind of local moderation over there. Yes, a lot of them were deleted today, but it is only because Fiona jumped in personally again. She is right that we should not expect to be "fast tracked" like that, and as of tomorrow it will go right back to just how it was. She only gets mostly on top of this when we beat her up, and then goes back to the broken system that doesn't work at all. That isn't fair to anyone. Not us, not her, not her team, and not the rest of deviantART.